Flash Marriage

Chapter 311: Go to the Ten Thousand Years

(This chapter is 3,000 words, a thousand more than the previous 2,000 words, so the charge will be higher. Because suddenly there was no internet, I asked my friends to help me pass it on, and this is what happened. Let me explain.

Apart from going to see Menglan, and then asking Mu Fu the status quo hasn't changed much, and fortunately after not being affected by the earthquake, Mengdi Xian became more relaxed.

However, Wan suddenly gave Meng Dish Fairy a post. Meng Dish Fairy pinched the hot gold post for half a day and looked at the familiar place and couldn't help but laugh. It was a different courtyard. In previous life, she and Wan were in love.

At that time, Chen Haoxiang took her out for a stroll, passing through this other courtyard. At that time, both were a little tired. Chen Haoxiang said that this was a different courtyard in their left palace, so she took her in for a rest.

She didn't think much, so she went in.

Chen Haoxiang arranged for her to take a nap in a room. She had just unwrapped her clothes and saw Wan Jin come in. Both eyes widened.

She panicked and put on her clothes, but she was obsessed and looked like a charming son. She said, "Disk fairy, you are so beautiful, my heart can't stop beating when I see you. Today I see you undressing, I will be a scoundrel once. Either marry me as a side wife, or I will go out and let others know that you can't marry anyone else. ”

At that time, she was young and ignorant. She was blushed and confessed. She was blushed and shy, but her heart was completely unable to resist the attack. She promised him with humility.


“Miss, do you have an appointment?” The jade bowl whispered.

Meng Dixian smiled coldly and threw the post aside casually. "The Prince's appointment must be something, go or go. ”

The face of the jade bowl revealed a strange look. Wan Zhuang was obviously pursuing the young lady, but looking at the young lady didn't mean anything to the young Prince, but why did the young lady behave in a blurred manner in front of the young Prince, seemed to be moved, and didn't seem to be moved.

Like this invitation, Ming Ming's face is disgusting, but she still has to go to the appointment.

Gu Juxi was not accompanied, but brought Li Zanzheng with Tiger Hill, as well as various masters, to ensure that nothing was lost.

At the door of the other courtyard, as soon as Mengdi Xian arrived there, he saw Wan Zheng staring at the door and greeting him personally.

“It's wonderful that the Mon County Lord has arrived as promised. ”

Yes, it's great. I finally sent it to the door myself. This is the one time.

Meng Dixian thought cold in his heart, smiling face, “Let Wanzi wait, I don't know what happened to Wanzi? So cautious to be here with the Plate Fairy. ”

“Inside the county master, please, let's walk and talk. ”

He stretched out his hand and made a pair of requests, and said, "Now the Protector Master has the majority of his strength, called the Resistance to the Enemy, to defend the country, but he is not moving, he is simply expanding his power.

The atmosphere is very arrogant, the crowd members do not dare to speak up. In the past, there will probably be trouble, and the prince will therefore be valued by the emperor and ask to marry you. The prince will most likely repeat the matter. This time, the emperor will not necessarily refuse, because the situation forces him to do so, and then the emperor will also say yes. ”

Meng Dixian listened to the little face of the white, then said a little scared, “What should I do? ”

Wan Zheng saw Mengdi Xian's appearance, a little satisfied, but he still looks like he is thinking for Mengdi Xian. “The only force not moving now and not caught in the hands of the Patron is your father Meng Yanqing's near-Kying army, and Gu Juxi's southwestern military power. If you can persuade them to hand over the force to me, I am not afraid to fight with the Patron. When the Patron is elbowed, the Emperor does not have to be held by the Patron's nose to go away, you do not have to unwillingly promise the Prince to marry. ”

Want her father and Gu Juxi's rights?

Meng Dixian snorted in his heart and looked surprised, "Father's right to fight and Sir's right to fight. This is a big deal, men's thing, Dixian can't talk, right? And they won't listen to me. ”

Military power is the basis of a man's standing. It is also the only basis for his father's position. It is an important right in the hands of Jersey. In this way, with her tongue, she wants to use her mouth, and then take possession of it for herself. What good is the idea of Wan Xi to make her say?

Should I say he's too smart, or he's too paranoid?

Nevertheless, the result of her covert manipulation was that she dared to ask her out and make such a suggestion.

First, she ordered the news to be deliberately spread in the ears, saying that his father was very wandering about the military power of Jinjing. Faced with the patron prince, his father did not know how to do it, did not want to depend on the patron prince, but did not want to work against the patron prince.

As for Gu Juxi, it is the southwestern military power is also viewed by the guardian tiger, find a way to swallow it as his own, because the prince asked to marry, Gu Juxi has quite a few words for the emperor, and has a great reluctance to act.

Then she took the opportunity to blow a hairdryer, making Wan feel that now was the best time to get these two military powers.

So, with this offer, of course, it was Lan Xin who leaked the news.

Mengdi Xian did not ignore Lan Xin's private connection with Wan Xin. Sometimes this relationship seems detrimental to herself, but it is also an important shortcut to achieving her purpose.

Wan Huanzhu persuaded, "Your life is important, but the top priority, whether it's Sir Gu or your father, doesn't want you to marry the prince of the lair? Especially you, you should know that you are the county master. If you marry a prince, once the Patron is in the army and weighs himself down, the Emperor can't do anything for a while, but if you slow down and take down the Patron, then you and the Prince will both become lower class prisoners, and your father will not be fine. Gu Zhuoxi will definitely not watch you marry the Prince. It is necessary to fight with the Prince that you die, and Gu Zhuoxi will not be able to leave the whole body.

This isn't what you want to see, is it? And the Emperor doesn't want another Patron now, so he won't be handing over power to anyone, except me, because I'm the son of Jing and the princess, Jing and the princess and the Emperor's sister-in-law, should the county master know? The Emperor is the only one who trusts.

So when I get the military power, the Emperor will rest assured that I will lead the troops against the Witch Creek Nation, even against the guardian prince, and even weaken the guardian prince's military power, so that the guardian prince and the prince faction will not be arrogant, and you will not have to marry the prince. ”

Much has been said. In short, around one sentence, the result of the marriage of Meng Dish Immortal to the Prince will be very tragic. If you do not marry the Prince, there is only one possible way to hand over military power to him.

Meng Dixian's face was wrinkled. He listened carefully to Wan Xian's words. It was difficult to say, “Wan Zixian understood what he said, but such a big thing as military power is not something that his father said he could let go, right? Besides, my father gave up his right to fight. I thought he couldn't protect his position. ”

Hurry up, “No, County Master, you worry too much, I mean give me the power to represent you temporarily, the commander's sovereignty is still with your father, I'm just the deputy commander, Gu Juxi is also there, so I will be the deputy commander of both armies, your father and Gu Juxi don't have to show up, and don't have to hand over their own handsome stamp, just let me command, so that you just need to clarify the emperor, not even consult with Hundred officials.

This will give the Patron the strength to kill him in time. ”

Meng Disk Immortal laughed in her heart, she was just a leak of Lan Xin. If Wan Zheng was able to hold the post of commander-in-chief for the time being, Meng Yanqing would be a good place to talk. His Majesty would surely pass through there easily. Therefore, the Emperor would treat Wan Zheng differently. When Wan Zheng's army stood up for war, Wan Zheng could replace Meng Yanqing and take Jinjing's army.

After all, Gu Juxi's military power is a real battle merit, and the Emperor is also very fond of Gu Juxi.

Meng Yanqing only took the military power of Jinjing by virtue of the rank of Minister of Military Affairs. There was no war work, and there was never a real war lead. Therefore, Wan Yanqing would replace Meng Yanqing by various clocks if he made war work and relied on Wanqing's status.

Meng Yanqing's military power is gone, didn't he lose his official position? By then, once Meng Mansion has fallen, Meng Dish Xian is also worthless, Gu Zhuoxi may not value her so much.

And Wan Wan Wan wants to marry Meng Dish Immortal, it can be as easy as a backhand.

Meng Dixian suppressed the mockery in her heart. Lan Xin really didn't look down on her. Such a woman hopes that she will not cause any trouble to Gu Juxi in the future.

Converged the mind, Meng Dixian pushed a little half and said, “Wanzi has a plan, the dish fairy can't thank you enough, I don't know if I can, but I can talk to my father, try to persuade one or two, and the son can also talk to my father about this in person in his next post. ”

“Well, yes, then the County Principal said," Send me a message when you're done, and then I'll visit Lord Meng. "” Add a delightful colour to your face.

It is impossible for the military power to move now. If this transition and resolution is smooth, it will not only solve the emperor's worries, but it will also allow him to truly enter the heart of the power of the Chapel. By then, Mengdi Xian will not be able to escape his palms.

Meng Dixian nodded, “Let's do this first. I'll go back to my father now. The prince will wait for my news. The father will make sense. Then we'll talk about Gu Juxi's place. How about this? ”

Things have to be handled step by step, or else she can't steal chicken and eat rice.

And he said, "So good. The county chief is assured that if the county chief made this happen, I would never let you marry the prince again. ”

I won't let you marry the prince, but let you marry me and then torture you and make you crawl beneath my feet.

A vicious sentence in my heart.

Meng Dixian smiled slightly, “Thank the Prince first, but maybe something will want to help Wanzi in the future, hopefully he won't get away with it. ”

Wan Jianxian nodded seriously, indicating that if anything happened to Mengdi Xian, he would definitely help.

Mengdi Xian smiled slightly, no more words, and turned back to Mengfu.

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