Flash Marriage

Chapter 320: Still Coming

The people around Lan Xin were all with her. Her eyes dimly retracted. She looked at those around her who were fighting with Lan Xin. It was obvious that she was playing with Lan Xin on the one hand and because of Gu Juxi on the other.

In the conversation room, she was somewhat dissatisfied with Lan Xin's lonely news, but she was very inclusive and understanding. She also clearly saw from Lan Xin's face that Lan Xin was very clear about the attitude and psyche of the people around her, but she didn't care and enjoyed all of this.

At the moment when Lan Xin looked at her, she was sure that Lan Xin would have waited there a long time ago, watched her and waited for her to see her.

Meng Butterfly Immortal didn't wait too long. Soon the scenery and the princess arranged her seat, she made it out of the front door. Meng Dish Immortal boarded a carriage, and the Jade Bowl of Yulin served beside him. Li Zanzheng and Tiger Hill escorted each other, looking like they were waiting for each other.

The carriage safely drove out of the government of Linguo, driving uncomfortably and slowly on the streets. Although it was late at night, there were still some small, trafficked goods that people would put on the sides of the streets.

But tonight, this street is all cold and clear, not a single person can be seen, not to mention no hawkers, a cool night breeze, filled with cold fragrances that don't know where they're coming from, and diffuse in the air.

The Monkey Monk Immortal sat in the carriage and the spirit was in a momentary trance.

It's not the first time she's been to a banquet like this since she was reborn to Mengfu, but every time she goes to a banquet, she doesn't go in the usual mood.

Every time it seemed to have a purpose in mind, and every time it seemed to have a moment of needle sharp opposition.

She looked at those who, between cup preparation and staggering, simply smiled beautifully, had envy in their hearts, but envy was accompanied by a little sympathy.

How long does a simple smile last?

The simpler it is, the more thoroughly it is destroyed at the time of the crisis, at the time of the plot.

Just like she was in her past life, just like Lan Xin is now.

She laughed purely and innocently, and laughed simply.

She knew that the purpose of Lan Xin and Wan Xin were together was only to protect Gu Juxi.

However, she was incapable of guardianship, simply wanting to take possession of it, and only hurting herself.

Just when the Monkey Monk Fairy was in such a trance, Li Zanzhen was outside the carriage, knocking gently on the door.

Speaking quietly, “Miss Lan Xin wants to ask the county master to get off the carriage. ”

Yu bowl lifted the curtain, through the window, Mondi Xian saw, outside the carriage, Yongning Hou Fu carriage, parked not far from her.

At this moment, Lan Xin stood on the carriage and smiled at her. The smile looked simple and beautiful.

She's still here.

Meng Dixian sighed, silently measured her for a while, only to see Lan Xin get off the carriage and walk to her carriage. There was no one with her. All the maids were left by him at the carriage.

Lan Xin revealed her signature simple smile, standing in front of Meng Butterfly Fairy, talking to her through the window of the carriage.

“County master, may I have a word with you alone? ”

Meng Dixian laughed, Lan Xin, this is nothing to go to Sanbao Palace, set out to block her here, agree or not all the same, Lan Xin will insist on interviewing her.

A slight nod nodded, Mengdi Xian came down from the carriage and walked with Lanxin to a hidden place on the side of the road. At this moment, the sky slightly raised a little rain silk, which fell gently on the hair of both of them, with a hint of cool.

Lan Xin took a beautiful box out of her sleeve and handed it to Mon Di Xian.

Meng Dixian reached out to take it. After lifting the lid, he saw what was inside the box. He looked surprised and surprised.

Inside this box, there is a token, this token, the white jade set, the middle position is set with a golden cast symbol dragon pattern, under the moonlight, in a cold and unseen light, but beautiful.

Dragon, but the symbol of Heaven, how can Lan Xin have such a token?

Meng Dixian pointed stunned at this token and looked at Lan Xin.

“This is the white jade token that symbolizes the right to give in the government of Linguo.” Lan Xin explained aside, "This token belongs to the quiet and princess, symbolizing the power of the Linguo government's inner house. The person holding this token is the next generation of the Linguo government as the head mother.

Jing and the princess are very happy with the county owner, and Wanzi county owner is also in love. As long as Mon county owner accepts this token, Mon county owner is the future unique mother of the government of Lin. ”

Such a token is not enough to be cast in gold, and a dragon pattern is embedded in a white jade. Who dares to take a token with a dragon pattern?

No one dares to take it except for the special mission and identity. If you take it, you are looking for death.

Monsieur Monsieur smiled silently, and it seemed that Lan Xin's involvement was deeper than she had imagined. Perhaps Lan Xin was not as simple as she looked.

“This white jade token, in addition to being the symbol of the Princess of Linguo, is also the extraction voucher for all the assets of Jing and the Princess. It is one thing to be the Princess of the Ten Thousand Princes, but whether or not to get this white jade token is another thing, even if you are the Princess's location does not mean that you can get this token.

Jing and the princess have been loved and rewarded by the Emperor for decades, countless, only the assets in the name of Jing and the princess have become enemies, and the future of the Ten Thousand Princes is unlimited, possession of this token, future county owners will be the most noble first of all Nanda, outside the royal family, under the Queen, women. ”

Lan Xin was on his side, explaining once again that Mengdi Xian was just looking at her quietly, seemed to have thought, seemed to have some doubts.

Watching Mengdi Xian was not very excited and excited, and worried heavily, Lan Xin bit his teeth and went on to say, “The white jade token of Jing and the princess was added by the previous emperor, who had buried half of the treasury secretly. This token is to open the voucher and key of this tremendous wealth.

The Emperor gave it to the King and the Princess in preparation for the Emperor's unification of the previous dynasty, taking power and overthrowing the Queen's needs.

But Jing and the princess, on their own, without using the precondition of this secret treasury, assisted the emperor to steadily ascend to the throne and firmly anchored Jiangshan.

So this half of the treasury, the emperor acquiesces to the princess alone.

Mon County owners can imagine, when the Princess of Wan Wan can master the Linguo government and this tremendous wealth at the same time, when Mon County owners will not only be the most noble women, but also the richest women.

After listening to Lan Xinyang shampoo, full of goods, Mondi smiled faintly.

“At the last banquet, Qin Tianzhen had already told the Emperor that my life was too harsh to marry a man with a strong sense of anger from his royal son. ”

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