Flash Marriage

Chapter 520: Unplanned

Originally, it was supposed to be a reddish rejection of marriage code in the palace, then the redness angered the emperor, even leading the prince to claim the purpose of the Kowloon show bead diagram is abortion, how instead became...

In this way, didn't Gu Juxi lift a stone and smash his own foot?

At this moment, the Prince of Witchbrook spoke, “Your Majesty, since you said so, let Huang Hong marry Sir Gu, so many young talented and handsome, Prince Ben feels that only Sir Gu can match the Red Goddess. ”

- What? - What?

Gu Juxi!

Everyone looked at Mengdi Xian and Meng Yanqing subconsciously.

Mao Xinxin's face changed, iron and blue, and a broken shoe dared to argue with Meng Dish Xianxian's son-in-law, it was too bullying.

The client, Meng Dish Immortal, did not make a sound, looked at the look of the Prince of Witch Creek, and found that his face was deep in conspiracy, although with a laugh, her eyes flashed, she couldn't help laughing.

Looks like a lot of intelligent people. The Prince of Witch Creek must have guessed their intentions.

However, although unplanned, this seems to be better than it was.

Red trekking and viciousness do not change, she is so sincerely in love with the Prince, now being pushed by the man she loves, how can she do this? Even if she was compelled to agree to the situation, she would try to get rid of Gu Juxi and let this marriage happen, but in this way, the crime of killing Lord Nanda is not a sin that can be eaten. By then, it will not be the Nanda State to account for the loss of Red, but the Witch Creek State to account for their Nanda State.

Then it'll be even better.

Mengdi Xian thinks like this, the atmosphere in the hall is a little clotted for a while, everyone can feel the cold face of Gu Xina filled with frost at this moment, yeah, a lord of the hall, but you have to collect a piece of shit like this, think about it, but the red look is really good, you can still play, but according to the Prince of Witch Creek, I'm afraid you want to be a proper wife, what about Mengdi Xian who was given marriage by the Emperor?

Everyone in the capital knows that Gu Juxi has always put Meng Dish Immortal on the tip of his heart. Isn't that how you want to grieve Meng Dish Immortal? For the sake of a piece of junk, I'm afraid no man will do this, like the men or officials present, who look at the redness and want to have a good time, but if you want to divorce your wife or entrust your proper wife to become a concubine, it is not necessary.

Besides, the marriage contract between Mondi Xian and Sir Gu is His Majesty's holy decree. Now the Prince of Witch Creek is saying this, but it is also His Majesty's promise. He promises to obey the holy decree. It is difficult. Isn't it difficult to let His Majesty's own words smash himself?

Gu Juxi was about to refuse the exit, but was stopped by Mengdi Xian. When he first reacted, Mengdi Xian had already acted. She immediately saw through what trick the Prince of Witch Creek was going to play. Isn't Gu Juxi waiting to refuse and then say something to provoke a dispute? In this way, it will not be the Prince of Witch Creek who loses, but he will increase the weight of the Kowloon Dragon.

Meng Dixian stood up one step at a time, “Your Majesty, how dare you say something? ”

Everyone saw that Gu Juxi had not yet indicated that Meng Dish Immortal had moved first and was staring at each other. This was the two female contenders. Everyone's curiosity was suddenly mobilized in full, and he began to look at Meng Dish Immortal with a blind eye.

In fact, after the Prince of the Witch Creek State said that, his heart was already in a dark hurry. He really didn't think that the Prince of the Witch Creek State would choose Gu Juxi. It was a common man who chose his husband and son-in-law, but the Prince of the Witch Creek State seemed unintentional and blunt. What he wanted to say now was more like lifting a stone and smashing his feet.

He acutely sensed that the situation was wrong. When he heard Meng Dish Immortal talking, he nodded immediately, “No problem, you said, I forgive you your innocence. ”

Mengdi Xian, he still has a certain understanding, he will not be a casual speaker, and on such occasions, she will never embarrass him, and this kind of thing is now connected to her, if she says what is right.

The emperor even looked at her with a little anticipation. With a smile on his peaceful face, Meng Di Xianping said, “The red god has a special status, before the Emperor did not give me a marriage, it would be a beautiful thing to look after Sir Gu, but now, before His Majesty the Emperor gave the marriage, the Prince of Witch Creek said to choose Sir Gu as the husband and son-in-law of the red goddess. Isn't it obvious that it is difficult for His Majesty? His Majesty is a kind and tolerant heart, but you shouldn't have embarrassed the Emperor like this, Prince of Witch Creek. ”

Gu Juxi could not say no, so he gave the Prince of Witch Creek an excuse to turn his face over. He would have expanded the negative consequences of his loss on the grounds of humiliating the goddess, but she would have said so. At best, it's not very good for her reputation, but it's much better than losing her. Of course, she doesn't care that much about her reputation.

Red is her enemy, Gu Jiaxi is sincerely defending her man. At this level, she cannot let the enemy scourge harm men who are good to herself, not even a little involved.

Mengdi Xian could not explain what was going on with her thoughts, but she would not let herself and Gu Juxi be counted by the Prince of Witch Creek. Her words were very straightforward. She was clearly unwilling to marry Jazz Xi, but she said it was for His Majesty's sake that the Prince of Witch Creek should retreat.

Everyone was not averse to her words. She felt that it was the same reason. Although she was laughing at herself and laughing at Meng Disk Immortal for robbing a man, she still greeted the words with a serious nod.

Gu Juxi had a frosty face like snow, heard the words of Mondi Fairy, watched her move, the divine color smiled as if the iceberg melted. The smile on the corner of his mouth was so happy, as if he heard the best words in the world.

The Emperor also laughed in his heart. Mengdi Xian was saying what he could not say, but had to say it, otherwise he would not be able to make a statement. The Emperor smiled and said, "Disk Fairy must have misunderstood the Prince of Witch Creek. I think the Prince must have forgotten a lot. Forget that I have given you and Jersey a marriage. Now please ask the Prince to pick another man who is unmarried and not engaged. ”

The Prince of Witch Creek glanced at Meng Disk Immortal and finally understood why the last kidnapping threat didn't work. Turns out she really didn't care about fame. If she cared, a woman who didn't leave her pavilion would talk about her marriage in front of everyone without regard for fame.

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