Flash Marriage

Chapter 588: Sunny Thunder

She had a very good plan. At this time, the Emperor was sending Wanzi on a trip. She would not have learned the news very quickly. She pretended to have an old illness. The eunuchs did not dare to bother her her, so she missed the first time of rescue. Li Xinru was not going to escape from her hand.

Unfortunately, if the Emperor had been called back long ago by Lady Rosemary, it was in the palace. Those people would not dare to tell the Empress, so they had to come to the Emperor. After all, this is a matter of dragon prince, which cannot be delayed.

This is a miscalculation, but it is a precise calculation that Meng Disk Immortal deliberately did.

At this moment, the emperor shouted a hazy “um”.

It turns out that the woman who slapped her leg on the Emperor may have accidentally hit her again, making the Emperor feel a little uncomfortable. The Emperor immediately raged, lifted her leg, kicked her in the heart of the woman, kicked her on the ground again, rolled her two times, but she could not take her pain into account, covered her chest, hurriedly climbed up on her knees, even kowtowed, “The Emperor forgives the sin, the slave knows wrong. ”

Everyone in the palace looked at the Emperor with dismay. Over the years, everyone knew that the Emperor would never blame anyone around Madame Rosemary, let alone fight.

And even if the Emperor were to punish man, he would not have to do it himself, and it can be seen how angry he has become at this moment.

Lady Rosemary took a look at the silent Monkey Monk Immortal, who shook her head quietly and the two continued silently.

Mengdi Xian gently relieved herself at this moment. Now it seems that the first step of chess has been successful, then it is up to her to know if the whole plan will succeed.

The Emperor looked irritably at Lady Rosemary and seemed to have some apprehension. She waved at the maiden who had been begging for forgiveness on the ground, "Get lost. ”

The Miyagi overjoyed, hurriedly retired, swayed and ran out. She may have fallen to the ground several times in a row due to pain, but she dared not delay or say anything, hurriedly climbed up, and forced herself to continue to walk out the door.

Fearing an anger from the Emperor, she caused death besides the Emperor's bad luck.

His Majesty's anger grew more and more with the passing of time. Just as he was on the verge of furious rage, he panicked and ran in again to report, “Your Majesty, you came to visit Madame Rosemary in the morning, deliberately asked the right phase to take your place outside the city to send Wanzi away. After the service, His Excellency, the right phase returned to the city, just about to get to the gate of the city, and saw a group of people carrying a pair of sedans hurriedly marching towards Wanzi.

The right minister thought they had been sent a message from the Emperor. He wanted to go forward, ask one, two, say hello. Anyone who just approached him heard a woman screaming for help in the carriage, and that voice was like the voice of his own daughter, Li Xinru.

Then, after great shock, he hastily stopped the group. As a result, the group saw the signs of the defeat and simply did not stop. He also tied up the right phase. He left in a hurry, and no trace was found. The direction of the march was the same as that of Wanzi. ”

His Majesty's teacup snapped and fell to the ground. His whole body stood up violently. His face was iron, blue and iron. For a moment, he wanted to order the recall of Wan, and check the whereabouts of Princess Li and the right-hand party.

But finally, reason reminds him that the order of the army is like a mountain. Wan Xiao is to march to war, to protect the stability of the border, to stabilize the turmoil caused by the earthquake, and must not be recalled at will.

Moreover, it is uncertain whether the abduction of the right minister and Li Fei had anything to do with Wan, and it cannot be judged by the same direction alone. That is too hasty.

Besides, there is no reason for Wan Zheng to take Princess Li and the right-hand man.

At the same time, the abduction of the Right Minister and Princess Li cannot be revealed, let alone denounced to the world, and let people talk about the matter, because the scenery and the princess stood there, whether or not he had anything to do with it, he could not destroy her only son.

But this matter is too big. If it has to do with Wan Zheng, he is too bold to kidnap Li Fei and the right one. What is he really trying to do?

Meng Dixian gave Lady Rosemary a look at this moment. Lady Rosemary hurried to comfort her. “Don't be angry with the Emperor. Although the right phase has also been abducted, with Princess Li, the right phase will surely fight to protect Princess Li and the dragon, protect their mother and son, and not make a big mess.

Didn't you send Jing Zhaoyon? Lord Zhang Zhaoshan, we may soon find out where they are. ”

At this time, the eunuch again said to Ai, "Lord Zhang, Lord Zhang, he got the news the first time and rushed off quickly, but somehow, Lord Zhang was seriously injured and brought back. I'm afraid I can't continue to pursue him. ”

The emperor roared, "Damn it, it's a bunch of crap. ”

Thinking about it, Zhang Zhaoshan was promoted with his own hands. He arranged to be in the heart of the Jingzhao Mansion to help him understand and control the developments in Kyoto City for the first time.

Zhang Zhaoshan is a piece of crap, he's not cursing himself, use the wrong person?

Shut up and stop talking.

Meng Dish Fairy drowned his head, looking scared and worried, but his heart was laughing. He did not do the drama he had put on the queen for nothing. He endured the pain in his feet and went to meet the queen once in a while. It did work.

The Queen is a true letter, Li Xinru has the heart to ask Queen Ding,.

Moreover, we know what Wan Xin is doing on this trip, basically for the purpose of fighting the Guardian Grand Chamber against the rain, and then assisting the Emperor to step by step to disintegrate and weaken the Guardian Grand Duke's military rights.

How can the Queen easily achieve her purpose? It is in the hands of the Queen that this trick is designed to make two birds a stone.

She first abducted Li Xinru, accidentally hit him and then abducted the right face.

Of course, the mistake collision of the right phase was arranged well in advance by Gu Juxi. Under it, the right phase and the queen met in that place, and then secretly made Li Xinru cry out for help.

The queen had to tie up the right-hand man, and then secretly stuffed the two men into the armies of the multitude of marines, and blindfolded them into the drums.

Anyway, one is also tied, two are tied, one is a blame, and the two blame is even more serious.

So the queen did nothing but hide them all in a team of 10,000 people, as the queen ordered.

Wan Zheng had no idea. In this way, Wan Zheng would be guiltless even if he fought a great victory.

Meng Dixian took another look at Lady Rosemary, and Lady Rosemary said to the Emperor, "Your Majesty, since Master Zhang can't use it, I heard the thief took the right face and the direction of Princess Li's escape.

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