Flash Marriage

Chapter 620: Don't Dare Kill Me

Chen Haotian was completely stunned. He stared at Mengdi Xian. Yet the other side also looked at him, with no fear in his cold eyes.

This is not the first time he has seen the eyes of Monkey Monkey Monster, nor the first time he has fought Monkey Monkey Monster, but today Monkey Monkey Monster gives him a stranger feeling than ever.

She's like a fearless person, without temperature, but unjustifiably chilling, without questioning whether what she just said could be done.

In his view, she leaned on Gu Jiaxi and her own little wisdom, gained the emperor's petition, smart, calm, heartless, harsh, but never thought that there would be such a decision and no fear of life or death.

She was like a man without weaknesses, more like a beast than a girl.

Even Chen Hongfei, whose temper changed dramatically after being beaten by the Prince of Witch Creek, did not give him such a thoroughly cold bone like Monkey Immortal at this moment.

“Stop it!” He subconsciously tunnels. When the four black guards stopped, Li Zanzhen had been injured many times, but he stood still, dragged his injured leg forcefully, and returned to the carriage, even without the strength to get on the carriage, but could only lean on the carriage.

Jade Bowl Jade Forest has already scared Cerser to shake, dare not speak at all, face white does not speak.

Only Monkey Monk Immortal, seemingly a weak young girl, but full of swords sheathed the popularity. On her beautiful face, she saw no fear or fear, as if she were not in a desperate situation of coercion.

That's insane and overbearing.

Chen Haotian looked at Mengdi Xian. Although he did not move his voice, there was no doubt that Mengdi Xian had left him such a perception. Despite her bad situation, she did not retreat and did not feel that she had fallen into the wind.

Mengdi Xian put a strong strain on him, making him breathe hard.

Chen Haotian curtailed his deliberate sneer and restored his normality, coldly saying: "Bring the carriage back. ”

Meng Dixian dropped the curtain, and she didn't even ask where she was going.

Chen Haotian became more and more difficult to predict, waved: “Bring all the people," then a pedestrian crossed this street, turn left, then quickly disappeared.

When he arrived at a hidden mansion, Chen Haotian sent someone to put down the eyes of Li Zanzhen and others. He graciously invited Mon Di Xian to the house.

Chen Haotian looked at Mengdi Xian with no appearance on her face. I really don't understand why she can be so calm.

“Aren't you worried? ”

“Worried." Mengdi Xian coldly said, showing a little satisfaction on Chen Haotian's face for a moment. He thought Mengdi Xian was a hard bone, but didn't expect no resistance, so easily said scared.

Who knows, Monkey Fairy goes on to say, "When did you show me the bodies of your four guards? ”

Chen Haotian stunned and did not react for a moment. The subconscious asked, “What are you talking about? ”

Speaking of which, even he felt stupid, he coughed a few times and covered up his troubles.

Mengdi Xianxian glanced at him coldly. “The Prince of the Witch Creek State is a noble guest of the Nanda State, yet you abducted me and even wounded my escort. This is the provocation of the Witch Creek State against the Nanda State, and it is a blatant tear of the covenant. This time you entered the capital, you clearly used to show good alliance to subvert the Jiangshan of my Nanda. ”

“What are you talking about! I only invited you as a guest. ”

After putting a hat on Chen Haotian, Meng Dixian went on to coldly say, “The goddess now humiliates and beats Lady Meng Zuoxiang, not knowing the weight and rules! For the sake of alliance, we, Your Majesty, will not compare. Then she sent someone to kill Yang Liu and Rain Butterfly. We had no evidence, we didn't catch them on the spot, or even mention them! But today I was abducted on the Beijing pipeline, my guard to protect me, and at the end of the bloody battle, people will surely see this in the streets of the past, even if you are easy to look at and hide your true identity, no one will know for a moment that you abducted me.

But if I don't return at the latest, my father will surely ask Yin Zhaofu of Jing Zhao Province to speak, and this matter will surely get to His Majesty the Emperor. By then, thoroughly investigate, I'm afraid your actions will not be hidden. Even the Prince of Witch Creek will not protect you. Do you want to end up in the end? ”

“Meng Dixian, you have a really nice mouth, but you are just full of nonsense, kill you, and your people, who can find me and who knows I abducted you. ”

Chen Haotian's eyes sparkled, publicly unveiling the human skin mask on his face and revealing his true face. Since he had already been identified by Meng Disk Immortal, it was really unnecessary to wear a facial skin.

“You dare not kill me.” Meng Dixian said with certainty.

Chen Hongfei, the goddess, was made by the Prince of Witchcraft. He ostensibly allied with the Emperor of Nanda, but he came for something else. His ultimate purpose must be the amazing secret, and she is a crucial part of the amazing secret, so the Prince of Witchcraft will never kill her.

The Monkey Disc Immortal instantly cleared the whole thing up. Exactly because of that amazing secret, she is a vital person, so as long as there is no Yin Son in her belly, the Prince of Witch Creek State will never allow her life to go wrong. Chen Haotian, a subordinate of the Prince of Witch Creek State, will not do anything to her, dare not kill her at all.

“Why are you so sure?” Chen Haotian was quite surprised, but after a brief accident, he suddenly understood why Mengdi Xian was so sure.

“If you don't go back tonight, your innocence will be ruined even if your father makes a scene in the Golden Palace, so I advise you, be good. ”

Meng Disk smiled sharply, smiling filled with disdain and chills. She raised her head and stared at Chen Haotian's face, all under control. She couldn't help but smile and say, “Clear? I Mengdi Xian never put innocence in my eyes, don't you know that Wan Wan Wan tried to drug me to seize me, I messed with the Golden Palace? ”

“Don't you know that Chen Haoxiang, Chen Hongfei's aunt, was expelled from Meng Mansion by me? Do you know why I'm an ascendant and no one * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It's hard to believe what a fool Left Chancellor once said. ”

Chen Haotian's face suddenly became shady, but he could hardly speak. How could he not know who Meng Dixian was? Even Chen Haotian was indirectly expelled from Nanda by her, destroying all his efforts in Nanda.

He never thought so before, but thought he had lost to the alliance of Gu Juxi and the Emperor.

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