Flash Marriage

Chapter 643: Not a Shame

The palace banquet continued. Gu Juxi greeted Mengdi Xian from afar and brought him back to the palace.

Soon afterwards, the Emperor and the Prince of Witch Creek returned, and the red may have been toasted too much. For a moment, the cheeks fluttered with red, with a little intoxication, the eyes of the Prince could not control the content.

After looking at the past, Mengdi Xian unexpectedly saw that the Prince of Witch Creek had lost his previous resistance, and smiled at the red with some natural acceptances. The Emperor sitting at the top laughed and said, "I have a joy to announce to the Love Kings that Witch Creek will come after ten days to marry my son, Queen, Princess Ying Chill as a princess, does not disgrace the solar flame at all? ”

Hearing a slight change of face, the queen hurriedly rose to her knees, “Your Majesty, I'm afraid the son of the concubine Yangitis...”

As a prince of a country, how can a queen be a princess of another country if he succeeds to the presidency? Then the blood problems of the children will arise. An impure line of blood will cause a fatal blow to the prince and the prince's son. It is absolutely impossible. Does the emperor want to cut off the prince's reasonable path to succeed to the throne?

The queen had only one son, Yangtze, who had stood as a prince since she had urinated. She had placed great hopes on her. The queen had long regarded the throne as her son Yangtze.

Now she could not deal with such a marriage. If she refused, she was about to leave her mouth and was truncated by the Emperor. "Next month at the beginning of the eighth month, it was a good day. Although the time was a little rushed, the ceremony ministry could still hold a grand wedding of a good prince with all due care. The Prince of Witchbrook also stayed to visit the wedding before returning home. ”

“Then it is up to His Majesty the Emperor.” The Prince of Witchbrook State smiled deeply and looked happy to see what it had become. Meng Disk Immortal's heart moved. What agreement did the Prince of Witchbrook reach with the Emperor after she left in the garden just now?

She looked at the queen, who was still half-kneeling on her knees at the moment, and laughed coldly. Now the masters of both countries had filmed the marriage, and even the queen could not stop it, and the Patron could not say anything but accept it with a low face.

Gu Juxi Gao raised his eyebrows and looked around coldly for a week. He glanced at Mengdi Xian.

Mao Xinxin next to him lowered his voice to Mondi Immortal and said, “How can the Princess of Chill marry Nanda or the Prince of that nest?" What a shame. ”

Meng Dixian heard his eyebrows move and replied with confusion, "How can you say that? By your tone, is Princess Ying Ching married to the Prince or is she a liar? ”

Princess and Prince, this is like a door-to-door match in identity, how can we not talk about the unfortunate word, but Mao Xinxin's tone is not at all meant to mean that, in the memory of Mondi Xian's previous life, there is little understanding of the Princess, so there is some doubt.

Mao Xinxin looked sad, clapping her lips, “Ying Xin Princess was born of a woman of palace as a child, but studied diligently, there was the name of the first talented woman of the Witch Creek Country, only the Queen of the Witch Creek Country, in order not to let her cover up her own feminine princess, sealed the mouth of many people, and also put Ying Xin Princess under house arrest to prevent her from seeing the guests. When I was a little girl, I used to go with my father to Witch Creek Country, and I met her by chance, not only was she very beautiful, that talent I was also gambling downwind, which kept her in mind, and when I came back from time to time, people would ask for information about her. ”

Since she is a princess and has talent, but being able to marry a prince is not a disgrace to her. Does that sound like Mao Xinxin?

Mengdi Xian stared at Mao Xinxin, Mao Xinxin seemed to understand the suspicion of Mengdi Xian, sighed, “In my heart, the woman that really impressed me, that is, just two people, one you, one is her, she is similar to your age, but they are all outstanding wisdom, the prince is really the rare woman in the world, although noble, talent and courage, still smart level of the brain, can't really mention, remove identity, Yangitis is really not worthy of showing cold. ”

Mengdi Xian couldn't help but laugh. So, it seems that Mao Xinxin really appreciated the cold princess. No wonder she never heard of the name of the cold princess, so it was crushed.

Ten days passed and Princess Ying entered the emperor capital of the Nanda kingdom in a wave of noise, welcoming Princess Ying, the future princess, became a major event in Kyoto City. From the gate of the city to the streets of Miyagi, already covered with red carpets, the ceremonial ministry leaned out, led by the Prince to greet the Princess of the Cold in person to the Chungzi Palace.

The Chung Chu Temple was already full of people and family members. The Emperor sat high on it. The Prince of Witch Creek State walked up with the Prince Sun Flame to meet the Emperor.

The emperor laughed, "Welcome the princess to Nanda. ”

Princess Ying Ching was wearing a veil all the time, and the light veil blew her face, revealing only a pair of spiritual eyes. Her eyes were clean and thorough, making people look at her and think she was extraordinary.

Meng Disk Immortal looked at the past and felt that Mao Xinxin's praise for her seemed to be true. At this time, Princess Ying Ching unveiled her veil. The delicate face under the veil appeared, and everyone suddenly took a breath. This is no worse than the red beauty.

I saw the solar sun flame standing next to me a little reddish suddenly, those eyes sparkled, Monkey Monk Xian smiled, the man was very irresistible to beautiful women.

The Emperor was very uncomfortable with this marriage in the past few days, coupled with the Queen's influence, even if he was afraid of the Emperor, he had the courage to come to the Emperor to express his unwillingness to marry an exotic woman as a princess. Although the Emperor scolded the Emperor severely, Yangtze still did not change the intention of exclusion.

But this mask blower, Yangtze becomes like the young man who first moved, the red heart beats like an excited face, it seems that this marriage has really become, even if the queen does any more tricks, the Prince Yangtze will not listen there.

Meng Disk Immortal smiled and looked at the appearance, attracting the eyes of the great palace of men. Her posture was beautiful and courtesy to the Emperor Queen, “Ying Ching met Her Majesty the Emperor, Her Majesty the Queen. ”

“Okay, sit down.” The emperor waved his hand and smiled satisfactorily on his face. He seemed to be very satisfied with Ying-Chin, but at this moment, Ying-Chin deliberately and unintentionally looked at Gu Juxi, Mondi Xian.

The banquet, to be honest, is to greet the Cold Princess, and then announce the official wedding date of the two in person at the beginning of the next month.

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