Flash Marriage

Chapter 690: So?

Had it not been for the Prince of Witch Creek, he would have been angry at the scene and withdrawn from the Prince's position. He knew it would be like this, if he didn't want to be picked up by the Prince of Witch Creek, saying that he had not followed the corresponding etiquette to invite the Prince to come and greet him, and he would not let the Prince come out to kill him.

Unfortunately, he avoided letting the Prince of the Witch Creek State pick up, but let the Prince of the Witch Creek State see the joke. It was even more embarrassing. The Emperor stared at the Prince severely. The Prince almost broke his soul and slipped under his feet. He had to fall to the ground. If he did not follow Meng Yanqing in time to reach out and hold him, the Prince would be ugly on the spot and make a fool of himself.

Meng Yanqing is very unhappy with the prince at this moment. The prince has been fundamentally positioned as a piece of mud.

He is now overwhelmed by the fact that, at a banquet a few years ago, the prince had unsuccessfully asked to marry Meng Dish Immortal and was rejected by the Emperor. Otherwise, he would have regretted his short-sighted decision at the time.

The prince couldn't have thought of so much at this moment. He just smiled at Meng Yanqing with gratitude. He was so glad he didn't fall.

When the Emperor saw this, he gave Meng Yanqing a look. Meng Yanqing immediately took the prince aside and whispered to the prince, "The prince is tired, go down and rest until the emperor summons you to come up. ”

And the prince, looking at the Prince of Witch Creek, thought he was a terrible man, immediately nodded away.

The Emperor only said with dignity at this time, "Welcome the Prince of the Witchcreek Country to my Nanda Country. We will host the Prince of the Witchcreek Country for a special dinner. The Prince will receive the wind and dust. The Prince can rest for a little while and we will enjoy the evening together. ”

The Prince of Witch Creek only showed a little respect when faced with the Emperor of Nanda. He replied, "Then Prince Ben is at the mercy of the Lord. ”

At this moment, Gu Juxi and Mengdi Xian did not see this scene with their own eyes. Gu Juxi was not interested in this kind of banquet. At this moment, he was returning with Mengdi Xian after entering the Palace with the Prince of the Witch Creek Country, and came back to the Mengfu Bi Landing.

Two people sit idly in a gazebo on a fake mountain watching the sunset.

At this moment, Li Zanzheng's face came in front of the two people with an uncontrollable surprise, and said eagerly, “Miss, Wan Qian, Wan Qian did not die and returned, with the Prince of Witch Creek. ”

Monkey stood up, “What are you talking about? ”

Li Zanzheng gasped, which went on to say, "Just now there was a dinner party in the palace to pick up the wind and dust for the Prince of the Witch Creek Country. The Prince of the Witch Creek Country brought only one person to the dinner. When he appeared, he shocked all the people. The appearance of all the officials who were able to attend the dinner. No one knew, even the Emperor was shocked and stunned on the spot.

At a time when the banquet was full of shocked ravens silent, the Prince of Witch Creek introduced the Emperor, who was the envoy who visited my country on his behalf. ”

Wan Xi was the envoy of this visit to the Nanda kingdom, that is, after his capture, Wan Xi subordinated to the Wudxi kingdom, became a person of the Wudxi kingdom, betrayed the Nanda kingdom.

Meng Disk Xian listened to Li Zanzheng's words, but slowly calmed down, that is, Wan Xi replaced the new master, there is no place for Wan Xi in the Emperor, now we see what the Prince of Witch Creek is like to Wan Xi.

If Manchu seeks revenge on her and the Prince of Witchbrook fully supports her, she will face the new enemy of the Prince of Witchbrook.

Gu Juxi picked on his eyebrows in surprise. There was a feeling that his soul was undisturbed. He stretched out his hand and patted Mengdi Xian's shoulder gently. "No problem, the last time, I didn't kill him. Since he's back, we'll send him back to West Heaven. ”

That hegemonic and indifferent tone was like a game that could never be easier.

Meng Dixian ripped her lips off and looked up at the sky. She wanted to make herself notorious and tragic to die.

She thought she had achieved her purpose perfectly a few years ago, but she didn't expect it to be a joy.

Though she is now discredited in the Nanda kingdom, she reappears in a different way, and it seems to be even more spectacular, which is by no means what she wants to see.

She would never call it that.


Looks like the Prince of Witchbrook is going to save 10,000 pounds.

In any event, the Emperor of Nanda could not kill Manchu as the envoy of Witch Creek.

So this is the reason why the emperor of the Nanda kingdom is not afraid to kill him.

Between the reflections, Meng Di Xianxian thought that the birthday banquet of the Linguo government tomorrow, had to smile coldly, "Looks like Wan Zheng is coming for the banquet of the Linguo government tomorrow. ”

Li Zanzhen nodded beside him, "That's exactly what the lady said. At the air-conditioning and dust cleaning banquet just now, it was particularly indicated that tomorrow's Linguo government banquet, he will attend on behalf of the Prince of Witch Creek. ”

Oh, not on his own behalf, but on behalf of the Prince of Witch Creek.

This is a very profound statement.

If it is on his own behalf, then Wan Wan Wan is to seek justice for himself, but if it is on behalf of the Prince of the Witch Creek Country to participate, anyone who places himself outside the Lord Lin and does not regard himself as the Government of the Lin Country does not seem to regard Lord Lin as his own father.

It seems that the change in the government of Linguo has had a huge impact on Wanguo.

Jing and the princess are insane, and Lord Lin is resentful. Tomorrow is probably a good show.

Mengdi Xian and Gu Juxi looked at each other and looked back at the fish pond under the false mountain. The fish inside were swimming freely. I didn't know if there was any danger.

The next day, at dawn, Meng Dish Immortal combed up under the servitude of the maid and prepared to join Mao Xinxin to attend the high-profile birthday banquet of the Linguo government.

Ben's popular birthday banquet, coupled with last night's sudden appearance, indicated that he would attend the banquet today, and suddenly, the heat wave started again, everyone's eyes, staring at the Linguo government's banquet today.

Who knows, after Manchu became a prisoner a few years ago, he disappeared. Everyone above and below the Nanda Nation thought Manchu was dead.

Prisoners of war, especially those of royal nobility, have always been a dead letter.

Thought that Wan Jing and the princess had gone mad, the Princess Lin returned her wife and children. The whole government of Lin Guo changed greatly. The identity of the original Prince Wan could also change in the future and be inherited by the son before the Prince Lin.

Now that he has returned, his identity is so special. At the same time, when faced with the government of Lin, his identity is also embarrassing.

At the same time, anyone can think of this moment, face the madness of their mother, and have a replacement for their brother.

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