Flash Marriage

Chapter 796: Alliance or not

The right-hand side couldn't stand it any longer. He shouted, “Wan, listen to me. What else can you argue with today? In order to avenge your personal revenge with Meng Zuo, but to trample on my daughter's honor, today you must give a statement to the husband. ”

The right phase swept Wan Xi, but the final sight was rated on the Prince of the Witch Creek Country, which means it is obvious, but the Prince of the Witch Creek Country supported this matter, so now the Prince of the Witch Creek Country should also show some expression.

His Majesty's color was heavy. For such a result, such as relieving the burden, in fact, at that moment, he almost thought it was true. At that time, his heart was actually angry, but reason was still there. He thought that if for this reason, Meng Yanqing and the right phase were dismissed by punishment, and Meng Dish Xian, that would be equivalent to losing Gu Zhuoxi's heart. Suddenly, he would become a lonely widow.

It's a living thing to let him cut off his right arm with his own hands, but he won't discipline and dismiss it. It's a big crime to bully a monarch!

Now, don't get involved, it's all just a plot and a false accusation.

When the Emperor thought of this, he sighed heavily. Over the palace, the voice was spinning, and everyone heard it.

Mengdi Xian shook his head gently, the Emperor actually believed in Wan Qian, even though he knew that the ultimate purpose of Wan Qian was to cut off his left arm, for the sake of the heavenly power, if this matter did not show a reversal of the erythema, the Emperor would also hurt the killer and go according to the design of Wan Qian.

Wan Zheng knew the Emperor too well, so he was sure that the design would succeed. If she hadn't learned the scene of the Palace Gate from Li Zensheng, she would have guarded herself in advance. Now I'm afraid everyone would have to be counted to the point of death, injury, death.

Meng Gao was too naive. After his sister faked Li Fei, not only would Wan Zheng not let him live, but his sister could no longer be Li Fei, and the Emperor would not let their brother live, so once things were done, Meng Gao had only one way to die.

Such an end could not be seen by Meng Gao, but by Meng Gao's sister.

She looked at Meng Gao at this moment, the sharp eyes made Meng Gao dare not look directly, but conveyed the meaning clearly, Meng Gao hit a spiritual spirit, in the silence of the palace, suddenly screamed, “Sister, it was all my fault, if I hadn't been obsessed with being a royal relative, I wouldn't have forced my sister to come to Beijing, I wouldn't have been bewitched by Wan envoys, it was all my fault, you beat me, you scold me. ”

Facial expression is the life of a woman, but her sister has ruined half her life. By this time, Meng Gao's heart is not bad. If she does not repent at this time and does not wake up from her dreams, she will not be heightened. He cries like a child, crawling in front of her.

Meng Gao's crying shouted, making everyone look at Million Dollars, from the burning at the beginning to the hundreds of words now, Million Dollars has lost completely.

Wan Zheng looked at Mengdi Xian, Mengdi Xian just smiled slightly, trying to kill her suddenly?

Well, is it that easy?

Faced with the anger of the crowd, he laughed loudly, “Congratulations to the emperor and congratulations to the emperor. ”

The emperor is cold. What's so welcome about this party today? Instead, he, the culprit, has the face to congratulate him?!

The Emperor said angrily, "Wan, the truth has been revealed, how can you tell me? Congratulations, aren't you still sober? ”

The Emperor's tolerance for the Ten Thousand Dollars has reached its limit. He doesn't want to endure it any longer. He can no longer speak politely and seems much more mean.

Wan Zheng still smiled and seemed completely unable to feel the emperor's chill. He smiled and said, “This Mongolian nonsense and falsehood, defamation of Li Fei and his counterparts, Meng Zuo, Meng County master, and the right, the next time he missed the sight, he was deceived, guilty indeed. Today, all this is the truth and the culprit is this Mongolia. First, he tricked me into thinking about the covenant between his own prince and your country, and the prince is now in an embarrassing situation, good luck in the Emperor Holy Ming, and found the client, proving the innocence of Li Fei.

However, the Prince was really tired of his alliance with the Emperor, which allowed him to be rude again for a while. The Emperor should execute him now to calm the damage to Princess Li's reputation. As for the Prince, please take into account the covenant between the two countries and the fact that the Prince is genuinely concerned about the Emperor, does not want the Emperor to be deceived into his heart, and does not want to cheer with the Prince. ”

Meng Dixian couldn't help but look at him and smile. Manchu, Manchu, is really amazing. I want to take care of multiple parties between the three words. It seems to be confessing guilt, explaining for the Prince. In fact, I am exonerating myself. I am telling others that he has been blinded by all this, but it is only by the Prince's permission that I will go to the banquet today. It is all too much about the Prince's alliance with the Nanda Kingdom.

Such a defense, as if to tell the Prince how loyal he is, is still explaining to him at this point. But the emperor sounds very different...

At the end of the day, Manchu is about letting the Emperor make his choice.

Whether to hold him accountable for his crimes, break his covenant, or to denounce it and continue his alliance.

The Prince of Witch Creek flashed his eyes for a moment. He seemed to think of something, but didn't say anything. Instead, he stood up and walked to Meng Yanqing's side. “Minister Meng left, this is all between the two countries. He almost wronged you. Prince Ben was very sorry. In this way, Prince Ben took out a pair of flash bows and gave them to Meng left, and asked Meng left to forgive each other. ”

And flashing bows? That's one of the few good bows in the world, and people who fight on horseback are so happy to get it.

Meng Zhuo stood still, obviously I didn't expect the Prince of Witchbrook to be so desperate. He looked at the Emperor, and the Emperor could see that Meng Yanqing was a little moved. He didn't want to do it for nothing. Anyway, he couldn't really nod his head at him because of this, so Meng Yanqing took over smoothly. "Since the Prince said so, it would be better to honor his orders. ”

This seems to be a painless flip, but when Mongolia heard that he was going to be executed, he couldn't care less. He shouted, “How could you do this? You obviously took me out of the gate of Miyagi, and told me how to talk to His Majesty, and when it was done, my sister would become Li Fei. I am the Emperor's brother. Now I do everything according to you. Why do you want the Emperor to execute me? How can you say in reverse that I lied to you? How can you be so hard on the Emperor to kill me? ”

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