Flash Marriage

Chapter 834: Staring Hardly

Even Meng Yanqing's face has slightly changed. He seems to have no shame in his daughter, but Meng Dish Fairy feels nothing. The Prince of Witch Creek laughed coldly, and he finally got to know this woman a little bit.

But is that all?

The Prince of Witch Creek did not speak, and he could not see anything on his face. At this time, the feast began. All kinds of delicious and delicious flowing water were served. The Miyagi at each table was very clean for guests.

At one time, everyone thought that this was really going to change. He said that he knew that after a glass of wine, the Prince of Witch Creek was very modest. "Your Majesty, Prince Ben looked after Juxi, he thought he was a trustworthy man. Since Red is broken, naturally he cannot be a full wife, just be a lady on the side. This is not to make His Majesty difficult, nor to make Mon County master feel grieved. Is this okay? ”

Everyone surprised to put down their glasses and leave their wives alone to not do it, but to kowtow to Drussy to be a side lady? What's the point?

It's not just the crowd, even the Emperor feels that he heard it wrong. How can such a thing be better than choosing someone to treat the Goddess of Crimson?

Once again, the palace was quiet and no one spoke. At this time, neither His Majesty nor Gu Xiwan had any excuse to refuse. Gu Xixi's face cooled down again, but the Emperor rubbed his eyebrows, not thinking otherwise. In his view, since the Prince of the Witch Creek State insisted on doing so, it was up to him, so that everyone was delighted. Gu Juxi had a loved one and a beautiful concubine. He also solved the big problem himself and calmed the Prince of the Witch Creek State.

He didn't hesitate much this time and was about to say yes, but he saw Meng Di Xian standing up again, his mouth still smiling, and said, "Your Majesty, Di Xian has a few more words to say to the Red Goddess, please, Your Majesty. ”

Oh, to Red? Or do you want him to say yes so formally?

The Emperor's eyes turned around. The girl did not look like she was going to say anything extraordinary, and this request must have been heard by everyone and wanted to be heard, so she said yes.

Meng Dixian turned his eyes to red, but instead of facing the respect of the Emperor, it was a cold slaughter, “Red Goddess, I don't know if you remember what you said to me in Hongjiang Pool? ”

“What do you mean?” Crimson frowned, in fact, she was very unhappy in her heart, she was trying to suppress, she was very unhappy that Brother Prince married her to someone else, or concubine, but also the husband and son-in-law of Mondi Xian, somehow, she was not happy to see Mondi Xian at first sight, now she shared a husband with her, or because of her disadvantage, she felt like a volcanic eruption, almost out of control.

“The Red Goddess said you were going to be the Princess of Witch Creek Country. If I dare to be the Princess and get in your way, you will kill me immediately.” Mengdi Xian said word for word, the words were not heavy, but the words were clearly passed into everyone's ears.

Gu Jiaxi's face grew uglier. He dared to treat his dish fairy like this. He was looking for death. It was really cheap to just keep her in the street that night.

At this time, Mao Xinxin also stood up. She was really not used to seeing red. Besides, the man who wanted to rob Mengdi Xian now was a concubine. Although his status was much lower than that of Mengdi Xian, the red was so beautiful, it was really uncomfortable. She helped Mengdi Xian and it would be better to stir up this matter.

She looked at what Mengdi Xian had said, and she was finally able to help. After receiving the hint of Mengdi Xian, she immediately said, "Yes, that's what * * * * * said. That's what I was there at the time. Why, after a glance, your obsession with your family's prince changed, you have to lower your identity and be a humble concubine? ”

That statement is just sarcastic red is a woman of saline flowers, but she also despises herself, leaving her righteous wife to not do it, but to be a lowly concubine.

Mao Xinxin is the Lady of Left Phase, the status is noble. Although it is inappropriate to intervene at random on such occasions, Mao Xinxin's identity is placed there, plus everyone is enjoying this beautiful play code, no one compares this.

His Majesty's eyebrows, he doesn't understand what Mengdi Xian means. Mao Xinxin is such a gang of cavities, he kind of understood. This is to stir up the concubine thing too. He rubbed his eyebrows again, isn't it just a concubine? Pass the door. If Mengdi Xian doesn't like it, let her kill him? What's the big deal now?

The red heart was so arrogant, it was not pleasant. At this moment, it was said, "Where do you still live?" He immediately stood up with anger. “Brother Prince...”

The words after her had not been said, she was pulled by the Prince of Witch Creek to sit in the position, and then stared at her severely. She did not say the next words, and the bear's anger rolled over in her heart, but because she was afraid of the Prince's unhappiness, she tried to suppress it, which made her face a little stunned, Mondi Xian looked at it but couldn't laugh, she was afraid of losing her temper, I didn't expect the red to withstand.

The Prince of Witch Creek spoke a slight tone, looked at the emperor on the dragon chair, scoffed, “The woman in your country is really not elegant enough, in the case of so many people against the grieving goddess needle, privately do not know how to push against each other, Your Majesty, do you think this concubine dares to be? ”

What's that supposed to mean? Do you want him to punish Mengdi Xian and Mao Xinxin, or do you want to be a concubine and change your mind?

His Majesty's eyes sparkled, crossed the Monkey Disc Immortal glance, then spoke to Meng Yanqing and said, "Meng Aiqing. The chapel is done, and the wife and daughter of the family must take care of it. ”

This is kind of disguised reprimand of two people, the emperor is very smart, he is also kind of stone-throwing to ask directions, without understanding the meaning of the Prince of the Witch Creek country, there was no positive reprimand of two people, but instead detour via Meng Yanqing made reprimand gesture.

If the Prince of Witchbrook's dissatisfaction with reproach is mild, it will naturally occur, then he will follow his wishes and reproach the two people positively. If he does not want him to reproach, but change his mind, then he will not have to break the hearts of two people for nothing. These two people are not random little figures, one is the heart tip of Gu Xi, one is the heart tip of the British public and the wife of Meng Yanqing, how can they not chill their hearts.

Meng Yanqing only felt his blush was bad. He felt very ashamed. He couldn't help but stare at Mao Xinxin and Meng Disk Fairy. Mao Xinxin shrunk his neck and Meng Disk Fairy didn't care.

“Disk fairy, your father is angry.” Mao Xinxin whispered that she really cared about the man she had married so easily that she feared that he would be unhappy.

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