Flash Marriage

Chapter 838: Unsurprising

Her Majesty couldn't help but begin to carefully gauge the Monkey Disc Immortal in front of her.

If you look closely, the immortal face of Meng Disk is certainly not the most beautiful, but the light, wise and intelligent mind in the cold makes the women in front of you inhospitable and attractive.

I really didn't find it before. It looks like Monkey Spirit did grow up.

And without waiting for the Emperor to look again, the Prince of Witchcreek seemed to have returned to Shinto, "Your Majesty, what do you mean, you let the Mon County Master stay? ”

The Emperor smiled and retracted his eyes from the Monkey Disc Immortal. “The Kowloon Dragon Dragon Pearl Map was obtained from the Monkey County Master. Since the Prince wanted to see it, he should always ask the original master what he meant. ”

The Emperor's smile was very gentle, but Mengdi Xian saw the sword and light shadow. This amazing secret was told to him by Gu Juxi. At the same time, Gu Juxi told him how to get the Kowloon Dragon Dragon Pearl Chart. Later, Gu Juxi did not taboo, and told the Emperor directly. The Emperor of the province found out, found out about Mengdi Xian, and a lot of trouble arose.

I did save a lot of trouble at the time, but now I'm afraid there's trouble, Your Majesty. This is a knife in her hand, ready to hurt her.

The Prince of Witch Creek State gazed, but set his sight on Monkey Disc Immortal again. He revealed a little surprise, but soon it converged. The Monkey Disc Immortal looked clearly. The Prince of Witch Creek State knew that the picture came from her to the Emperor. He was surprised that the Emperor would take this out at this time and push her out.

Meng Disk Immortal looked up at the Prince of Witch Creek, did not hide, just looked straight at it, the two perspectives persisted for a long time.

The Prince of Witch Creek was surprised that the deep in the eyes of Mondi Immortal was a pitch-black, unable to see the bottom at all. It was just a dark, indifferent, without the gentleness and delicacy of a woman, but through a few strange forests.

“The Monkey Disc Immortal has an incense bag that prevents witchcraft from taking place.” This is the intelligence that his people gathered last night, which he would not have believed, and now he slowly shifted his gaze to the waist of the Mondial Fairy, where it was indeed decorated with an accessory, which was large, the pattern buckle was very cumbersome, making the small parcel decorated next to it very unexpected, with a special pattern engraved on the parcel, Iron Lotus.

The Prince of Witch Creek had a slight contraction of his pupils, and he was surprised. Did Meng Disk Fairy have anything to do with that man, the spared tribal lord?

No wonder today she dared to look at him without fear.

He felt that he had conquered Monkey Monkey Monster, played well, then obtained the Yin Son, and then tortured her to death. Now it seems that things will not be so simple, Monkey Monkey Monster involves a lot of people, the role in that amazing secret seems to be bigger than he knows, it is not simply to get the Yin Son and it is all worth it.

All of a sudden, he got excited, which wasn't better, as long as he took control of the Monkey Monk Immortal, he was closer to realizing that amazing secret.

None of the Kowloon drama beads now seem to be important to this person, as long as we get the other aspects that are vital, and then use other means to force or lure the Emperor of the Nanda out of the map, we will be closer to the target.

Though he thought so, he was skewed and revealed a covetousness that he really wanted to see.

In any case, the Emperor of Nanda cannot realize the importance of Mondai Immortals.

So, the Prince of Witch Creek State pretended to say, “Turns out this Tu county master is the original owner, I'm sure the county master heard me talking to His Majesty the Emperor, now the county master can calm the contradiction between the two countries in a single sentence, the county master is a person who knows the general, he will surely agree to my request, right? ”

Meng Di Xian smiled coldly, "Who is the goddess? Don't you know? She was originally Chen Hongfei, a man of my Nanda kingdom, but disappeared when the house was cut off. After a few years, she turned into a goddess. When did the prince want to fool the emperor and the people? ”

What, the goddess is Chen Hongfei?

The emperor was astonished, not at all expected, listening to Mengdi Xian so definitively, by careful contrast, as if there was such a similar contour.

The corner of the Prince of Witchbrook's mouth fluttered for a moment, his eyes slightly widened, Mengdi Xian did not wait for him to argue, and went on to say, "Chen Hongfei and Chen Haoxiang have harmed me, even if they turned to ash, I recognize them, so don't say anything that opens the river to identify the wrong person. ”

The emperor also moved in a divine way, more and more certain that Chen Hongfei is a goddess, not to say not to think this way, not to feel. After that, the more you think about it, the more you look at it. The Emperor looked coldly at the Prince of Witch Creek, “Prince, when Chen Hongfei was still the daughter of the left ministry, the famous festival was bad. First of all, he had an affair with his common brother, and I sent him to the temple to practise. At the temple, he was scrupulous with the nuns. The two words of the festival had long been destroyed. What a disgrace, it was really ridiculous. I now have to wonder, in the middle of the night, how could there be bandits in the Imperial City, strangely enough to make the so-called goddess...”

The later words did not go on, but his attitude was very clear. He refused to admit the loss of the goddess.

Mengdi Xian saw this and smiled at the ugly face of the Prince of Witch Creek. "That picture, the Prince still doesn't look good. Your Majesty, the stepdaughter has retired. ”

The Emperor has made clear the intentions of the Prince of Witch Creek, and things have been solved. It doesn't matter if Chen Hongfei is a true goddess. What is important is that this goddess was once Chen Hongfei. If he loses his fame, he will not attack himself. For a woman who has long had no fame, he really doesn't have to pay attention, let alone discuss the significance.

Even if Chen Haotian is the hidden pile of the Prince of the Witch Creek State in Nanda, Chen Hongfei is indeed a man of the Witch Creek State. Even if the true goddess is reincarnated, it will not change the fact that her reputation in Nanda has been destroyed.

The Emperor waved, agreeing to leave Meng Dish Fairy first. His intention to leave Meng Dish Fairy has been achieved, and now the situation is reversed. He is not going to tell the Prince of Witch Creek, but what the Prince is going to tell him.

Mengdi Xian bowed gracefully and walked past the Prince of Witch Creek. The dress floated, shaking a bit of floral scent, hidden. Mengdi Xian heard a few words floating in the garden behind him, "Your Majesty, since you think Chen Hongfei is a goddess, then I have nothing to say. ”

Seems to be unhappy and scattered, Mondi Xianxian smiled slightly. She glanced up and saw Gu Xizhang's body standing beside a pine cypress in the distance. Her eyes looked at her without blinking.

This man, saw Mao Xinxin go back. She hasn't come back yet. Did he come looking for her?

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