Flash Marriage

Chapter 867: Bad

Such a secret, the former left minister can indeed blackmail the Lord Lin, because if such a secret is learned by the powerful scenery and the princess, then the only result the Lord Lin has always wanted to preserve his wife and son, I'm afraid, is a different head.

It also explains why the Emperor seems to have long known that the Prince of Lin had a wife and child, but did not discipline or punish the Prince of Lin. At a moment of sudden enlightenment, Lord Lin continued.

“A few years ago, the earthquake led to the border crisis. Wan Zheng took the initiative to lead the nearby troops to the frontier to confront the enemy, but did not know what was going on. He took Princess Li with a dragon and the right minister, which resulted in the death of both Princess Li and Dragon, and committed a major crime. Then, at the frontier, he was captured by the Witchbrook National Army and became a prisoner.

Both I and the princess thought that Wan died in the hands of the army of the Witch Creek country, the princess was desperate for grief and insanity, repeatedly committed illness in the palace to offend the emperor, forcing the emperor to pay back his son, the emperor was helpless, this was the order to take back his parents, wife and children, the princess will always be the first genuine wife, the children of the princess also want to comfort the princess, who knew that the princess was more irritated, completely mad, this was not expected by anyone.

After all these years of deep guilt, the most sorry is the parents and the wife and children. Here, too, I especially feel the emperor's kindness, so that I can be reunited with my parents in my lifetime and do my best to be a son's heart and responsibility on the day of the mother's life. ”

Lord Lin said so much, as if he had said all the words that had been squeezed for a long time, he was undoubtedly explaining to the people why there was this party today, why Jing and the princess would go mad, why he would suddenly emerge with parents and wives and children.

Everyone finally knew what was going on before and after Lord Lin, and understood that, looking at Wan Xiao without an appointment, he thought that the Princess Lin was really not sorry for Jing and Princess Wan Xiao.

However, among the people who will think so, it does not include the parties Wan Zheng. In the face of Mondi Xian's speech, the Lord Lin explained so many things, but it was even more annoying. There were silk cracks on the calm and waveless face, pressing the impatience, cold interrogation.

“So, my mother's love for you, life to protect you, to assist you, all the way to Qingyun to the position of Lord Lin, is her fault? It's that she shouldn't love you, that she shouldn't protect her life, that she shouldn't push you to the position of Lord Lin. ”

Thousands of voices questioned, no heartbreak, no cry, but people could see the inequality in their eyes at this moment.

The eyes that originally favoured Lord Lin's identity began to make some changes. You know, a man's ambition on all sides, a man's lifelong struggle for goals, status and power, is his armor.

Without the scenery and the princess, Lord Lin was only a literary minister, and at most a third-class force in the dynasty. Even if he tried, he could not have the status of today and become a mover, which would make the dynasty shake one of the characters, let alone gain such love and trust from the emperor.

The status and power of Lord Lin today are laid by the landscape and the princess. Today, in turn, the speech of his helplessness in marrying the landscape and the princess is unscrupulous.

Lord Lin seriously explained, “I have never denied the affection of the landscape and the princess for me, nor vetoed the preservation and help of the landscape and the princess for me. I can only have it today because of the landscape and the princess's assistance. If I can do nothing about the marriage at first, but then many years of couples' lives, I am also deeply honored to be able to marry the landscape and the princess, so the landscape and the princess have always been my righteous wife, and now I have been ordered to take the original wife and children back to the family reunion, they will also respect the landscape and the princess, and they will never dare to do it again.

Instead, if you are not dead, if you have also returned, why are you to be a Witch Creek country, as long as you return, sue the Emperor, return to the Nanda kingdom, the Prince's throne will always be yours. ”

Lord Lin's words are not necessarily tempting or inflammatory. Everyone was shocked by Lord Lin's grudgingly distinct remarks. Especially in this case, Lord Lin made such a commitment. He not only affirmed the help of Jing and Princess on the one hand, but also confirmed his status as Lord Lin's wife and mother-in-law, even if he was crazy.

At the same time, he affirmed the position of the Prince of Ten Thousand Kings, and even made a commitment, as long as he was willing to return to the Nanda kingdom, leave the Witch Creek kingdom, the Prince of the Government of Lin, or sit by him.

You know, this prince position, but it's very heavy. As a man who has been a prisoner, kidnapped Princess Li, been a prisoner, and committed a great deal of crimes, disciples like this or sons in a normal family will be abandoned.

The Lord Lin is also willing to make such a commitment, as can be seen from the importance he attaches to the landscape and the princess, as well as to the significance of his affection.

Such a commitment instantly healed everyone, the dissatisfaction that had just arisen with Lord Lin, and the question, while shifting everyone's attention to their present identity.

As the envoy of the Witch Creek Nation, the invisible reminder that he is a prisoner of the Witch Creek Nation, not of the Nanda Nation. At this moment, he stands on the territory of the Nanda Lin Nation Government, accusing the Nanda Nation, which is greatly inappropriate.

Wan Zheng would not know the impact of this passage of Lord Lin, his face was almost tense, fine cracks appeared, there was no shaking of Lord Lin's proposal, but he felt that he was simply doing a show, crowning the crown and obtaining the praise of many people. Just say something more.

The right side looks at the wrong face and knows what to say.

Before the Right Phase attended the banquet, the Emperor sent him a special message to watch Wan Xiao, in any case, do not disturb today's situation, because Wan Xiao's current status is too special, if he disturbed the situation, it would amount to a disgrace in front of the Prince of Witch Creek Country. The Emperor will not let this happen in any way, deliberately advised him to watch Wan Xiao at today's banquet, in any case, he will not be allowed to be rude.

Lord Lin is now representing Nanda, and Wan is now representing Witch Creek. It is not just father and son.

Lord Lin threw an olive branch. If he refused to do so, it would be equivalent to the witch creek country beating the face of Nanda in public. How could the right minister let this happen? Isn't that waiting to be questioned by the Emperor?

The right-hand party immediately stood up, looked seriously at Wan Zheng, reached out one hand, pointed to the seat beside him and said, “Wan envoy, since the gift has arrived, please come to the guest table and attend the birthday banquet. ”

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