Flash Marriage

Chapter 984: Love the Flower

Almost all his eyelids were immobile. His cousin's cousin had fallen to such a point that he became an enemy prisoner. He suffered from whipping and had no good place for his flesh. He had rotten inflammation all over his body, surrounded only by mice.

He swore that he would recover the bill from Meng Dish Immortal and double it on Meng Dish Immortal. As long as he did not die, he would pay no consequence and come to Meng Dish Immortal for the bill.

He would rather die than die.

Just as his gaze was blurred, he heard the cell door open and someone approached him recently.

He tried to raise his head and looked over, only to see a pink veil skirt with its hem in his sight and a nosy scent on his nose.

What woman, how did she end up in his cage?

This and the question flashed in his mind, slowly trying to raise his head to look like a person, but he was too painful, his body could not move at all, he did not even have the strength to lift his head up, he could only lift his eyelids powerlessly, try to make his eyeballs spin, adjust his gaze to see.

However, his gaze could only be seen below the woman's waist, not her upper body at all, and not even next to her face.

“Who are you? ”

He opens his mouth and asks, but he dumbfoundly finds that he can't make a sound at all except for his weak lips, which are almost negligible, like mosquito humming.

The woman stood there quietly without a word, and she could see behind her four or five men like guards, dressed in black, forced to stand behind the woman, forming a defensive position.

Guards can be so aggressive, I'm sure this woman's identity is not low.

Why would a woman like that show up in his cell, who would it be?

Is she here to appreciate his misery? Just stand there and watch him not speak.

A little angry, ready to close their eyes, lazy to ignore the insults that come from their behavior and their eyes.

Just as he drowned his eyelids, he heard a cry.

Women crying?

Why is that?

Once again, full of doubt, he opened his eyes and tried to see who he was, why he looked at her crying, and seemed to cry very sadly.

Does she know him?

Were you crying for him?

At this point, the woman seemed to know that she could not be seen and was eager to see who she was.

She squatted slowly and squatted in front of Wan, and the clear face appeared in Wan's pupils.

Thousands of pupils contracted sharply, obviously full of consternation, and safety did not expect anyone to be her.

Chen Hongfei!

The one who disappeared at his banquet, then as the left palace was beheaded by the family, there was no more news of Chen Hongfei.

Didn't she die in that fire?

At that time, after the fire was extinguished, the Patron removed the bodies of the right-hand man and Chen Hongfei and others.

Isn't she a dead man? Why are you here?

It also appears to have a higher status than it would have been in Nanda.

What the hell is going on here?

Wan Wan Wan wanted to know, but he couldn't say anything, he couldn't say a word, he couldn't make a note, his injuries were too severe.

The first night, Wan Zheng felt the darkness coming. At the moment of his coma, he heard Chen Hongfei say, "Somebody, bring Wanzi to my place and heal him well. ”

It was two days later at noon, when the sun of the ocean was shining on him, and he sighed comfortably.

And he really sighed, and he immediately sounded a surprise woman in his ear, "Are you awake? Go to the doctor and let him see if there's anything wrong. ”

“Yes." An escort answered immediately.

His eyes opened slowly, and in front of him was a rich palace, which was more beautiful than his residence in the Linguo government. At this moment, he was in a peach blossom tree, lit by the sun, but the branches of the peach blossom tree covered the strong light, making him feel only the comfort and warmth of the sun on him, but not the feeling of burning sunburn.

He can feel his wound shaking in the sun, slowly healing.

Wan Zheng shifted his gaze to the woman sitting beside him. Chen Hongfei's face was full of surprises and worries at this moment. He set his eyes on him. "How are you? Do you feel uncomfortable? ”

In that tone there is a keen concern.

"I'm fine, thank you. ”

He knew that it was Chen Hongfei who brought him out of that filthy cage and into this gorgeous palace. If he was right, this should be the royal palace of Witch Creek Country.

Because he is in the prison of the Witch Creek Country, Chen Hongfei, even if he can get out, could only be in the territory of the Witch Creek Country, could not be any other force or country.

The whole Royal Family of Witch Creek loves peach blossoms. Peach blossom trees are planted everywhere in the palace and are not allowed in civilian homes.

This is the widely known news of the royal family of the Witchcreek kingdom, and the upper echelons of any country know this hobby of the royal family of the Witchcreek kingdom.

Looks like Chen Hongfei had a relationship with a royal member of the Witch Creek Nation.

To his knowledge, the royal family, or palace, of the whole kingdom is in the hands of the Prince of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of

In that case, what does Chen Hongfei have to do with the Prince of Witch Creek Country?!

Thousands of guesses, while at heart estimating their current situation.

Chen Hongfei is the only person he now knows in the Witch Creek Country. Looking at Chen Hongfei, he seems to have any other intentions for him. He knew that Chen Hongfei wanted to marry him before.

But then he changed his mind, and he fell in love with Meng Dish Fairy, but he was repeatedly rejected and even murdered by Meng Dish Fairy.

Now he is a prisoner of the Witch Creek Nation. Either he will take the dirty cage and wait for his death, or he will grab Chen Hongfei and let himself live in this palace and find a chance to avenge Mengdi Xian.

But Chen Hongfei's affection for him can be his savior straw or his charm.

Let's see what Chen Hongfei has to do with the Prince of Witch Creek Country.

If Chen Hongfei is the woman of the Prince of Witch Creek, then he cannot have any connection with Chen Hongfei. All he needs to do is use Chen Hongfei's remaining affection for him to give himself a comfortable place to live. Save him from pissing off people who shouldn't be pissed off and bring him into the trouble of killing himself.

If he is not the Prince of Witch Creek, then he will firmly grasp Chen Hongfei's affection, steadily step on Chen Hongfei's shoulder, and let himself take root in the palace again.

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