"This... This was impossible! I didn't take your wallet! " Li Wei looked at the purse in my hand in disbelief.

"Miss Li, this purse means a lot to me. It was a gift from my ex-husband, who had gone to France to make it for me. "It also has my name on it. I can buy five of your bags at the price." I looked at her and said it word for word.

At this time, the surrounding crowd of spectators started discussing animatedly.

"I didn't know that she would steal something even though she was dressed so well. You really can't judge a book by its cover."

"What do you know!?" "Now, it's customary for people to steal things so that they can dress up themselves in bright and beautiful colors, so that they can conceal their identity."

"He even graduated from a famous university! I think that famous university is fake too! "

"Stealing such a valuable gift from him should be reported to the police!"

"Such a young and healthy person actually did such a thing. How shameful!"

As Li Wei heard the discussions of the crowd, his tears started to fall. I really didn't steal anything from her! " Even though she …

She was crying very loudly, but no one felt any sympathy for her.

I looked at her with a cold smile. Li Wei, you finally tasted this too, right? I was so young back then, how could you bear to insult me indiscriminately?

I'll never forget everything you've done to me. When I knelt for the first time in the rainy night, I swore that one day, I would return all the pain I had gone through to you!

And today, is just a small punishment for you to provoke me on your own accord. In the future, your days will not be peaceful.

I saw that it was almost done, so I prepared to leave. But before I go, I have a few words to say.

"Manager Wang, I still have some matters to attend to at the company, so I'll have to trouble you with this." Just follow the procedure. For people like them, if you don't teach her a lesson, she won't know the meaning of the law. " After giving out my orders, I turned around and left, completely ignoring Li Wei who was on the verge of collapse.

Outside the mall, the chauffeur was already waiting for me at the intersection.

"Miss Ye, where are we going now?"

Return to company

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes, thinking about the company's plans for the rest of the day.

In a short moment, we arrived at the company. I told the driver to go back first, and that Jiang Yu would come to pick me up after work. After going upstairs to his office, Tang Yue, the secretary, poured me a cup of Dragon Well and passed me an invitation.

The invitation card was extremely exquisite, the dark red cover was engraved with fine lines. It could be seen that the person who designed the invitation had a deep understanding of Chinese culture. Its flowing lines were very similar to the patterns on the clothes worn by the ancient nobles.

On the cover, there were three large golden words, "Invitation Letter". The calligraphy was vigorous and forceful, causing people to exclaim in admiration. When he opened it, the contents and time and place of the invitation were written on the inside page. Just from the invitation alone, the next season will be focused on the Chinese element.

"Director Ye, this is a ball organized by the Industry Design Federation. The main purpose is to gather the various designers to have an exchange and discuss the theme of the next season." As I read, the secretary introduced me.

"Do you need a partner?" I asked.

"Mm …" If necessary, the organizers of this conference have specifically instructed us to do so when they called. " Little Tang felt a little awkward.

No wonder Little Tang was a bit troubled. I never get close with anyone in the company, she doesn't know who to find as my partner.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. I have my own arrangements." After closing the invitation, I let Little Tang go back first.

If he really wanted a partner, there was no doubt that Jiang Yu was the only choice.

After deciding on a partner, I looked at the pile of papers on the table. Since the last press conference, the company has had a lot of problems.

The situation was even worse than I had expected. Not only did the new product launch fail to expand the company's profile, it even attracted a lot of blacklisted material.

The industry news had used the biggest pages to cover the disaster event, and I was pale with anger as I held the newspaper that my secretary had handed me. Standing in front of the huge French windows, I clutched the newspaper closer and closer.

Ye Lingxiu and Ye Lingchao, I will make you pay ten times the price for this!

Ring, ring, ring... Ring, ring, ring... The office phone rang.

"Hello, this is Director Ye Surveillance Bureau. Oh! The board of directors? Okay, okay, I will inform the Director Ye Supervisor right away. " Secretary Xiao Liu picked up the phone, sounding very anxious.

"Director Ye's supervisor, the board of directors just called. They said that Director Wang wants you to go to his office for a visit …"

He was one of the biggest shareholders in this company. Back then, he and Li Mu created Ye’s from scratch. As one of the founders, his words had a lot of weight in the company.

What's coming is coming, and I'm going to face this accident because of me anyway.

In the elevator, I had already thought of countless possibilities. The worst possible outcome would be for me to be fired. After all, I have also been in this company for so long, and I have made a great contribution to the company.

The top floor was filled with the private offices and reception rooms of the board members. It was a large floor that was terrifyingly quiet.

Dong dong dong … I raised my hand and knocked on Chief Chen's office. As I expected, there was no reply. The secretary at the door gave me a wry smile and gestured to enter.

After taking a deep breath to calm my mind, I pushed open the door to Chief Chen's office.

There was no one at the desk. I looked around and saw him standing in front of the north French window, holding a newspaper in one hand and a dying cigar in the other.

"Director Chen, I'm here."

"Pah!" The answer was a newspaper that had been thrown in front of me.

"Take a look for yourself!" What does it say about you? What does the company look like? Do you know how many of your peers are watching a joke? Do you know how many customers we've lost this time? " In his rage, Director Chen's face was extremely hideous, and he kept roaring at me.

"Boss Chen, I'm sorry. This is all my responsibility, and I will be responsible for it. " I said, bowing my head.

"Sorry? Can you solve the problem just by being sorry? You're responsible? What can you do to make up for this loss? " Director Chen threw a series of questions at me.

Bearing with Boss Chen's scolding, I felt slightly dissatisfied in my heart. If it weren't for the fact that the Ye Ling siblings loved money and had been harassing me at the company, how could I have ended up like this!

"CEO Chen, please rest assured. I will come up with the best solution within three days to maximize the company's losses! I will personally apologize to the customers, and I will settle this with the media. " I looked straight at Director Wang as I replied.

After leaving the office, the secretary at the door gave me a sympathetic smile, but I didn't feel anything. I, Ye Qianya, am not someone who can easily beat up. As long as I am still in the company for a day, I have the confidence to save the situation.

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