The first time, the first time.


"Heiji, there's your mail at the door." Shizuka Hattori shouted to the bathroom.

A scream came from the bathroom, "Mom, I told you not to come into my room when I'm taking a shower!"

Shizuka Hattori put the mail in the room and spread her hands indifferently: "It's not like I didn't read it when I was a child. I put the mail on the table for you."

After that, regardless of how dissatisfied the people in the bathroom were, she turned around and left the room.

After a while, Heiji Hattori came out of the bathroom while wiping his hair and muttering.

"Really, Mom is getting more and more unreasonable..."

Some black fingers picked up the white envelope on the table, opened it, and poured out the letter inside.


Hattori Heiji picked up the letter on the table: "Why are there two?"

Turning one of the envelopes over, he saw a few clear words - Written by Kudo Shinichi.

Written to Kudo?

He didn't open it immediately, and Hattori Heiji turned over the other letter.

The six big words "Written by Hattori Heiji" came into view.

Seeing that it was for him, Hattori Heiji opened the letter in no time.

As he read it, Hattori Heiji's brows twisted together, "Is there a problem with Kudo's reasoning?"

Tearing off the towel covering his head, Hattori Heiji raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a sly smile.

"Looks like I have to go to Tokyo."


"Heiji Heiji!" Toyama Kazuha ran over with two panda pendants, "Do you think these two pendants are cute? I think Xiaolan will like them, right?"

Nodding perfunctorily, Hattori Heiji looked helpless: "I say, why do you have to go with me? I'm not going there for fun this time, I'm going to investigate a case, do you understand?"

Putting the panda pendant carefully into the bag, Toyama Kazuha pouted: "What does it matter? You Just to investigate the case, I'm here to find Xiaolan, what's wrong with you?"


Before Hattori Heiji wanted to say something, the radio broadcast the arrival of the train: the train to Tokyo has arrived...

Before him, Toyama Kazuha entered the car directly, and did not forget to turn around and wave at him: "Heiji, hurry up!"

"Coming, coming..."

The sound of the train mixed with the sound of boys and girls playing, passing through the fields and cities, coming from Osaka to Tokyo.

At this time, Conan didn't know that Hattori Heiji was coming, and was wandering around the building where the explosion occurred under the name of Maori Kogoro.


Someone called him suddenly. Conan looked back and saw Takagi Shigeki walking towards him: "Hello, Officer Takagi."

"It's you." Takagi Shigeki walked up to him and leaned down slightly: "What are you doing here?"

"Uncle Kogoro asked me to come here to find something." Conan scratched his head and directly brought out the Maori shield.

Takagi Shigeki looked puzzled: "Looking for something? Is there anything valuable at the scene?"

Because the explosion was very powerful, and the firefighters destroyed the scene during the firefighting, the explosion site was actually almost destroyed.

Yesterday, the forensic personnel stayed at the scene for a day, and found nothing except some suspected explosive fragments.

Conan waved his hand, motioning Takagi Shigeki to come closer.

Takagi Shigeki immediately did as he was told and leaned his head towards the little boy in front of him.

"Actually, Uncle Kogoro asked me to keep an eye on any suspicious people."

"Suspicious people?"

"Yes." Conan nodded, "Uncle Kogoro said that criminals usually return to the scene to appreciate their own works, so he sent me, a child who is not likely to arouse the suspicion of criminals, to keep an eye on them."

Takagi Wataru touched his chin: "That's true, but..."

He frowned, "It's too dangerous to send a child like you, I'll call Mr. Maori now."

Before Conan could stop him, the call was dialed and answered in seconds.

Maori Kogoro's voice came from the phone, "Hello, this is Maori Kogoro..."

"Mr. Maori..."

After an explanation, Takagi Wataru hung up the phone, smiled and touched Conan's head, "Don't worry, Mr. Maori will be here soon."

Conan showed an ugly smile: Thank you very much.

On the other end, Maori Kogoro hung up the phone and dialed a number while watching the horse racing.

"Hey, Xiaolan, Conan ran away and there was an explosion yesterday.

The building where Conan went, you just happened to be at the detective boy's house, you can just go and bring Conan back... Great! Hurry, hurry..."

Mouri Kogoro said, his eyes glued to the TV, "That's it, hang up."

"No, Dad, wait a minute..."

Mouri Ran wanted to refuse, but the only answer she got was the beep of the phone hanging up.

So, the task of picking up Conan fell on Mouri Ran who was visiting Akino Cometsu at Kudo's house.

Looking at Mouri Ran's embarrassed look, Akino Cometsu took the initiative to suggest: "Why don't we go together."

Since Conan appeared there, he must be investigating the cause of the explosion that day. She wanted to go and see, and wanted to see the reasoning show of this reasoning madman on the spot.

Okiya Subaru stood up and walked out directly: "Everyone go together, I'll drive. "

After a while, the three of them arrived in front of the building where the explosion occurred.

Several people got off the car, and Takagi Wataru came to greet them from a distance: "It's you guys, isn't Mr. Maori here?"

Ran Maori stepped forward: "My dad is a little busy, so I came here, where's Conan?"

"He's there..." Takagi Wataru looked back and saw that the place where people had stood before was empty.

Takagi Wataru: I didn't even see him...

Everyone started looking for Conan together.

Ran Maori and Takagi Wataru looked around the building, while Akino Huisei and Okiya Subaru went into the building together.

After the necessary demolition and reinforcement by the construction team, the situation of the building has basically stabilized and there is no risk of collapse at any time.

"Follow me. "

Okiya Subaru was walking in front, and Akino Huixing followed him obediently.

After a while, Conan squatted on the ground.

Conan looked up when he noticed someone coming over: "Mr. Subaru, you? Why are you here?"

"We came with Miss Ran."

Conan: I knew that uncle would not come in person.

Okiya Subaru walked in front of Conan and squatted: "Did you find any clues?"

"Yeah." Conan nodded with a serious expression.

"Look, there are some granular things in these black explosives."

Okiya Subaru twisted it with his fingers, and his eyes lit up: "It's sand!"

"That's right, and it's not the sand in the building, but brand new sand that has not been mixed with cement."

"This person should be disguised as a construction worker and use sand transport to transport the bomb here. ”

“Japan has recently tightened control over construction sand. Anyone who can use so much sand at one time must be someone working in the construction industry…”

Looking at Conan’s serious expression, Akino Huixing couldn’t help but sigh: Sure enough, people shine when they do what they like.

She couldn’t help but applaud this wonderful reasoning.

Just as she was thinking, she heard a roar from behind.

“Conan! Why are you here!”

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