After listening to her words, although Akino Huixing was a little confused, she still took over the conversation.

"Of course you know me. I went to your house not long ago and brought you hot pot."

"No." Huiyuan Ai shook her head lightly, "I knew you before that."


Akino Huixing lowered her head and thought for a while, revealing a bitter smile: "Xiao Ai, are you sure you didn't remember it wrong? In my memory, we really haven't met before."

"You really haven't seen me, but I have seen you."

As she said, Huiyuan Ai took out a photo from her pocket and handed it to the person opposite.

After taking the photo with some doubts, Akino Huixing's face suddenly changed.

The person in the photo looked like herself, wearing a junior high school uniform and smiling brightly.

Obviously, it was "her" in junior high school.

"Why do you... have a photo of me?"

Akino Huixing was really confused. Even if she existed, she should not have been discovered by any main character in the previous plot.

But now...

Looking at the girl drinking juice in front of her, Akino Hui felt that her CPU was about to be broken.

"This photo was taken by my sister."

Grayfield Ai put down the juice in her hand, and her expression and tone became a bit childish.


Miyano Akemi? Akino Huixing's pupils shrank sharply, and some memory fragments emerged in her mind.

At sunset, on the way home, a long-haired woman suddenly appeared.

She was beautiful and gentle, and she raised her left hand camera and said she wanted to take a photo of "herself".

After taking the photo, the woman handed over a USB flash drive and asked "herself" to keep it and come back to get it after a while...

"Yes, my sister took it. She said she gave you a USB flash drive at that time, please let me take it back for her."

Try to put on a little girl's posture, Huiyuan Ai looked at Akino Comet with great expectation.

When she saw Akino Comet for the first time, she felt familiar with her.

Last night she remembered that her sister had mentioned Akino Comet to her when they met before.

At that time, her sister took Akino Comet's photo and said that she envied these children who could live in the sun. She felt guilty that she could not have the same life.

At that time, she was devoted to research. As a "genius girl", she didn't care about these things at all.

She only cared about the results of the research.

She had no idea when her sister left that day.

But she didn't expect that it would be the last time the two sisters met.

This photo was not found in any so-called photo album, but in a pile of books.

The pile of books that were not relics but carried the beautiful memories of the two sisters.

There was also a note placed together with the photos, which clearly wrote the contents and importance of the USB flash drive.

After thinking for a day and a night, she decided to find Akino Huixing.

She wanted to complete her sister's unfinished wish and face the black organization that frightened her.

"Sorry." Akino Huixing spread her hands helplessly: "The USB flash drive is no longer with me now."

"Because after that, I had to transfer to China, so I gave the USB flash drive to my good friend at the time and asked her to pass it on for me. But she later changed her number and moved, and we lost contact."

"How can you transfer something that others asked you to keep at will?"

The words of reprimand came out, and Huiyuan Ai instantly took off her disguise as a child.

That was the information that her sister brought out with all her life, and it was gone just like that?

She was unwilling.

After calming down, Huiyuan Ai no longer looked like a little girl, and returned to her previous indifferent look.

"Can you tell me in detail the identity information of your friend before? Including name, address, and phone number."

Knowing that Huiyuan Ai wanted these information for investigation, Akino Huixing did not hide it and told her all the information she could think of.

However... in order to avoid Huiyuan Ai's suspicion, she still asked: "What do you want these for?"

Standing up, Huiyuan Ai bowed slightly to her: "Sorry, I was too emotional just now."

"This USB drive is very important to my sister. I have to find it anyway. Thank you for the information you provided."

After speaking, she turned and walked out.

Looking at her small back, a feeling of sadness suddenly surged into Akino Huixing's heart.

Miyano Akemi...

…They had met before. They met at dusk, and she left at dusk.

At dusk, Okiya Subaru opened the door in the red sunset.

Akino Huixing poked his head out of the kitchen, "Is Mr. Subaru back?"

"Yes, I'll go upstairs to change clothes first, and come down to help later."

After changing out of the hot clothes and putting on casual home clothes, Okiya Subaru came to the kitchen.

He just saw Akino Huixing pouring the food from the pot into the plate.

The strong smell of food hit him.

He couldn't help but praise: "Ms. Huixing's cooking skills are very good."

Akino Huixing smiled, picked up the plate, took a pair of chopsticks and handed it to Okiya Subaru.

"This dish is called stir-fried pork with green peppers. It's a Chinese home-cooked dish. Try it."

After taking a small bite and putting it in his mouth, Okiya Subaru kept nodding: "It's delicious."

Putting the plate in Okiya Subaru's hands, Akino Huixing turned around and continued to work: "There's only one more dish before we can start eating. Mr. Subaru, please wait outside for a while."

"Don't you need help?"

"No." Akino Huixing turned around and smiled playfully: "Mr. Subaru will wash the dishes after dinner."

With a helpless smile, Okiya Subaru nodded: "Okay."

Dinner ended in a pleasant atmosphere. Akino Huixing did not go upstairs, but watched TV on the sofa.

Okiya Subaru had questions to ask her, and she knew it.

After a while, Okiya Subaru came out of the kitchen with two cups of tea in his hands.

"Have a cup of tea to cool off."

Taking the cup handed over by Okiya Subaru with both hands, Akino Huixing took the initiative to start a topic: "The little girl next door came today."

"Hmm?" Okiya Subaru paused, then returned to normal, "Is there anything?"

Nodding, Akino Huixing told Okiya Subaru everything that happened in the afternoon.

Since Haibara Ai came to her to ask for that information, she will definitely tell Conan later. Instead of not knowing when they will start the investigation, she might as well tell Okiya Subaru and join the investigation.

Listening to Akino Huixing's words, Okiya Subaru's expression gradually became solemn.

"I know. I will help you investigate."

Akino Huixing smiled gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Subaru, you really helped me a lot."

Okiya Subaru smiled and suddenly changed the subject: "Did Miss Huixing take Miss Ran away on purpose today?"

"Mr. Subaru saw it..."

After Maori Ran asked this question, Akino Huixing knew that Okiya Subaru must have seen it too and would definitely ask, so she had prepared her words long ago.

"I think Conan looks very smart, and Mr. Subaru was there at the time. It's not dangerous to let him investigate with you for a while. Maybe it can help the case. That's why Xiaolan was taken away."

There was no loophole in his words.

"So that's the case." Okiya Subaru nodded slightly, his eyes darker.


Downstairs of Maori Detective Agency.

With the moonlight behind them, two figures sneaked up the stairs leading to the agency.

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