The car was in a state of panic, but the driver was still busy.

The nanny car reversed at a fork in the road and turned back.

The road was smooth and fast, heading towards the private hospital.

In the back seat, Gin's two fingers jumped on the screen quickly.

A text message was quickly edited:

Comet, stay in the hospital room and don't come out. Dad will be back soon.

After pressing the send button, Gin coldly ordered: "Vodka, go faster."

Although he didn't understand why, Vodka still stepped on the accelerator hard, and the nanny car moved quickly on the road like a fired bullet.

The cars in front were scared and made way.

After the nanny car drove past, the drivers all leaned out of the window without exception, cursing and spitting at the car in front.

"Driving so fast, are you in a hurry to reincarnate!"

"I want to die!"

"Are you crazy? There are children in my car. Don't let him get others into trouble if he wants to die..."

When they were about to arrive, Vodka asked the doubts in his heart: "Brother, is there any problem?"

A pair of murderous eyes slowly raised, and Gin spoke coldly with a murderous intention.

"Old friends are here, we have to visit them."

Vodka's pupils suddenly dilated, and his eyes were full of astonishment: "Is it them?"


Twisting his neck, taking out the pistol from his arms, Gin put his hand on the door handle: "No matter what happens, don't affect Comet."

With a drift, he parked the car, and Vodka said seriously: "Understood."

Because the hospital entrance was full of people, Vodka just parked the car at the entrance.

Just as the two were about to get off the car, several police cars drove over.

Takagi Wataru got out of one of the police cars and walked to the nanny car, holding the police officer's certificate in one hand and knocking on the car window with the other hand.

"Hello, I'm Takagi from the Metropolitan Police Department."

In the back seat, Gin put the pistol back into his arms, raised his finger, and signaled Vodka to open the window.

Nodding, Vodka opened the car window halfway and stuck out half of his face: "What's the matter?"

"It's like this." Gao Mushi held up his police officer's certificate in one hand and explained: "This place is now under the control of the police. People are prohibited from entering. Please cooperate to move the car away."

"But..." Vodka was about to argue when the person in the back seat spoke.


"Thank you for your cooperation." Gao Mushi turned and left, walking to another car.

Vodka closed the window and looked at Gin in confusion, "Brother, why don't you go in?"

"The police are here, so don't cause unnecessary trouble. Drive the car to the side of the hospital and flip in."


The nanny car quickly left the main gate and went around the side wall.

Two men in black got out of the car and climbed over the wall neatly.

"Brother, what should we do next?"

Standing behind Gin in a proper manner, Vodka looked at the back of the person in front of him without looking away, standing straight like a little bodyguard.

Squinting his eyes and looking up at the outer wall of the inpatient department in front of him, Gin raised a little arc at the corner of his mouth: "Interesting..."

Retracting his gaze, he strode towards the inpatient building in front of him.

"Go to the tenth floor first to see Comet."

Until now, there has been no reply to the text message he just sent.

Although the target of that group of people should not be Comet, they must first confirm her safety.

"Okay, big brother."

Without any hesitation, Vodka followed.


Outside the top floor wall, a small figure was moving quickly outside the wall.

Not far from the huge floor-to-ceiling window, the speed slowed down.

Wiping the sweat with the towel tied in the palm of his hand, Conan climbed forward carefully.

The place to land was already very narrow, and he had to be very careful not to step on the air.

Looking at his careful appearance, Hattori Heiji silently said in his heart: Come on, Kudo.

Finally, three minutes later, Conan crawled to the French window.

He used a glass-scratching tool to cut a hole in the window for ventilation and opened the lock inside.

He turned around and made an "OK" gesture to Hattori Heiji, and then Conan leaned against the triangle formed by the window and the wall to rest.

After a gesture of receipt, Hattori Heiji returned to the room.

After a while, he came to the window with a quilt in his arms, tied the quilt to his body with a rope, and crawled to the next room.

The next room is also a storage room, but it contains some relatively expensive small medical equipment.


According to the drawings, the smoke alarm system in this room is also the most sensitive, and it will immediately alarm if there is anything wrong.

The reason for this is that there is no automatic sprinkler in this room, and the fire can only be removed manually.

After all, these expensive medical equipment will be scrapped when they come into contact with water.

Hattori Heiji tore off the quilt on his body, took out the filling inside, lit one of them, and put it in an open place.

Then he threw the quilt out of the window and returned to the next room again.

After a while, a shrill alarm sounded in the next room.

At the same time, in the security room downstairs of the hospital, the surveillance screen of this room also flashed red.

The little security guard who was dozing off was awakened, and he panicked when he saw the flashing screen, and quickly picked up the intercom.

"Captain, there is an accident on the roof..."

The captain who was negotiating with the police: How about splitting me in half?

Takagi Wataru, who was questioning, also heard the words on the intercom. After thinking for a moment, he suggested: "Let our police come forward. We can take the opportunity to sneak into the building quietly."

As soon as he said it, Takagi Wataru brought two police officers and followed the security captain to the security room. The frightened little security guard fell directly on the stool.

Looking at the people in front of him, he stammered: "Captain... Captain, are you going to arrest me?"

He just dozed off, why would there be such serious consequences...

Knowing that the people in front of him had misunderstood, the captain quickly comforted: "No, no, we need to lend a few security uniforms to these police officers to help them do things."

Hearing this, with the mentality of making up for his mistakes, the little security guard quickly began to unbutton his clothes.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?" The captain quickly stopped him, "There are still a lot of unworn clothes in the room. Bring those here."

Then he turned to Takagi Shige and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'm new here and a little reckless."

"It's okay."

Takagi Shige shook his head. He really didn't care about it.

After taking three sets of clothes from the room, the little security guard handed the clothes to Takagi Shige with trembling hands: "Officer, please take the clothes."

After taking the clothes, Takagi Shige looked up and down at the person in front of him, with a puzzled look on his face: "Why are you so scared?"

The little security guard trembled with fear and bowed repeatedly to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

The captain on the side spoke up to help: "He was caught in the police station for petty theft before, and he was left with a shadow after being released. He was afraid of the word police."

"I see."

After that, Takagi Shige and his men changed their clothes and left with the captain.

Watching the backs of the people leaving, the young security guard put one hand on his ear and said slowly with a blank expression: "Boss, the big bug is coming."

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