Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 260: The Cloud Turtle, the Fallen Yuanjun

It’s another rainy night.

The bright moonlight reflected the majestic city in the rain. The heavy rain poured down with the bone-chilling cold air, washing the ancient city walls as smooth as washes. Under the waves of the moonlight, it actually reflected a dark feeling. Pale color.

"Hurry up and start the formation! I want to meet the head of the family and the elders immediately!"

An extremely secretive black light traveled rapidly through the sky and hovered outside the closed city gate. Looking at several powerful figures on the city wall, he spoke urgently.

The leading figure seemed to recognize the person in the black light, and asked in a deep voice: "Xu Shouxing, Master Xu?"

Xu Shouxing nodded and said: "Please also ask Master Zhang to open the Xuanqing Liangyi city defense formation. This matter is extremely urgent and cannot be delayed!"

Zhang Hao angrily turned his head and motioned to several Daoji level people beside him to open a gap in the city defense array. His face became a little more solemn, and he turned around and asked, "Zhenren Xu was ordered by the family head and the Council of Elders to go and observe." The movements of Chaomu Daozong are so urgent at this time, could it be that Chaomu Daozong has already made a move?"

The black escaping light suddenly accelerated and walked in along the small gap in the city defense array. Xu Shouxing didn't even fully reveal his figure, and walked straight towards the Zhang family's ancestral land in the center of the giant city, only remaining in the rain. A word came faintly: "Chaomu Daozong established the Chaoxi Dao Alliance, and the Chaoxi Dao Alliance established two supervisory halls, the Yuanshen Realm and the Divine Pill Realm. Among them, the Supervisor Yuanjun and the Supervisory Master are respectively divided Head, with the forces in the Morning and Night Taoist Alliance sweeping towards the surroundings! If you don't join the Morning and Night Taoist Alliance and be integrated by it, there is only one way to defeat! And at this time, there is already a supervising real person, with hundreds of Morning and Night Taoist Alliance The people from the alliance are coming towards my Zhang family’s Liushui City!”

Zhang Haoqi looked at Xu Shouxing's black light that had disappeared into the night. After a moment, he understood the meaning of Xu Shouxing's words, and the shock on his face could no longer be hidden.

"Zhenzhen Zhang! Look there!!!" A member of the Zhang family in the Daoji realm changed his face greatly, looked at the distant sky and spoke urgently.

Zhang Haoqi heard that his tone was not good, and couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. He turned his head and followed the gaze of this Zhang family member, and his pupils shrank violently.

In the distant sky, the blazing blue-white brilliance almost completely illuminated the dark night, and dozens of extremely powerful divine elixir realm auras were emanating from that brilliance unbridled!

Moreover, this blue-white brilliance, which even crushes the heavy rain and thunderclouds in the sky, is rushing towards Liushui City, where the head of the Zhang family is located, at an incredible speed!

Although the brilliance is still far away from here at this time, if it maintains this terrifying speed, it will reach here in at most one stick of incense!

Liushui City is the ancestral city of the Zhang family, a medium-sized family. The Zhang family has been attached to the large sect Haoran Sword Sect for more than two thousand years. It controls an area of ​​thousands of miles, and there are several giant cities in it. This Liushui City This is where the head of the Zhang family is located and is the most powerful.

"Master Taishang, if we wait for half a stick of incense, we will arrive at the location of the Zhang family's ancestral city, Liushui City."

Although Lu Xiuzhu was already at the level of the Divine Alchemy Peak Realm, he did not dare to show any arrogance or arrogance in front of the Supervisor of the Divine Alchemy Initial Level, who was wearing a snow-white Taoist robe and looked extremely respectful.

Standing atop the extremely luxurious Luan Jia, Xu Disheng nodded slightly, glanced at the several real people in the Divine Pill Peak Realm standing below, and said, "Who is willing to consolidate and clean up the six cities of the Zhang family, a medium-sized family?"

The eyes of the people below all changed. Apparently they had some thoughts in their hearts, and they all stepped forward and expressed their willingness to go.

They are just ordinary real people in the divine elixir realm, and they come from different sect forces. Some of them have extremely limited training resources. At this time, this is obviously a great opportunity in front of them to search for resources. No one Want to give up.

Lu Xiuzhu, however, was a real person in the divine elixir realm from Chao Mu Dao Sect. His status was much higher than that of the other real people in the divine elixir peak realm. He saluted Xu Disheng and said, "Master Taishang, the Zhang family is A medium-sized family with extremely top strength, there are two half-step Yuan Shen realm beings in Flowing Water City, and more than ten people in the divine elixir realm, this matter..."

Xu Disheng gently waved his sleeves and said: "No problem, just go and ask if he is willing to join the Morning and Night Taoist Alliance. If he is not willing, just go back to the Xiaoyun Spirit Turtle and don't say anything to him."

This green thing traveling rapidly in the sky

The bright white brilliance is a huge Cloud Spirit Turtle. It generates cloud energy under its four legs. It is distributed by the Supervisory Palace to each Supervisory Master. It is a genuine half-step Yuan Shen realm spiritual beast.

The center of the huge body of the Xiaoyun Spirit Turtle is the Luanjia where Xu Disheng and several real people at the Divine Pill Peak Realm are located, while the remaining dozen or so real people at the Divine Pill Peak Realm and dozens of Daoji Realm people are scattered all over the place. Above the Xiaoyun Spirit Turtle, looking at the Zhang family's Liuyun City from a distance, his eyes were full of greed and excitement.

"Yes, Master Taishang," Lu Xiuzhu responded respectfully. He turned around and randomly picked a real person from the Divine Pill Peak Realm, "Qin Ming, then you will lead the people there. Remember the words of Master Taishang." ?”

Qin Ming and Lu Xiuzhu had known each other for a long time. When he heard this, he showed a hint of joy, nodded and saluted: "Thank you, Master Taishang, and thank you, Master Lu. I will make sure that the Zhang family will obey me when I go."

The remaining Shendan Peak realms had different expressions, but a thought flashed through their hearts, hoping that the Zhang family would refuse to join or there would be some trouble among them, so that they could take advantage of the chaos.

If you want to join the Morning and Night Taoist Alliance, you need to completely disband the original power structure and hand over all spiritual resources. To put it nicely, it is called joining and integrating, but in fact it is just a naked annexation.

Such harsh requirements even made it unbearable for many forces who had always wanted to stay out of the matter. Many forces saw that there were not many people from the Morning and Night Taoist Alliance, and they had evil thoughts in their hearts. They actually wanted to kill the people of the Morning and Night Taoist Alliance with all their strength, and then raise the clan. Escape, completely leave the world of day and night.

But they underestimated the fact that the Supervisory Masters and Supervisory Yuanjun who were in charge of the command could be placed in the Supervisory Hall, which is enough to show that each of them is a supreme monster in the middle realm. If you pick one person at random, his combat power is among the same. They are all nearly invincible among the ranks!

The strategy of the Chaoxi Dao Alliance is very simple and extremely crude. Those large sects that have not yet surrendered are responsible for the integration and cleanup by dozens of supervisors. The medium-sized sects and the forces below are completely responsible for these supervisors. , no matter how strong or weak they are, they are pushed all the way, with only one purpose, which is to leave only one force in the end, and that is the Morning and Night Dao Alliance!

If you submit directly, you will lose everything, but you can still avoid the disaster of death. However, if you refuse to submit, the Taoist Alliance will never accept it again, but will directly kill him without leaving any consequences. It can be said that it is Extremely cruel.

Qin Ming was so excited about being selected by Lu Xiuzhu because if he stepped forward and successfully joined the Zhang family, he would get a generous share of resources and a lot of merit on the Taoist list!

Of course, as a respected Supervisor, Xu Disheng, even if he does nothing and just sits on the most luxurious Luanjia among the Xiaoyun Spirit Turtles, he can still obtain several times more merits on the Taoist List than Qin Ming!

The two avenue lists were originally set up for the Supervisory Hall. In the final ranking, the creatures that can receive the most precious spiritual rewards are only the Supervisory Yuanjun and Supervisory Master of the Supervisory Hall!

With such a merit distribution mechanism on the Taoist list, ordinary real people in the Taoist Alliance can never receive more merit than the supervising real people. However, in the end, based on merit ranking, they can still get richer rewards than other ordinary real people.

The huge body of the Cloud Turtle directly dispersed the dense rain clouds along the way. Although the wind and rain had stopped at this time, the moonlight in the sky was still so pale.

Zhang Haoqi stood under the huge shadow cast by the Sky Cloud Turtle above his head, his face extremely ugly, and he said anxiously: "The head of the family and the elders haven't arrived yet?"

As soon as he said this, dozens of rays of light came quickly from the city. After a few breaths, they arrived on the city wall. They all looked up at the Xiaoyun Spirit Turtle, whose body was covered with blazing white light, with solemn expressions.

"Great Elder, if the conditions are not too harsh, it is not a bad idea for my Zhang family to join the Chao Xi Dao Alliance."

"The head of the family, the first elder, and the third elder are right. There is really no need for us to ask for trouble. According to what Zhenren Xu said, the Morning and Night Dao Alliance is extremely vicious in dealing with those forces that are unwilling to surrender!"

A group of people gathered around the two half-step Yuan Shen realm real people and spoke one after another. Their expressions were a little frightened, and they completely lost their usual aloofness and calmness. It was obvious that they were completely frightened by the Morning and Night Dao Alliance, and they couldn't even think of any resistance.

The Great Elder Zhang Yuanliu frowned and said: "Quiet!"

The rest of the people became quiet after hearing this, but they all looked at

He proposed to the current head of the Zhang family to stay as a saint.

Zhang Liusheng and Zhang Yuanliu are similar. They are both at the half-step Yuan Shen realm. At this time, he smiled bitterly and said: "Great Elder, there are eight powerful forces in the Morning and Night Dao Alliance. Unless our Zhang family can escape from the Morning and Night Realm in an instant. and Mang Mountain, otherwise we would have no choice but to surrender."

The third elder's eyes flashed before, and he spoke again: "My Zhang family has paid so many spiritual taxes to Haoran Sword Sect over the years, do they not care about this matter at all?"

Xu Shouxing, the elder of the Keqing family who has excellent concealment skills, changed his expression and stepped forward: "The situation is too urgent. Xu has something else that he has not had time to inform the head of the family and the elders."

The Great Elder Zhang Yuanliu's face was solemn, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. He asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter? Elder Xu just said it's okay."

"Haoran Sword Sect is a top large-scale sect. It has a Zhengyuan Lord who has just broken through to the realm of distraction, so it attempts to renegotiate the conditions of joining with the Supervisor Yuan Lord who went to integrate." Xu Shouxing glanced at everyone The elders and the head of the family said word by word, "But just half a day ago, Lord Zhengyuan was killed by the Supervisor Yuanjun of the Morning and Night Alliance! In just half a stick of incense, hundreds of thousands of lives in the entire sect were wiped out. They will all perish, and the Haoran Sword Sect’s orthodoxy will be completely cut off from now on.”

"Impossible! The state of the Distracting God Lord is so mysterious and unpredictable. How could he be killed by Yuanjun in the Yuanshen state?" The expression on the third elder's face changed drastically, and he spoke in shock, "The previous episode, the Zhengyuan Lord, just broke through to the Distracting God state. , with the existence of this Lord of the Distracting God Realm, the Haoran Sword Sect even has the prototype of a hegemonic sect!"

"The supervisor Yuanjun is the fallen Yuanjun of Yin Yang Dao Sect."

As soon as Xu Shouxing said this, the three elders gradually fell silent, and the remaining people almost completely believed it, with even more panic on their faces.

"If it was the fallen Yuanjun known as Yin Yang Daozi, then it would not be too surprising that Lord Zhengyuan was killed by him just after he broke through to the state of distraction," Zhang Yuanliu captured it. The details in Xu Shouxing's words, "But even a large sect with a foundation like Haoran Sword Sect cannot bear the conditions for surrender, so how harsh should these conditions be?"

The fallen Yuanjun is the only Yin-Yang Taoist of the most powerful sect Yin-Yang Tao Sect in the past hundred thousand years. He only cultivates one type of mental method, called "Taiyin Fate". What he cultivates is the power of destiny determined by human beings. He cultivates it to the highest and deepest levels. As long as he asks you to die, you will definitely die!

No one could see his battle with Lord Zhengyuan, but after the fallen Lord Yuan appeared, he was surrounded by the indescribable power of fate, but his face turned pale, but Lord Zhengyuan never appeared again. Pass.

In the half-stick of incense that followed, the Haoran Sword Sect was completely destroyed under the full siege and strangulation of other Yuan Shen Realm Yuan Jun and Shen Dan Realm masters brought by the fallen Yuan Jun.

Xu Shouxing also didn't know the details of the terms of surrender, only that they were extremely harsh. Just as he was about to speak, he was directly interrupted by dozens of people flying above the Xiaoyun Spirit Turtle.

"Is the head of the Zhang family here?" Qin Ming flew down to the Sky Cloud Turtle with several ordinary Shendan Realm real people and dozens of Daoji Realm people. He stood in the sky and looked down at the Zhang family members on the city wall. There was a hint of urgency and greed in his tone.

The Zhang family advocated staying as a saint and Zhang Yuanliu looked at each other, and stepped forward and said, "I am the Zhang family advocate staying as a saint. I don't know where this real person comes from. What is your business?"

He is half a step into the Yuan Shen realm, but he is pretending to be stupid at this time.

Qin Ming glanced at him contemptuously and said: "Pretending to be stupid? Do you really not know who we are? Then I will tell you that the Chaoxi Dao Alliance Supervisory Hall is here only to integrate the Zhang family."

Zhang Liusheng pondered for a moment, stopped pretending to be stupid, and said in a deep voice: "May I ask this true person, what kind of surrender is this?"

"Hand over all the resources and spiritual objects of the Zhang family, and all cultivators at the Daoji level and above will join the Morning and Night Dao Alliance." Qin Ming glanced at the densely packed Zhang family people coming from the city, and sneered, "As for these Ants in the Qi Sea Realm and Tongmai Realm need to be counted as the property of the Morning and Night Taoist Alliance. Once the Taoist Basic Realm is born, they will automatically become the disciples of the Morning and Night Taoist Alliance."

(The author is dizzy. The rewards in the past two days have been so awesome. Thanks to Shu Huang Lian Nian, Wu Yunzhu, A Cup of Air, Glory Comes to Me, Kilitougo, The Knife, The Whale Shooter, Xiuer La, etc., Especially the first few readers here, the author is really grateful, so there will be a big update on Sunday, at least eight updates that day...Thank you!)

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