Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 271 Ten Thousand Swords Return to Yuan, Seriously Injured

"My profound energy cultivation is dissipating! What the hell is going on!" After a divine elixir realm swordsman from the Tianxuan Sword Sect was submerged by the snow-white spiritual light, his aura of the divine elixir realm declined crazily. In just a few moments, Then he fell to the Daoji realm!

"What kind of magic does this kid do? It's really terrifying!"

"My cultivation is also regressing!"

At this time, he was not the only one. Except for the few people from the Tianxuan Sword Sect who were half-step into the Yuan Shen realm, almost all of the dozens of other divine elixir realms were submerged in their bodies by the snow-white spiritual light of "Three Meridians Disappeared", and their cultivation levels plummeted. !

Moreover, even those sword cultivators who are half-step into the Soul Realm have fallen to the first level of the Divine Pill!

Before these people could fully come to their senses, the Pixiao Blue Thunder roared and exploded in the dark thunderclouds above the sky. Almost countless green and white thunders wrapped in bright electric light were directed towards the Tianxuan Sword Sect. People were strangled to death!

At this time, a full fifteen breaths had passed since Shaohuang Qian went to stop Qi Taiqing. The blazing white spiritual curtain surrounding him had become extremely transparent under the blast of Qi Taiqing's sword light, as if it would be gone the next moment. To be completely broken.

"Stop this thunder spell with all your strength!" A sword cultivator from the Tianxuan Sword Sect who was half a step into the Soul Realm shouted loudly as he looked at the sky full of blue and white thunder that was rushing towards the crowd with a solemn expression.

Most of the people looked ugly, and immediately took out their protective magic weapons and activated them with all their strength. However, there were still several newly promoted divine elixir realm practitioners who had not yet completely recovered from their decline in cultivation. , before he even had time to take out the magic weapon, he was strangled into thousands of mutilated bodies by several Pixiao Qinglei in a moment!

Even the other people who had sacrificed the magic weapon were struggling to resist at this time and did not dare to be distracted at all. After all, their profound energy cultivation level plummeted and they could not fully exert the protective power of the magic weapon, even if they had used it. With all his strength, he was still extremely reluctant to stop the Pixiao Qinglei, as if the next moment he would be penetrated by the blue and white thunder and completely smashed into pieces.

"This son is so fair and handsome, but the spells he uses are so sinister. He is simply not worthy of being a human son!"

"Resist for a moment longer! I can feel that my cultivation has begun to recover rapidly!"

"I can't hold it anymore! Ah!"

Finally, a member of the Tianxuan Sword Sect who had fallen from the first level of Divine Pill to the Daoji level was the first to be unable to withstand the continuous bombardment of Pixiao Qinglei. The magic weapon in his hand was directly blown away. After losing the protection of the magic weapon, he was directly killed. Submerged in the raging blue and white thunder, no sound was heard.

In just three breaths of time, more than ten real people in the Divine Pill Realm were wiped out in the Tianxuan Sword Sect!

However, the ability of the "Three Meridians of Destruction" spell to suppress cultivation gradually faded away. As long as the remaining cultivation levels of these people were all restored, Xu Disheng would never have time to kill them all in the remaining ten breaths of time! And once thirty breaths have passed, the blazing white spiritual curtain around Shao Huangnian and Qi Taiqing will be completely destroyed, and it will be impossible to resist the sword power of the sword-wielding monarch again, and this battle will be lost!

Dozens of divine elixir realms and more than two hundred divine elixir realm members of the Morning and Night Dao Alliance followed Xu Disheng's order to form dozens of large and small sword cultivators formed by nearly a thousand Tianxuan Sword Sect Daoji realm sword cultivators. The sword array blocked it, and it was impossible to escape for a moment.

"The True Thunder of Taixuan's Imperial Spirit, the Yin Thunder of Black Water."

Just before those divine elixir realm sword cultivation levels were completely restored, the seal in Xu Disheng's hand changed again, and a vast and unparalleled spiritual power surged out. The ancient bell phantom had reached its peak, and the young man The Taoist's fair complexion also became paler, while the sky-blue thunder clouds in the sky were changing and changing, erupting into a soul-shaking roar!

The green and white thunder suddenly turned into a pure black thunder of black water, without giving the people of Tianxuan Sword Sect any time to react. From the dark thunder cloud, it roared and struck hard. !


The electric snakes flowed, and the dark thunder completely weaved into a net of thunder and lightning that could wrap hundreds of people, and the Tianxuan Sword Sect, who was only one step away from getting rid of the "destruction of the three veins" and restored their cultivation. The divine elixir realm was completely enveloped!

There was already a sea of ​​thunder above the ground. Even Qi Taiqing, who had once again slashed Shao Huangnian away with a sword, his expression changed slightly at this time, wanting to come to rescue these divine elixir realms who were struggling in the sea of ​​thunder.

But Shao Huangnian once again flew towards Qi Taiqing with the blazing white spiritual curtain, laughing loudly.

One after another, piercing wails and screams came out from the sea of ​​thunder in the black water. Qi Taiqing's eyes were about to burst. He actually made up his mind and directly activated a trace of his soul source. The sword light suddenly surged for tens of thousands of miles. Zhang, at the twenty-fourth breath, a sword slashed through the protective distraction talisman around Shao Huangnian!

The blazing white spiritual curtain covering Shao Huangnian's body was completely shattered, and a large mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth. He was thrown upside down by the force of the impact, but there was a crazy smile on his face: "Qi Taiqing, you This fool is not willing to activate the source of his soul until now. Unfortunately, the Tianxuan Sword Sect’s divine elixir realm is almost dead, so my body-protecting distraction talisman was not in vain, hahahahaha!”

In the thunder sea where the black water thunder was raging, only a few Tianxuan Sword Sect swordsmen who were half-step into the Yuanshen realm were left. They all looked extremely ugly and looked at Xu Disheng with a look on their face. There were expressions of disbelief and shock and anger.

"This boy is only at the first level of the divine elixir realm, but the power of the spells he casts are too terrifying! Especially this second black thunder spell, it has even exceeded the scope of the divine elixir realm and has reached the level of The offensive power of the Yuanshen Yuanjun realm!”

"That snow-white spiritual light that can forcibly lower your cultivation level in a short period of time is even more weird! Who is this kid?"

Although the spiritual power of the spirit race in Xu Dishengjiang Palace is extremely strong, and they even have the ancient clock beside them to crazily swallow the vitality of the world, but at this time, they have successively displayed several extremely powerful and terrifying magical powers to protect the way. Feeling a little exhausted, he could no longer sustain the continuous bombardment of the Black Water Yin Thunder, directly dispersing the spell's continuity.

The sea of ​​black water, thunder and lightning raging with lightning gradually disappeared, and the dark thunderclouds also gradually dissipated between the sky and the earth, leaving only a mess.

However, most of the dozens of Tianxuan Sword Sect's divine elixir realm practitioners were directly killed by Xu Disheng's three-style incantation, leaving only the Zhangzong master and a few half-step Yuanshen realm sword cultivators!

Qi Taiqing's eyes were boiling with uncontrollable murderous intent, and hundreds of extremely bright sword lights emerged around him as he walked through the air.

, walking towards Xu Disheng step by step, his voice was cold to the bone: "It is such a pity that such a talented and evil person is about to pass away."

Obviously, Xu Disheng's completely unreasonable and monstrous combat power cannot be achieved by a person in the first level of divine elixir. The "Black Water Yin Thunder" just now is even comparable to the attack and killing of ordinary Yuanshen level Yuanjun. It must be A supreme evildoer from a certain powerful force.

But at this point, it is meaningless to ask about these details. The hatred between the two parties has long been irresolvable, and it can only be stopped if one of the parties is completely destroyed.

"Brother Nianhua, can you still fight?" Xu Disheng turned his head slightly and looked at Shao Huangnian, who had taken several precious pills one after another.

"It's okay, I just lost a distraction talisman. But if you come a moment later, I will really die." The black long knife in Shao Huangnian's hand trembled slightly, and he turned to look at Xu Di Sheng, there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Facing Qi Taiqing alone was a sure way to die. Without the protection of the distraction talisman, he would be killed in a matter of breaths, leaving him unable to resist at all.

But if the two of them face Qi Taiqing together, they will have a lot of breathing space. Even though the chance of victory is still slim, there is finally a slight possibility.

Qi Taiqing's expression was cold, and more and more bright sword lights were circulating around him. At a glance, he could see that they were densely packed and countless, and the brilliant and fierce sword power shot straight into the sky!

"Ten Thousand Swords Return to Yuan!"

As his words fell, countless sharp sword lights overwhelmed the sky and strangled Xu Disheng and Shao Huangnian rapidly!

Shao Huangnian had several layers of protective mysterious light emerging around his body, but he still underestimated the furious blow of the body-refining sword cultivator in the first realm of Yuanshen. The dense sword light crushed layer after layer. Layers of protective mysterious light, several top-quality magic weapons, and psychic magic weapons all flew out, until all the protective power surrounding him was completely broken!

Although the remaining sword light was much less, it was still not something that Shao Huangnian could face directly. The blood on his body spurted out, and his two arms were directly chopped into pieces by the sword light flying in the sky, and there were also wounds on his chest and abdomen. There were deep wounds, and he almost turned into a bloody man, falling heavily to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Although there are many kinds of rare spiritual objects that can resurrect severed limbs, Shao Huangnian was really overconfident this time. Everyone also greatly underestimated the combat power of Yuanshen Yuanjun realm body refining sword cultivator. The real killing power is much more terrifying than they imagined.

In the previous episode, Qi Taiqing did not take Xu Disheng seriously, and the price he paid was extremely heavy. This price was the loss of most of the divine elixir realm practitioners of the Tianxuan Sword Sect in just a few breaths of time!

This incident made Qi Taiqing furious. He already hated Xu Disheng in his heart, so as soon as he came up, he directly used "Ten Thousand Swords to Return to Yuan", intending to crush the two of them to ashes!

What Shao Huangnian endured was just a small amount of sword light, but he still couldn't resist it. The sword light directly broke through the protection and was seriously injured. He completely lost his combat power for a moment and fainted.

Most of the remaining sword lights were densely packed together into a beautiful sword rain, which covered the sky and the sun and swirled towards Xu Disheng!

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