Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 352 Dreamland

Gu Zi carefully supported her bulging abdomen with one hand, slowly sat up from the couch, looked up at Xu Che, and said softly: "Your Majesty, I have been feeling uncomfortable in recent days. From time to time, there is some noise in my belly, accompanied by some labor pains. Maybe this little guy is kicking me gently to tell me that he is about to be born?"

Xu Che gently placed the still steaming bowl of expensive ginseng soup on the table beside the couch and said with a smile: "That should be the case, Zi'er, I have decided that no matter what the child you give birth to this time, Regardless of whether they are male or female, they should be cultivated as the direct bloodline of the prince's residence in the Wuzhou fiefdom. After all, they are your own flesh and blood, and they should not be biased because of their origins."

"His Majesty's residence..."

Gu Zi's eyes were filled with soreness, and mist filled them once again. He lowered his head slightly, gently stroked his bulging belly with his hands, and choked up: "Everything is done for my mother's fault. You will be called Guo'er from now on." Come on, promise, promise..."

In the outer hall, Hui Lao happened to walk in quickly. As the profound energy circulated around him, he heard Gu Zi's words clearly.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, the old man Hui is back."

A black-armored guard walked up to Xu Che and reported in a low voice.

Xu Che glanced at Old Hui who was waiting in the outer hall from a distance, nodded and said: "Let him wait in the hall, I will be here soon."

"Yes, Your Majesty, Your Majesty." The black-armored guard responded respectfully and slowly backed away.

"Zi'er, drink this ginseng soup while it's hot. I have something important to do. I'll be with you later."

Gu Zi's eyes were filled with happiness and he said softly: "Okay."

Xu Che came out of the inner hall and saw that Old Hui's face was a little unnatural. He couldn't help but laugh a little and said: "Old Hui, why do you look so ugly?"

Hui Lao hesitated to speak, but finally shook his head gently.

"Speak directly if you have something to say, how rude is it to hesitate!" Xu Che frowned and scolded softly.

Hui Lao hesitated for a moment, walked to Xu Che's side, and said in a low voice: "Does the Crown Prince really want to keep this bastard in his residence? Besides, the Xu family is the surname of the royal family. How can such a humble person be crowned a royal family member?" Last name?"

Obviously, Hui Lao, as a person who is loyal to the Xu family of the royal family and even more loyal to Xu Che, the prince of Wuzhou, has completely destroyed himself.

The bottom line is to weigh the gains and losses from the perspective of the Xu family. Regarding Xu Che's move, even though he had countless doubts in his heart, he could only remind Xu Che in such a euphemistic way, and he did not dare to use it more harshly. wording.

"I have my own thoughts on this matter," an inexplicable look flashed in Xu Che's eyes, "You have just returned after a few months. I must have already taken care of what I asked you to prepare."

When Hui Lao heard that Xu Che had changed his name to "my palace", he very wisely stopped entangled in this matter. There was a little excitement on his face and said: "The prince's order, how dare I not disobey it?" Are you going to do it with all your heart? A few months ago, the ninety-nine virgin mortal girls searched from Wuzhou were ready, and many rough farmers were found to make these twenty-eight All the girls are pregnant with Liujia, and counting the days, there are now more than two hundred days."

"Five months?" Xu Che pondered for a moment and murmured softly, "As a spiritual guide, that should be enough, Hui Lao!"

When he spoke of the latter part, his tone suddenly turned serious, which even made Old Hui, who had already reached the half-step base level, tremble in his heart.

"The old man is here!"

Hui Lao lowered his body deeply.

"Within three days, bring all these pregnant girls to Kunyang Fucheng, the state capital, and find a place to place them properly without making any mistakes!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Crown Prince!"

Ugly time.


Gu Zi suddenly opened his bloodshot eyes, and a sharp cry came out of Tao Tao's mouth, with a look of extreme horror.

It was very quiet in the darkness. After a few breaths, the fear in Gu Zi's eyes subsided slightly, replaced by uncontrollable anger: "Hold the lamp! Someone, please hold the lamp for me!"

There was no time to think carefully about why the servants did not light the lamp in the palace today. Gu Zi still had a look of fear on his face, recalling the horrific scene he had just experienced in his sleep.

This nightmare frightened her so much that she dreamed that her child turned into a ghost baby, biting open her abdomen and crawling out slowly, with strands of blood hanging from its twisted mouthparts. strips of meat, staring at her with vicious eyes, and then let out a sharp roar, opening his mouthparts to a

To an incredible extent, he bit off her head in one bite.

Just when he was glad that this was just a dream, Gu Zi gradually discovered something was wrong.

The palace she lived in was called Ningkun Hall. It was usually brightly lit all night long, but today not only was there no lamp, but no one answered her even when she shouted several times. It was really abnormal.

"Come here! Come here!" Gu Zi groped in the darkness and sat up. Because he was too frightened, his voice was slightly deformed. It sounded very high-pitched and not like a human voice.

In a panic, his left hand accidentally touched the hand in front of him.

There was a slight hint of joy in his heart, and Gu Zi didn't have time to think about it, so he said anxiously: "Is it you, the prince's residence? Why is no one holding the lamp today?"

But after she came back to her senses, she discovered something extremely terrifying.

Tetsuko was so majestic that he would never be bored enough to play hide and seek with her in the dark.

This hand is cold and smooth, and... very small.


Gu Zi figured this out at this moment, and her scalp couldn't help but feel numb. She was about to withdraw her hand, but found that the cold little hand directly grabbed her arm!


A thunderbolt flashed outside the hall.

At this moment, the electric light illuminated Ning Kun Hall, allowing Gu Zi to see clearly what he was holding on to.

A terrifying baby that seemed to have been stripped of human skin was sitting next to the couch, with red flesh and blood all over its body, but its ferocious face was pale, and its two empty eye sockets were filled with dense maggots. And its thin, cold arms were twisted into an incredible angle, tightly wrapped around his hand!

There was a heartbreaking pain in his abdomen. Gu Zi was so frightened that he could no longer make any sound. He opened his mouth wide and lowered his head in a daze. With the lightning flashing outside the hall again, he finally saw Understand the source of this pain.

At some point, my abdomen had completely turned into a huge hollow, with all the internal organs disappearing, revealing a large area of ​​white bones!


Distorted laughter that could tear your eardrums reached your ears.

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