Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 366: Destruction

"I am Shao Yinxuan of the Qingyuan Spirit Realm, and my Taoist name is Yingling Yuanjun. I wonder if the girl can tell me the origin of my name?"

Lord Lingyuan walked in front of the girl, with a wry smile on his face, and bowed respectfully.

Hong Shang looked at him quietly with her eyes lowered, her mouth opened slightly, and she said softly: "For a dying person, what's the use of knowing so much?"

She didn't see any movement, but the brilliance on the bloody crescent moon she held in her hand became brighter and brighter, and even reflected the face of Yinling Yuanjun in a blood-red color.

Sensing the rapid weakening of his soul and the rapid passing of his demon power, Yinling Yuanjun had no way to resist it. He stood there blankly, with countless thoughts passing through his heart, and finally just turned into a sigh of relief.

After a few breaths, his body was completely saturated with blood-red brilliance, turning into a blazing red ball and blending into the crescent of blood moon.

As Hong Shang's eyes looked at Shao Huangnian and the other two Yuanshen Realm Yuanjun, a sense of despair arose in their hearts. Looking at the brilliance of the blood moon, there was nothing they could do. The means of resistance, one of them even completely collapsed under the blood light, his soul was in chaos, he knelt down and shouted loudly: "Goddess, please spare me, please Goddess, I am willing I am a slave, I only ask you to..."

Before he finished speaking, a brighter beam of blood-colored rainbow light emerged from the crescent moon, completely piercing through the chest, and even the blood-colored ball of light was destroyed before being transformed.

"Noisy." The girl's pleasant voice reached the ears of the remaining two people.

Another Yuanjun in the first stage of Yuanshen was also a little confused, his eyes were lifeless, and his body was gradually soaked with blood-red spiritual light.

Only Shao Huangnian, who was only half a step into the Yuan Shen realm, was protected by a pale white spiritual light that circulated endlessly. He was sane and had not yet been invaded by the brilliance of the blood moon.

"Could this aura be?" Hong Shang raised her eyebrows and looked at the aura circling around Shao Huangnian's side. "There is actually an extra trace of aura in it. Is this what you call your last wish? It's really shocking. It’s incredible.”

"Why am I not dead yet?"

The white-haired Zhang Yudu opened his eyes, watched the enchantment space around him continue to collapse, and turned towards the black Taoist robe in front of him.

The young man spoke in a low voice.

Zhang Pangsheng lowered his head and looked at him deeply, and said: "It doesn't matter whether you are alive or dead at this time. If you want, I can take the decision to take you away from here, find a mortal state, and give you glory for the rest of your life." Wealth.”

"Since you were born from the dark power in my body, you will definitely know what I am thinking at this time, so why do you ask knowingly?" Zhang Duoduo leaned on the side of the boulder, with a quiet smile on his lips, "Let me Just stay here."

The young man said no more. As the dark black robe sleeves flicked, a dark spiritual light emerged from around him, changing and changing, and disappeared into the enchantment space after a few breaths.

All the blood-red auras had been taken away by Hong Shang. The temporarily constructed barrier space was now filled with darkness and dead silence, and was in the process of constant disintegration. After a few breaths, It will be completely annihilated and dissipated, no longer existing.

Zhang Duoduo stretched out his palm tremblingly and looked down at the lines on his palm, seeming to be reminded of that day many years ago.

"Senior brother, let's make an agreement that we will be a couple for the rest of our lives, okay? Don't change the hook!"

Her delicate white little finger stretched out and hung in front of her.

He raised his hand and covered it, the soft and warm touch of the girl's green jade fingers was so unreal.


The scene in front of him was distorted and cracked inch by inch, endless darkness swept in, and the barrier space supporting the Jue Formation Spiritual Network above the Yannan Prefecture was completely shattered.

"At least three masters of the distraction realm are rushing from the Qingyuan spiritual world, why don't you take action?"

Zhang Guansheng's figure appeared outside the blood-colored spherical light curtain, and he raised his eyebrows and looked at Hongshang and Shao Huangnian inside.

Hongshang sighed softly, and without hesitation, Shao Huangnian was shrouded in the blood moon's light as it circulated. In a moment, he completely turned into a blood-colored ball of light and was sucked into the crescent moon.

She didn't even look at Zhang Guansheng, she just waved her gauze sleeves and transformed into a colorful Pegasus under her body. In an instant, it turned into a rainbow in the opposite direction to the Qingyuan Spiritual World.

Zhang Pangsheng looked at the light white jade talisman slowly falling from the place where Shao Huangnian's body fell, and casually threw out a black light to destroy it, and sneered: "It's extremely boring."

After pondering for a moment, he turned his head and glanced in the direction of the Qingyuan Spirit World, and murmured: "Two are in the second state of distraction, and one is in the third state of distraction, that's all."

Even so, he had no intention of staying. As his body twisted, he transformed from one to two, and from two to four. After a few breaths, he transformed into countless vague figures with the same aura, densely packed towards the other three. The direction quickly turned into light.

Just a few hours later, such unbelievable things shocked the entire five realms of the Middle Realm!

One of the most powerful forces in the Qingyuan Spiritual Realm of Dongtian Paradise, was actually robbed of the inheritance of the Tribulation Front Realm that was born before, and even had several Yuanshen Realm Yuanjun killed. Even those from Tai Under the Lord Shangxu's seat, Guitun Yuanjun, who ranked first on the morning and evening Taoist rankings, died!

But what is extremely shocking is that Qingyuan Spirit Realm does not even know who is responsible for the attack at this time!

If a Lord of the Dividing God Realm takes action, his aura fluctuations cannot be concealed at all, and some clues will definitely be left behind. However, after careful investigation by the Lords of the Qingyuan Spirit Realm, they have concluded that there is no Dividing God Realm involved in this matter. The Lord took action personally, but everyone knows Guitun Yuanjun's astonishing combat power. If the Lord of the Dispersion Realm had not taken action, who among all the Yuanshen Realm Yuanjun in the five realms of the Middle Realm would be able to defeat Gui Tun Yuanjun? Tun Yuanjun! ?

After all, even the most powerful sect, Yin-Yang Daozi, Fallen Yuanjun, once personally admitted that he was not as good as Ghost Tun Yuanjun, not to mention the others.

One mystery after another came one after another. Even Lord Yuan Eclipse, who was distracted in the eighth realm, left the Qingyuan Spiritual Realm and came to the vicinity of Yannanzhou to investigate the matter in person. After all, this matter is not just about Qingyuan. Regarding matters in the Yuanling Realm, even Gui Tun Yuanjun from the Taixuan Spiritual Realm died here!

Sure enough, Taixuan Spirit Realm sent several Lingyun accusations before and after the garrison, and the wording was extremely poor. It was obvious that they wanted Qingyuan Spirit Realm to give a reasonable explanation.

In the Taixuan Spiritual Realm, even Lord Xuan Cang, one of the elders of the Palm Realm, personally sent out a spiritual light and sent it directly to Lord Yuanshi of the Qingyuan Spiritual Realm, nakedly demanding an explanation. .

After all, Guitun Yuanjun's ghost power cultivation is extremely exquisite. It takes countless spiritual resources to cultivate such a monster of the Yuanshen Realm. At this time, he died inexplicably under the eyes of the Qingyuan Spiritual World. , no one will give in easily.

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