Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 429 Spirit... Spiritual Tax

Fall into the devil's abyss.

This abyss is the place that the creatures in the Southern Territory must pass through if they want to return to the Snowy Territory. It seems to stretch endlessly under the southern wall of the Southern Territory. It is unreachable, unreachable, and 900 meters wide. Yu Zhang, every moment there is a shrill, hoarse and distorted magic sound sweeping out from the dark abyss. For eight calamities, there has almost never been a moment of rest.

If you want to fly across the Falling Demon Abyss, which is more than 900 feet wide, and then cross the southernmost wall of the southern border to return to the Snowy Territory, it is not difficult in fact, as long as you have reached the realm of the Distracting Lord.

Similarly, if you come to the southern border from the Snowy Territory, after passing through the border wall, all you can see is the endless dark abyss directly below.

The purple-gold divine light manifested from the southernmost wall of the South Realm. After a few breaths, it condensed into a human form. When the divine light completely dissipated, its figure gradually appeared, but it was a man wearing a snow-white Taoist robe. The young Taoist had a small moon-white beast lying on his shoulder.


Jiuxue tugged at the hem of Xu Disheng's Taoist robe with his two front paws, lowered his head slightly, and looked at the Demonic Abyss below with a pair of blue eyes.

Xu Disheng rubbed the fur on the top of its head and said: "This abyss is full of monsters. It is a holy place for spiritual sea creatures who specialize in refining magic spells. However, I have never practiced refining." No matter how many demons you enter and kill the demons, it will be useless."

"Ouch." Jiuxue seemed to feel a little bored, and lay softly on his shoulder, closing his eyes.

Xu Disheng shook his head and stopped looking at it.

He walked in the air from the Demonic Abyss, and with every step he took, a purple-gold halo appeared under his feet. In just half a stick of incense, he crossed the Demonic Abyss, truly It fell on the southern border.

"Brother Dao, please stay." A man's voice came into his ears.

Xu Disheng looked sideways, and saw a huge and gorgeous palace hanging in the air. Dozens of beautiful women wearing only translucent gauze, whispering softly, surrounded an exquisite jade couch.

A distracted Lord of the Sixth Realm with a lazy look stood up from the suspended jade couch in Luanjia. He looked at Xu Disheng carefully. After realizing that he was a creature of the Divine Sea Realm, he couldn't help but put away his frivolity. With a look on his face, he casually pushed away the two women. With the green black light flowing around him, he walked in front of Xu Disheng and said: "Dare you ask me, brother, are you from the south? If not from the south, where are you from?" ?”

"Middle realm," Xu Disheng was too lazy to tangle with him here. There was a purple-gold divine light flowing around him, but after a moment, he seemed to suddenly remember something, dispersed his outward spiritual power, and moved towards the human race in the sixth realm of distraction. Jun asked, "Do you know the Four Symbols Taoist Sect?"

"The Four Symbols Dao Sect is the most powerful sect in the realm of Yuanling." The Lord of the Human Race of the Sixth Realm of Distraction only thought for a moment and then thought about it very clearly, "Not long ago, there were enough The three Divine Sea Realm creatures within the Four Elephants Dao Sect crossed the Falling Demon Abyss, passed through the southernmost wall of the Southern Realm, and arrived in the Snow Realm."

Xu Disheng nodded slightly and said: "Give me a jade slip of a map to the Yuanling Realm."

"Brother Taoist, the map slip is just a trivial matter, nothing wrong with it, but..."

There was a hint of embarrassment on the face of this distracted human king.

"But it doesn't matter."

"Brother Taoist, it's obvious at first glance that he is not a creature from the Southern Realm." When the superior ruler of the Sixth Realm Human Race waved his sleeves, a divine light and spiritual energy appeared for recording. "From here, it spreads 130,000 miles to the west and 130,000 miles to the east." The southern border wall, which spreads for 35,000 miles and totals 165,000 miles, is under the jurisdiction of Sun and Moon Xuanzong. If Brother Dao wants to enter the southern border from here, he still needs to pay some spiritual taxes."

The same is true for the most powerful forces in the middle realm that are adjacent to the human realm wall. However, the Taixuan Spirit Realm where Xu Disheng was located in the previous episode is located within the morning and evening realm, and is quite far away from the human realm wall surrounding the middle realm. .

"Spiritual tax?"

Dots of purple starlight appeared in Xu Disheng's eyes, and he looked at the human king who was distracted in the sixth realm.

"Yes," the Lord of the Human Race of the Sixth Realm of Distraction was extremely sensitive to the hint of chill, and his tone immediately softened, "But... like Dao Brother, the creatures of the Divine Sea Realm from the other four realms, the Sun and Moon Xuanzong They are all very welcome, so this time I will make the decision privately and exempt Brother Dao from the spiritual tax, how about that?"

After saying this, he hurriedly took out more than ten jade slips, found a detailed map of the Yuanling Realm, and held them up with both hands.

Xu Disheng took the jade slip of the map and put it away. Without even looking at him again, it turned into a purple-gold rainbow and penetrated into the sky.


Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, the master of the Sixth Realm of Human Distraction breathed a sigh of relief.

The most powerful sect, Sun Moon Xuan Sect, has four divine sea realm creatures. He should not have shown weakness like this, but the intuition deep in his heart told him very clearly that as long as he said even one sentence wrong, I'm afraid that the creatures in the Divine Sea Realm within Sun Moon Xuanzong won't have time to come here to protect them, and they will have been annihilated.

Almost all the creatures from the Divine Sea Realm who come across the border will not stay for too long. Most of them will give face to the most powerful sects in the country, but it is just a small spiritual tax. Besides... behind most of the creatures in the Divine Sea Realm are... There are powerful forces or overlord forces, and the forces adjacent to the boundary wall are doing exactly the same thing. Everyone knows that this is understandable.

If there are those extremely tough Divine Sea Realm creatures, the most powerful local sects cannot force them, and they will not force them at all. After all, the largest source of the crossing spiritual tax does not come from these Divine Seas from the beginning to the end. Environmental creatures.

But there are an even larger number of Distracting Realm Lords.

Among the five realms of the human realm, there are countless distracting ghosts, monsters, monsters, casual cultivators, human races, etc. in the upper realm that have no power to rely on. Many of them are forced to do so due to various reasons. Those who left the original realm and came across the border were completely unable to resist the exploitation of the strongest local forces at the border wall. They could only obediently pay a heavy spiritual tax before being allowed to truly enter this realm.

The treatment of the creatures in the Divine Sea Realm is completely different. Just like before, according to the words of Sun Moon Xuanzong's Distracting Sixth Realm Master, it is just "a little spiritual tax", but if the creatures in the Divine Sea Realm don't want to To sell the reputation of the most powerful local sect, it cannot be forced at all, and it is even in danger of being killed casually.

Reclining on the jade couch, looking at the distant purple rainbow light in the sky, the Sun and Moon Xuanzong, who was distracted in the sixth realm, casually hugged an untouched human girl and fiercely kissed her. He slapped her face twice, pinched her chin, and made her mouth open involuntarily.

Da, spat in his mouth and said in a hateful voice: "If these heavenly kings are here, they insist on you looking good! How dare they even threaten me in secret!"

After saying this, he closed the girl's bright red mouth tightly, swallowed the thing she spat in, and then kicked her out of the Luan Jia.

A shrill scream came and stopped abruptly after a moment. The human girl, who was only about thirteen years old, fell from dozens of feet in the air to the ground, and was actually thrown to death by it.

After a little relief from the suffocation that Xu Disheng had just brought to him, the face of the Sixth Realm of Distraction Master of Sun and Moon Xuanzong improved a lot. He lay on the jade couch very comfortably, enjoying the caress of many women. Serve with all your heart.

Above the sky.

"Accumulated snow," Yao Ziguanghong paused, Xu Disheng touched the moon-white beast on his shoulder, "Go and get rid of it."

An extremely rich purple-gold Taixuan spiritual power entered the center of Qi Xue's eyebrows.

Just now, Xu Disheng didn't argue with that guy about asking for spiritual taxes, just because if he killed him, he wouldn't be able to get the detailed map and jade slips. The power of the spell he cast was too terrifying, except for Tongxuan. Apart from spiritual treasures and some extremely rare heaven and earth spiritual objects, there is nothing left at all.

The Southern Territory is also extremely vast. Without a very detailed map and jade slips, even if Xu Disheng wanted to find the Yuanling Realm and the location of the Sixiang Dao Sect, it would not be an extremely easy task. thing.

It's just... that he was so careless about life and death, and was still secretly gossiping after he left. This is really damning.


The halo above the snow-covered fluff slowly turned into a purple-gold color, turning into a slightly smaller purple-gold rainbow that quickly moved in the direction it came from.

Half a stick of incense.

The moon-white light rainbow pierced the sky and came from afar, landing on Xu Disheng's shoulder. He stretched out a front paw and tugged on the hem of his snow-white robe, as if asking for credit.

"I asked you to solve it, don't you understand?"

Xu Disheng grabbed Xue Xue's two front paws, lifted it into his arms, and looked at it with lowered eyes.


Ji Xue's blue eyes were filled with grievances.

The King of the Sixth Realm of Human Distraction had already been easily crushed to death by it using that purple-gold Taixuan spiritual power.

"Jiuxue, this is the first time, and it will also be your last time. If something like this happens again, I will abandon you."

Xu Disheng shook his head and let go of his hand.

Ji Xue jumped up to his shoulders in a flash, and slowly lay down. His blue eyes were filled with frost and snow, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It knows that for the Gui Xueyue spirit beast clan, once it is thrown away by the creatures it follows, it means that the consciousness will dissipate and turn into the pure power of destiny again and collapse between the heaven and the earth. It also means that the true power of fate will disappear. die.

"Bi Xiao Qing Lei."

Xu Disheng flicked his sleeves, and a very thin purple-gold thunder appeared. It split into thousands in an instant, disappeared into the sky, and disappeared without a trace.

Without even looking back, the young man's figure turned into purple and rainbow light again, and according to the detailed map and jade slip, he quickly walked towards the Four Elephant Dao Sect within the Yuanling Realm.

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