Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 456 Ghost Soldiers

Yuan Chuyang raised his head and looked at the blazing red translucent map shadow above the sky, his eyes sinking slightly.

Seeing that he was obviously interested, Qu You quickly added more fuel to his anger: "Brother Chuyang, looking at this guy's undisguised and ferocious attitude, it is obvious that he is coming directly towards you. Could it be that Brother Chuyang Do you still want to avoid fighting?!"

"Xuzun Chuyang, Xu Disheng, although he has manifested nine divine seas, he is a native spiritual creature in the middle realm of the human world. His true spiritual cultivation is only in the divine sea realm. We are waiting here. You can use 80% of your true spiritual cultivation, so you may not be unable to fight with him!"

"This makes sense, Lord Chuyang Xu, don't hesitate any longer!"

Every word you say to me, the son of Daoxu in the Sea of ​​Gods realm, has a fighting spirit rising in your heart.

No living being would willingly admit that he is weaker than his peers, even if this fact has long been extremely clear before his eyes.

Xu Disheng shines brightly in the Dao Xu dispute, overwhelming all the Dao Xu's sons in the Divine Sea Realm. It is not surprising that many complex and envious emotions arise in the hearts and minds of these creatures from the Heavenly Realm.

At this time, in the translucent blazing red map above the sky, there were more than thirty black spots surrounded by white light spots that were hundreds of miles away. The son of Daoxu in the Sea of ​​Gods looked up and saw that there were even You can see the purple-gold divine light looming in the sky in the distance!

Yuan Chuyang no longer hesitated, and as he turned his palms, a shadow of the Yin-Yang Formation appeared behind him, growing larger and larger, covering a territory of hundreds of miles in radius.


At the same time, the purple and gold galaxy spread across the sky. A young man in a snow-white robe stood on the galaxy, looking down with a cold and indifferent gaze like a god.

At that time, the Three Heavens and Nine Realms were not the Three Heavens and Nine Realms.

At that time, there was no heaven, no whirling sky.

There are only the Immortal Palace of Floating Immortals, the realm of the human world, the realm of Nine Netherworlds, and the realm of heaven and sea.

There are also three rounds of the sun and three rounds of the yin moon that are eternal and have not been infected or refined by living creatures.

At that time, although there were countless living beings in the human realm, their life span was extremely short. After death, they were reborn in the ghost realm and were reborn as ghost people in the Nine Nether Realm. After death, the ghost people in the Nine Nether Realm were Reincarnate into human reincarnation and be reborn as a creature of all races within the human realm.

At that time, the six paths of reincarnation were not the Yang Dao, the Moon Dao, the Human Dao, the Ghost Dao, the Heaven Dao, and the Immortal Dao that was banned by the Swirling Heaven and the Heavenly Realm.

Instead, there are only three reincarnations: the immortal realm, the human realm, and the ghost realm.

Everyone says that once you die, everything comes to nothing.

In fact, there are many existences in this world that are eternal things, such as those high-ranking immortal beings, such as the Tao and Fruit Realm sages in the Nine Nether Realm, the Emperor Fengdu, and... all kinds of emotions between living beings.

I am a ghost soldier, a minion under a sixth-grade ghost general. Except for the countless ghost people in the Nine Nether Realm, we can be regarded as the lowest living beings in the Nine Nether Realm, and even among some Not even as good as the ghost people.

Because we can only stay in the ghost position forever and ever, and there will never be a day of liberation.

My duty is to patrol under the Naihe Bridge day and night with hundreds of other ghost soldiers, which can be considered an extremely leisurely job.

Because there is nothing and nothing here except the endless flow of phantoms of true spirits.

I often sit blankly in a small corner of the Naihe Bridge that is tens of thousands of miles long, staring blankly at these phantoms of true spirits that never stop, watching these phantoms of true spirits emerging one after another. Enter the whirlpool of human reincarnation at the end of Naihe Bridge.

Day after day, year after year, day after day, year after year, nothing ever changes.

One day, Gu Lianggui, the general guarding the Naihe Bridge, called me and told me that I was loyal to my duty, because I had been guarding the Naihe Bridge for a full 950,000 years, but I had never made the slightest mistake. The rest of the ghost soldiers are quite different, so he sent me to be a seventh-level spirit guide, so that I could have the opportunity to go to the human world and have a look.

It is said that it is the human world, but in fact it is just the true spirits of the dead creatures in the human world coming to the pass mountain range of the Nine Nether Realm. With my forcibly promoted seventh-grade ghost power cultivation, I cannot leave the pass mountain range for thousands of miles.

The reason why I was forcibly promoted is because as the most humble ghost soldier in the Nine Nether Realm, I can't even practice ghost power to increase my ghost power. This is also the saddest thing about the ghost soldier.

The realm of the human world is indeed very good. Although I can't leave the extremely desolate area of ​​​​the Pass Mountain Range, but compared to under the Naihe Bridge, which to me is only gloomy despair and deep darkness, it is simply a place I never want to wake up from. sweet dream.

It's a pity that every time I go to the human world, it's always ugly, and I always go to attract the true spirits of dead creatures.

It wasn’t until time passed that I realized that ghost soldiers like me from the Nine Nether Realm, no, should be ghosts from the Nine Nether Realm, were one of the most hated things by the creatures in the human realm. I could only smile bitterly. Because the creatures of all races can neither escape their fate, but are also afraid of it, and by the way, we also hate it.

Time always flies by quickly, and tens of thousands of years pass by in a hurry.

Gu Liang Guijiang, who is in the sixth grade, told me that with the tens of thousands of years of experience as a spirit guide, you already have 990,000 years of ghost soldier skills. When you have a million years of skills, you will He can be reborn into the human world, or he can stay in the Nine Nether Realm and become an ordinary ghost citizen, reshaping a ghost body that can practice ghost power.

I was very happy at that time, so happy that I couldn't be more happy, and I even had a smile on my face.

This may be the first time that this ugly thing like me, who was born as a lowly ghost soldier, laughs.

Gu Liang Gui Jiang also had some rare mood swings, and Yan Wo smiled uglier than the ghost.

I think I am a ghost soldier to begin with, and... I'm afraid you may not look prettier than me when you smile.

In the last ten thousand years, I continued to patrol under the Naihe Bridge meticulously, and I still never made any mistakes. I will do my best in everything Gu Lianggui will entrust me.

But I feel that these last 10,000 years are longer than the 990,000 years that I have spent in numbness. How I wish it would pass quickly. On that day, I must enter the reincarnation of human beings and enter the human realm. Be a real human being inside.

On this day, I strolled under the Naihe Bridge, and there was a faint sob in the despairing darkness.

I walked over and took a look, and it turned out that it was a true spirit phantom crying here.

I asked her why she stayed here, and she said that she accidentally fell off the Naihe Bridge. The real spirit was so weak that she could barely move except for the shadow of her life on the real spirit.

I am very surprised, because it is impossible for the true spirit shadow to fall off the Naihe Bridge. It will only keep walking forward on it. It will not be completely broken until it reaches the vortex of human reincarnation, leaving only a little bit of true spirit investment. Humanity is in the whirlpool of reincarnation, passing away in the afterlife.

But I didn't think too much about it, because in the remaining ten thousand years, I didn't want to make the slightest mistake.

So I said, I can take her back to the Naihe Bridge.

She made a gesture of wiping her tears, raised her head and smiled sweetly at me: "How troublesome."

In an instant, my chest seemed to be hit hard by something, and I felt very confused.

I have never seen such a beautiful smile.

Arriving at the bridgehead hall on the west side of the Naihe Bridge that stretches thousands of miles, Gu Lianggui will explore her true spirit and say that her true spirit is somewhat special. It is difficult for one to appear among hundreds of millions of creatures and cannot enter the whirlpool of reincarnation. , can only stay in the Nine Nether Realm and become a ghost citizen.

She started crying all of a sudden, and I suddenly softened my heart, so I asked Gu Liang Ghost General if there was any other way to make her reincarnate.

Gu Liang Gui Jiang got angry and scolded me so much that I was shaking all over. Even she was too scared to cry anymore.

I was a little frustrated and took her to the Rotating Ghost Realm, one of the eight ghost realms, to rebuild her ghost body. I didn't say a word along the way.

When we arrived at the main hall of Fengyan Ghost Platform, I stopped and asked her to go in. She nodded and walked towards the main hall.

I watched her go away, and then she looked back at me, smiled sweetly, and said softly: "Thank you for your trouble."

Her figure gradually disappeared at the gate of the Fengyan Ghost Platform Hall, leaving me standing there blankly, dazed for a long time.

Since then, time has been like a fleeting moment, running through my fingertips at an unexpected speed.

As the days passed, I was extremely surprised to find that I was still thinking about her.

So I occasionally went to the beacon tower on the edge of the rotating ghost land and peeked in secretly.

Although I know that all I can see are countless ghost people.

But one day, I actually saw her again.

She exited the Reincarnation Ghost Realm through the Beacon Yantai Hall, stood in front of the tens of thousands of feet high True Spirit Rebirth Mirror, and finally left crying.

I don’t know why, but when I see her crying, I want to cry too.

The True Spirit Rebirth Mirror can reflect all the past lives of the True Spirit.

I know that she still wants to return to the human realm after all.

The solar terms in the Nine Nether Realm are very strange, and the scattered poplar flowers have turned into flying snow.

Three moons hung in the sky. When Ming Yan returned, the sky was accompanied by brilliant silver clouds. Unintentionally, there was an increasingly intense throbbing mood that seemed to linger in my heart and never dissipated.

That day, I saw her again, and even used my seventh-grade spirit-guiding spirit cultivation to hide behind her, and secretly saw her in the shadow of the several-foot-tall true soul rebirth mirror in front of her. scene.

I don't know how I left Fenghuo Yantai, but there is a sadness and loss that I have never felt before lingering in my heart.

I stayed under the Naihe Bridge for a long time, and finally left the Nine Nether Realm silently, headed to the Pass Mountains, and found a wine shop opened by human beings at the farthest place I could reach.

After using the ghost power of the spirit guide to temporarily transform, I drank a glass of wine from the human realm. The bad wine was bitter, but I couldn't feel the taste at all.

Once, I pretended to casually ask Gu Liang Ghost General how a true soul like her who could not be reincarnated could be reborn into the human world after being forced to become a ghost citizen.

He said...it needs cause and effect.

I asked what cause and effect is, and he said that cause and effect is actually the price. If a living being leaves the opportunity of rebirth to a living being who cannot pass away, then this living being can be reborn.

He also said that every living being will have the opportunity to be reborn, just like the true spirit. The true spirit of every living being is conceived and nurtured by heaven and earth. No living being is willing to sacrifice his own roots to perfect other living beings.

Finally, the million years have arrived.

Gu Liang Guijiang called me over under the envious eyes of many ghost soldiers under the Naihe Bridge. He said that I had completed a million years of ghost soldier training without any mistakes, and asked me what my final choice was.

I said, I choose to die.

Gu Lianggui asked me if I wanted to be reborn in the human world. I said, I chose to let her be reborn in the human world.

He looked at me with wide eyes, and the ghost soldiers around him were even more shocked.

Surprised and speechless.

Gu Liang Ghost General told me that if I give up this million-year Taoist practice, I will become a lowly and humble ghost soldier again, and I will not even be able to be the current seventh-grade spirit guide.

I said, "I do."

After saying this, I left quietly.

Deep down in my mind, I felt very calm, as if nothing had happened...

The day she left, I hid and watched her secretly in the dark until she passed the Naihe Ghost Palace and climbed onto the endless Naihe Bridge. Along with the countless other ghosts of true spirits, they headed towards that The whirlpool of human reincarnation at the end goes away.

From a distance, I could no longer see her. I couldn't help but show my figure and looked at the direction she left from a distance.

Gu Liang Ghost General only guards the territory of thousands of miles at the head of Naihe Bridge. As a ghost soldier under his command, it is naturally impossible for me to leave this range.

I became a ghost soldier again, still responsible for patrolling day and night, but I would go to the bridgehead hall of Naihe Bridge every day to watch and wait.

I believe that one day, I can see her again...

Time passes.

Day after day passed, and I patrolled year after year. The time that passed by was so long that I lost count.

By the way, this is also the only benefit of ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

As long as the ghost role of Heaven and Earth Yun Cheng is still there, he will not die.

I heard that the high-ranking Fuxian Celestial Court has limited the lifespan of all creatures above the sixth-grade ghost generals and below the innate creatures to a hundred to a thousand years. If so, as a ghost soldier who cannot practice ghost power, in the end, Is it lucky or unlucky?

In my opinion, if the Nine Nether Realm and the ghosts in it were not created by heaven and earth to maintain the reincarnation of living beings in the world, I am afraid that the floating immortal heaven and fairy court would have reduced the lifespan of us ghost soldiers to nothing. Clean.

Gu Liang Ghost General called me here again and said that I had been patrolling under the Naihe Bridge for another million years and could choose whether to be reincarnated again.

He also said that he has never seen a ghost soldier like me who has not made the slightest mistake in a million years. He has lived for nine million years.

In the hearts of ghost soldiers and generals in the Nine Nether Realm, time is essentially just a number.

What the ghost job imposes is nothing but numbness and repetition day after day. There has never been any change. After living like this, there is actually no difference between ten thousand years and one million years.

After Gu Lianggui said this, I was a little confused.

Another million years. During these million years, I have been guarding the bridge hall every day, watching countless true spirits passing by.

But why haven’t I seen her...

Gu Liang Guijiang seemed to notice that my mind was a little broken, and sighed softly.

In a daze, I walked to the side of the beacon tower, at the foot of the huge body of the True Spirit Rebirth Mirror.

Ghost soldiers have no past life or afterlife, and nothing can be reflected in this mirror.

I sat under this mirror of true spiritual rebirth for who knows how long. Even the stubborn stone at my feet was covered with moss, but I still didn't see her.

Unexpectedly, Gu Lianggui Jiang did not pursue my dereliction of duty, but told me that if a living being passes away, no one knows what she will become.

I suddenly realized that I was stupid. Why was there such an arrangement? My eyes were filled with mist in an instant.

I cried again, and the other ghost soldiers said I was crazy.

This time, I don't know what to expect.

Everything in the past has passed, just like the tears in last night's dream, it can no longer be found today.

The endless thoughts in the trance, vaguely remember the sonorous drum, shaking even the world collapsed.

After regaining consciousness, all that was left was fragments that could not be put back together, and there was no way to start talking about it.

Flick the strings and sing softly, not chant sad songs.

I gave up my wish to die again. I was afraid to see again the world of mortals that was enough to make me intoxicated. I was afraid to see again that beautiful smile that I could not forget.

Gu Liang Ghost General sighed, a ghost soldier with a heavy heart like me will never be able to escape, but I still work as a ghost soldier day after day, and from time to time I go under the beacon tower, waiting for someone who doesn't know how to do it. The woman reappeared.

Sitting outside the main hall of Naihe Bridge again, I looked at the phantoms of true spirits passing by in front of me. Their illusory faces seemed to have a story written on them. In their eyes, they seemed to be telling the story of the past. at some point.

I am glad that I am still conscious. I gradually understand that this world has given countless people countless doubts and incomprehensions, and where should I find the answers? The Nine Nether Realm? I don't think so.

I once again returned to the days when there was no happiness, no hope, no sorrow and no expectations, the days of a ghost soldier who was extremely ordinary.

Flicking the string with careless hands, I should have been singing a long song casually, but who knows that the sound of the piano is like a cuckoo crying for blood, and my beloved will never return.

Memories full of hope gathered together to form a river, but in the end, it turned into a desolate picture of a man crossing the river without a boat.

The days continued to pass day by day, and I walked by the bridge day by day. Although I no longer looked forward to it, I couldn't help but look over it every time I passed by to see if there was anything going on from the other side of the bridge. There is that shadow that I still can't forget.

Every time this happens, I will secretly feel stupid and curse myself in my heart, but as long as I get here, I will do this extremely stupid thing. I even nervously ran to the beacon tower, wanting to see if she would suddenly appear in front of me and burst into a smile that I will never forget.

In the days that followed, I began to regret a little. I regretted why I didn’t say the last words to her when she left. I regretted why I had to hide secretly without looking at her for the last time when she left. I regretted why I didn’t say the last words to her when she left. …

There are so many regrets.

Fortunately, there is memory in the world, and we can remember the color of all things; sadly, there is memory in the world, and we can even remember the darkness of all things.

It's hard to see each other, but it's easy to say goodbye, and the flowers in the jade building are like snow.

A long time later, a long time, a long time...

That day, I actually met Emperor Fengdu.

The emperor of Fengdu is the most noble creature in the Nine Nether Realm. The emperor's discerning eyes immediately saw through the confusion and hesitation that had accumulated in my heart for countless years. He was surprised that I, an incomparable ghost soldier, could have such complicated emotions. .

He said softly: "Everything in the world has no consequences."

But I still couldn't understand what he said.

I told Fengdu Emperor everything I had accumulated in my heart.

Emperor Fengdu asked me: "What is fate?"

I can't answer.

Emperor Fengdu asked me again: "What is love?"

I don't understand it at all.

Finally, Emperor Fengdu asked me: "Do you have any wishes?"

I could no longer restrain myself, so I cried bitterly and begged the Fengdu Emperor to let me be a real living being for once, and begged the Fengdu Emperor to allow me to meet him in the human world.

Emperor Fengdu promised me to exchange for a reincarnation with her in the human world at a price I will never know from now on.

Emperor Fengdu said to me: "Someone will naturally come to collect the price in the future."

I nodded in understanding.

On this day, I finally reincarnated as a human being.

My family is a wealthy local family, and I was born as a young master.

Slowly, I grew up and fell in love with the girl next door.

She was a maid in my family, and she had been helping my family since she was a child. We played together when we were children, but as we grew up, we gradually grew apart.

But I found that I like her more and more day by day, and I think she should like me too.

When she was eighteen years old, her parents couldn't resist my request and proposed marriage to her family, and her family naturally agreed.

I met her at the door of her house that day, and I was full of joy and wanted to talk to her. Unexpectedly, I saw incomparable hatred in her eyes.

My heart suddenly froze, and I returned home with an uneasy feeling, vaguely feeling that something was about to happen. Sure enough, on the day I married her, she eloped with a man from a neighboring village.

My father was furious and sent out a large number of servants to chase him, and I followed him in panic.

Soon I caught up with them. I was surprised, confused, and timid. I didn't know what to say. I just stared at her blankly.

She also looked at me, the vortex of hatred in her clear eyes swallowing me up.

I suddenly had mixed feelings and my heart contracted.

She hates me! !

My vision went dark... When I woke up, the servant told me that she ran away with the men from the neighboring village, and in the end they both jumped off a cliff and committed suicide.

As soon as I heard the news, everything in the world ceased to exist, even time and space disappeared, leaving only the gray outline of my past lover.

The crystals of the past turned into loose sand sculptures in my hands, blown away by the tide of time and space, and turned into the wind bit by bit.

You are not willing to take me away, but at least you take my heart with you. Don't leave me alone, calling endlessly at the end of the world.

The night will come and life will disappear. Why can't the knots in the heart be untied? Why can't the hearts overlap?

When I woke up again, I found that I was already on the Naihe Bridge, and Gu Lianggui would be standing next to me.

When I finally came to my senses, Gu Lianggui told me that I died soon after I fell into coma.

He also told me that the woman who committed suicide out of love was the one I was waiting for, and now she has gone to a certain ghost land and become a ghost citizen.

My mind was in chaos, all the broken memories came to my mind, and I was at a loss...

I couldn't help but ask Fengdu Emperor: "Why does she hate me?"

Emperor Fengdu said, this is cause and effect.

I asked, what is cause and effect.

Emperor Fengdu said: "Destiny is cause and effect. You once gave her reincarnation, and she served you for half her life. This is cause and effect. You gave her the chance of reincarnation because she died in vain because of you. She died because of you. She wants to repay you the fate of reincarnation. People often say that there is no order in the past and the next. In fact, there is no order. The past life is here, and this life is here too. There is coming and going, but there is no birth or death."

Emperor Zun also said, don’t forget your price.

I felt that all of this was a misunderstanding. At a specific moment, I met a specific person and a specific thing happened.

It seems that I can see a foreseeable result, but this is not the case in the world. It was me who was wrong. I missed countless years and two periods of life that should have been happy.

I understood reincarnation in an instant. The reason why people are reincarnated is because they have countless mistakes, countless regrets, countless expectations, and countless losses, which must be compensated and recovered in the next life. But even if reincarnation continues, how can a person in that time and space that has long been stagnant remember the past events of his previous life as a guide for this life? ! Reincarnation is a scripture that allows sentient beings who are lost in the sea of ​​suffering to understand that it is safe to turn around, but how can persistent people understand the scriptures?

The true meaning of this is to look forward to the world and regret it.

At least, I have no regrets.

In the end, I seemed to understand somewhat what Emperor Fengdu meant to enlighten me, but I still did not respond to Emperor Fengdu's words, and I was not willing to taste what Emperor Fengdu said.

Because I have felt happy, sad, happy, and heartbroken.

I have a dream that lasts for millions of years, and I have a destiny in my past life and this life. With all of this, I am already very satisfied.

I finally gave up on reincarnation or waiting. I am willing to live forever in my trance that has lasted for countless years, and always be a ghost soldier sitting alone under the Naihe Bridge.

Because, I believe that one day, I will be able to see her again, the one who will never change...

When people have a heart, they will think about many, many things and forget many, many things. I don’t know if the countless ghost people in the Nine Nether Realm have a heart.

As the days passed, I felt that I was becoming colder and colder day by day, to the point where I couldn’t even remember many of the past things clearly. I gradually forgot those heart-stirring, sad and heart-wrenching moments. I forgot, almost completely. Already…

I forgot a lot of things and needed to fill them in with new things, so I began to carefully ponder the words of Emperor Fengdu back then, and I seemed to understand some truth.

All life is suffering, and all appearances are essentially nonexistent.

This is what Emperor Fengdu said. I believe Emperor Fengdu is right, but I really don’t understand. Since there is a vast world of mortals, why is it empty?

Since it is empty, why do you use the colorful world to confuse people's eyes? Innate beings are naturally awake, but how can ordinary people understand the so-called reality behind this appearance? !

Is this a trick deliberately played by innate beings to torment all sentient beings? Let all sentient beings turn back after suffering too much? ! Such a despicable and sinister innate creature should go to hell.

However, I absolutely do not believe that Emperor Fengdu would play tricks on the world, because he has always been extremely compassionate in the Nine Nether Realm.

But how to explain all of this?

I was immersed in the scriptures and obsessed with the manager. I wanted to know why all this was happening.

I still remember some things that happened when I was in the human world, but now that I think about it, I can’t bear to look back.

If I can understand the cause and effect, I believe that the pain in the world will gradually disappear.

After experiencing thousands of years of confusion and waiting, I want to help those beings who are as confused and in pain as I am, just like helping myself to escape.

While searching and searching, I lost track of time, and before I knew it, I was immersed in the scriptures for countless years.

Emperor Fengdu once called me back, saying that I was in a successful state of mind, and wanted me to be his attendant ghost soldier, but I declined.

Gu Lianggui will be extremely surprised, saying that I have seen through fame and fortune, all four elements are gone, and I am about to ascend in the daytime.

I didn't say anything. I cursed in my heart. I was just a ghost soldier. I was empty-handed. I didn't care about fame and fortune. It was just because I was in a trance.

But I don’t know when, the people around me, no, it should be the ghost soldiers, became polite to me, and Emperor Fengdu often asked me to listen to his sermons.

In fact, I can only understand a little bit. Even if I understand it, I still don’t think it’s all right, because I believe that there is truth somewhere between heaven and earth. What is truth? I think it is to stop sentient beings from suffering. Emperor Fengdu said that we should give up all desires, but I think it makes no sense. How can a creature without desires live? But I didn't dare to say it out loud, so I could only keep silent and search desperately for the answer in the scriptures.

After reading countless scriptures, including those from Buddhism and Taoism, as well as the sermon scrolls from Fu Xian Tian Tian Ting, I only half understood their meaning, and then I felt that although the truth was there, it was not what I was looking for.

I was completely confused by the fluttering butterflies inside, and I was filled with paper and didn't know what to say.

What confuses me even more is that every time Emperor Fengdu asks me about Zen Buddhism, I must not talk nonsense or remain silent.

The emperor of Fengdu had a smile on his face. I really couldn't understand his intentions, and I was in panic all day long.

Countless years passed like this, and I was amazed at my patience. I was still able to study the scriptures diligently. Even though my mind was not there, I could still read.

It seems that reading the scriptures is beneficial. Before he could read the scriptures, he was favored by the emperor of Fengdu and was able to teach him the cultivation method. He also learned some techniques of cultivating ghost power and killing and transforming.

I am a little ghost soldier, I am not qualified to learn it, and I don’t know what the use of learning it is, but Emperor Fengdu said that practicing ghost power is the foundation of the creatures in the Nine Nether Realm.

I don't understand why there is reincarnation since the path of innate life is boundless.

But I can only be obedient.

One day, I was wandering around the Jiuyou Realm and unknowingly came to the place where Granny Meng was selling tea soup.

Granny Meng is taking a nap.

I went over to wake her up. Grandma Meng woke up suddenly, looked around hurriedly, and then breathed a sigh of relief after a long while. I was surprised why she was so nervous. She said that if any real ghost passed away without drinking her tea, she would have made a big mistake.

I asked her why she had to drink the ecstasy soup before she could go to the next life?

She said that it was to prevent the memories of the true spirits from being continuous from one life to another, so that they would have irreparable regrets in each life, so that when they are tired of the pain and torture, they will give up reincarnation and turn to the great road.

I am very surprised. To me, this method is deceiving others and deliberately torturing them.

I asked, isn’t this world a bad thing? Why don't they become living beings with memories?

Grandma Meng's face changed from surprise to panic. She didn't answer anything and hurriedly sent me away...

When I came back from Granny Meng, I couldn't calm down. I didn't want to believe that Fuxian Tianxianting's method of dealing with all living beings was reasonable, but it was indeed a law of heaven. Why should the law of heaven be so unfair? The scriptures say that all living beings are equal, which means that all living beings have the right to choose the life they want. Even if some people have no intention of taking the right path, it is understandable. However, it is obviously a scam to let all sentient beings suffer torture and turn back. Whether it is the Great Dao or the world of mortals, all things in the universe are born naturally and should have their own value. Why should we use any means to force them to follow the Great Dao? !

With doubts in my mind, I buried my head in the scriptures again. I didn’t know how many times I turned over the scriptures. There was only one answer. It is only right to have one’s heart towards the great road. What’s the reason? But there is no, and no reason is needed. Gradually, I didn't bother to read more scriptures, and just concentrated on practicing the so-called method of eliminating demons and protecting the Tao.

Countless years passed, and something happened in Jiuyou Realm. In the eyes of others, it was a small thing, but in my eyes, it was a big thing, and it changed my eternal destiny...

Qin Chu, the Zhubi judge under Lord Qin Guang, fell in love with a woman on earth and secretly entered the human realm.

The prison envoy's persuasion was ineffective, so Venerable Qin Guang sent the ghost army of the Yinsi to capture him. Unexpectedly, he was obsessed with going to the human world to meet the mortal woman, and he was so bold that he escaped from prison.

In the end, she was caught again, and the ghost soldiers also took away the woman's soul and imprisoned her in the Nether Valley forever, so that the judge could never see her again. The judge was filled with grief and anger and scolded all the venerables in the underworld for destroying humanity. All the venerables were angry and wanted to kill the judge, and he would never be reincarnated.

That day, on the soul-killing stage, the judge was tied with iron chains, and the soul-killing hook penetrated his pipa bone. At this time, except for the judge's tall figure, he was no longer human. I felt my heart twitching, and I secretly glanced at Venerable Qin Guang, who was sitting on the lotus platform. He was usually gentle and kind, but now his face was expressionless. I could vaguely see a hint of chill in his deep eyes. My heart felt cold, and I felt like I was sinking. , sinking... Incomparably compassionate Venerable Lord, have you lost your compassion in your heart now? !

Judge Qin was finally struck by five thunders and annihilated...

After everyone dispersed for a long time, I secretly returned to the Soul Killing Platform. Looking at the remaining fragments of the judge's red robe, I felt infinite desolation. At this time, a gust of wind blew, and a piece of plain silk was blown up by the wind. I quickly grabbed it. Strange, how can there be wind in hell? I picked up the piece of plain silk suspiciously and took a look at it. There were words on it: That year in the clear autumn, swallows fell by the bridge and met by chance. Their pulses were like water and clouds, cutting through the green mountains and green hills. I smiled with my eyebrows low. In this life, lust and drunkenness made me sit there for a long time. From then on, the sound of rain broke every night. What a piece of "Red Lips"! What a long sentence, sitting for a long time, with the sound of rain every night. I suddenly remembered the past of thousands of years, the lonely ghost beside the lonely bridge, sitting for a long time, waiting for someone to return home. A drop of tear slipped down and soaked into the plain silk. Thousands of years of simmering sadness, farewell and lovesickness broke through the layers of heart locks and surged into my heart again, spreading in my heart like tears on plain silk. It’s just that I don’t know now, is this drop of inexplicable sadness flowing for Judge Qin? Is it because of her? Is it because of lovesickness? Or shed for yourself...

The wind continued to blow the torn pieces of cloth on the Soul Killing Platform. There is no wind in hell? Could it be that Judge Qin’s soul is immortal? The wind got stronger and stronger, blowing the piece of plain silk in my hand. I seemed to understand the meaning of the wind. I walked down the Soul Killing Platform and walked towards the Netherworld Valley. When I turned back, the wind had stopped, and the judges were showered with smiles. The fragments of the red robe looked like falling red in late autumn... At this moment, I felt that Judge Qin might still be there...

I quietly came to the cell of the imprisoned soul. I could still see the charm of the past on that extremely haggard face, and I couldn't help but sigh. I never thought that ghosts would suffer from lovesickness, be saddened by parting, and become haggard due to the separation of mandarin ducks. I gave the square silk to the female ghost, turned around and left the cell, I didn't want to hear crying.

After walking for a while, I didn't hear any cries, but I heard a resentful but determined song coming from the cell: That year in the clear autumn, the swallows met by chance by the bridge, their pulses were like water and clouds, they cut through the green hills, and their eyebrows were low, and I smiled in this life of desire and intoxication. From then on, I sat there for a long time, listening to the sound of rain every night. The singing was hoarse, but there was a hint of sweetness; the singing was sad, but there was a little bit of joy. The song was getting farther and farther away, but it was so close to my ears. I gritted my teeth and turned into a line of blue smoke, flying away from the valley...

That day, I understood what love is and how it teaches life and death.

That day, I was tired of the bottomless abyss of hell.

That day, I stopped pursuing the path of Buddhist scriptures.

That day, I left hell.

That day, I came to the world again.

I rebelled against the Nine Nether Realm and the Great Road. I want to go to the human world to find the true Great Road.

The moment I escaped from the hell gate, I looked back at the Nine Nether Realm that had bound me for countless years and said, "I will come back when I understand the true truth!"

I thought: By that time, I will no longer be confused or in pain...

The sky was bright and the mountains were still shrouded in clouds. I was floating aimlessly in the clouds. My heart was filled with indescribable feelings, calm and panic, determined and hesitant. This departure may be my departure forever. This feeling that vaguely surged into my heart made me feel boundless confusion and loneliness. It is easy to leave, there is no need to say goodbye or wave, but the desolation of leaving the place where one grew up and floating like duckweed in the wind and rain makes people never forget this moment. Birds fly tiredly and then return, and withered leaves fall to the ground to return to their roots. At this moment, I finally understood the melancholy feeling of those wanderers who died in a foreign land. After everything in life has passed, they still have to let their bones return home thousands of miles away. I don’t know how long I can live. A million years is so long that I don’t even know how long it will last. But it will end eventually. I just don’t know if someone will bring my bones back to me on that day. Today I abandon them. Places to go.

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