Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 465 Snow Spirit

The fifth crossing.

As the light and shadow changed, Xu Disheng opened his eyes slightly, and what he saw was a vast silverless ice and snow. The strange thing is that even with his cultivation in the Immortal Sea Realm and the terrifying background of his original immortal body, You can still feel the slightest hint of ice-coldness.

The snow-white robe was fluttering up, and the young man's long dark hair was tied up with a white jade hairpin. As his eyes trembled, he could sense several extremely powerful auras in the ice and snow in front of him.

"Are you Xu Disheng, the son of the Divine Sea Realm Daoxu from the Taixuan Palace of the Spirit Clan? Sure enough, you are a little different from ordinary creatures." In the wind and snow, a slender man's figure appeared, cold and indifferent. His eyes swept unscrupulously towards the young man in Taoist robes who remained motionless in the wind and snow, "It's just that the Divine Sea Realm is just the Divine Sea Realm after all. Even if you are a monster, you will never be able to cross the Ice and Snow Spiritual Crossing on this fifth day." He escaped wholeheartedly."

After saying this, several people with the same appearance appeared behind him one after another. The aura around them was extremely cold, and their indifferent eyes seemed to be carved in the same mold as this man. same.

It's just... Although this man is one of the most terrifying snow spirits among the Ice and Snow Spirit Crossings, if he knew that Xu Disheng and Yuan Chuyang not only shattered the space of the Fourth Crossing, but also in Xuan Ye If he had cast a divine spell in the realm that could match the peak combat power of the Palm Profound Realm, he would definitely not show such a contemptuous attitude.

The young man took a deep look at the man. There was a light white fairy light flowing in the depths of his eyes. In a short period of time, he had seen through the reality of this man and the figures behind him. He shook his head and chuckled: "This Ice and Snow Spiritual Crossing is... One of the many spiritual realms in the Xuanye Realm, you are one of the top snow spirits in the Ice and Snow Spiritual Crossing, but the information is so limited. Apart from knowing that I am from the Taixuan Mansion realm of the Spirit Clan, you must know nothing about the rest. stop?"

The man frowned slightly, and the frost and snow flying around him became more intense. He said in a cold voice: "What do you mean by this? I know that you are a rare genius who has manifested nine divine seas, but this ice and snow spirit ferry is different from the first four. Crossing is completely different, it is a spiritual realm that really exists in the Xuanye Realm. If you and other sons of the Divine Sea Realm Daoxu want to truly take charge of the power of the gods in the Xuanye Realm, then within this fifth Ice and Snow Spiritual Crossing The many snow spirits are one of the most important factors. If the snow spirits cannot be completely conquered, then there will inevitably be more or less sluggishness in controlling the many spiritual realms in the Xuanye Realm. It is a pity. Snow spirits also have strengths and weaknesses, and I am your guardian snow spirit. No matter what, you cannot completely surrender to me, even... From my point of view, even the minimum requirement for breaking through is under my hands. Even holding on for half an hour is not an easy task for you."

Xu Disheng shook his head slightly and flicked the sleeves of his snow-white Taoist robe. The shadow of a translucent light white nine-petal lotus tower twisted and appeared from his side. Countless white lotus flowers stretched out from the nine-petal lotus platform. It continued to float out, and even the ice and snow spirit crossing the void that these small lotus flowers crossed had a trace of terrifying cracks, which cycled through life and death, showing the supreme power of this rare and incomparable heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.

Its brilliant power is like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, exuding an aura that is enough to make the souls of living beings tremble all the time.

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