Floating Immortal Order

Final Chapter (Grand Finale) (Attached is a final reflection)

In the heavenly realm, Ziwei Imperial Palace.

The sky is full of snow.

"How many kalpas has it been since there was no snow in the heaven?" Emperor Ziwei was dressed in a moon-white robe. He lazily picked up a cup of fairy brew and took a sip. "Now the sky is upside down, and the heaven and earth are overturned. One hundred thousand years seem to have passed by with a snap of the fingers, and it feels like a whole other world has passed."

Large swaths of frost and snow fell between his hair and eyebrows, dyeing the man's long black hair into a pure white.

This supreme being in the Dao Fruit Realm raised his head again, took one last look at the roaring True Water Galaxy above the sky, chuckled, and closed his eyes slightly.

Snowflakes were flying, gradually submerging the entire vast Ziwei Imperial Palace.

"I would rather this world completely return to a cruel fate than have these countless creatures capture the heaven and earth in order to live forever." The girl in the white dress stood quietly in the void, looking up at the heavy snow that filled the three heavens and nine realms, " Is this your way, Xu Disheng?"

Within the ethereal snow-white gauze sleeves, she clenched her jade hands tightly, and the edge of a small wooden sign was slightly exposed.

A lifelike and cute puppy can be vaguely seen on it, sitting on the ground with its hind legs bent and looking forward obediently.

The golden Buddha's light suddenly rises and shines in the heavens.

The Lord Whirling Buddha stepped out of the Whirlpool Heaven in one step and stared quietly at the snowflakes in front of him. The halo of merit and virtue suspended behind his head became even more dazzling.

"Fate will never be merciful to any living being. Since you are a pawn of fate, you can only end up being quietly annihilated."

"So what?" the cold voice responded.

Countless snowflakes rolled back, and a beautiful young man wearing a snow-white Taoist robe condensed in front of the dancing Buddha.

The long black hair fell down like a waterfall, but the picturesque brows and eyes were filled with white frost and snow.

Lord Posas Buddha carefully looked at the young man in white robes in front of him. After a long while, he sighed softly and said: "Fate has lied to you from the beginning. Once you recast the shackles of fate, no living being can break free again."

After a pause, he added: "Even you are the same."

"I just said it," the young man in white robe smiled, and all the ice and snow between Qingmei's brows melted, "So what?"

After saying this, he turned into countless snowflakes again and merged into the frost and snow in the sky.

At this time, the heavenly realm was completely covered by heavy snow, and the boundless white snow filled the entire vast heavenly realm.

There was only a handsome young man in dark cloth standing in the snow, quietly staring at the heaven he had created.

"The Immortal Tribulation turns out to be not an Immortal Tribulation, but a fateful calamity."

"Eight kalpas ago, we thought we had escaped fate, but we didn't know... fate has never left me. Even though I am an innate being who is above the realm of Tao and Fruit, I have never escaped from the confines of fate. "

"That's all, just return this world, so what? In this disaster, no living being will be the winner."

Amidst the laughter, the young man waved his sleeves, and the vast heaven began to tremble slightly.

In the end, the tremors became more intense, and the entire heaven finally shattered!

Countless fragments of the sky collapsed in the void, the sky was torn apart, but there was already silence between heaven and earth.

After an unknown period of time, all the fragments of the Heavenly Realm and the Heavenly Court were traveling towards the Floating Immortal Heaven, the source of the Heavenly Realm, to complete the incomplete parts one by one.

This infinite source of heaven has finally begun its true awakening.

"Yunxiao, do you regret it?"

Hearing this, the beautiful girl in colorful glazed feather clothes was startled for a moment, then she smiled sweetly and said, "I don't regret it."


Yun Xiao hesitated for a moment, and there was a glimmer of water in his eyes: "There is no reason."

After saying this, she turned back.

The colorful feathers are still shining brightly.

The voice said again: "Yunxiao, look, it's snowing!"

Yunxiao suddenly raised his head.

Sure enough, pieces of frost-white snowflakes gradually fell on the dim sky, and even the brilliance of the moon was obscured by the bright white frost and snow.

She reached out her hand tremblingly and took a snowflake.

In the blink of an eye, the snowflake melted on Yunxiao's delicate white fingertips and turned into a crystal clear drop of water.

But then, big drops of water fell on her hands one after another.

At some point, the girl burst into tears.

She stretched out the sleeves of her colorful feather coat and wiped her face. She said with a smile to herself, "Yes, it's snowing. It's been snowing here for years."

Although she was smiling, her pretty little face was covered with tears soon.

The shackles of fate are reforged, and all the heaven and earth are returned to the Fuxian Heaven.

From now on, although countless living beings live less than a hundred years, they no longer have to worry about calamity between heaven and earth.

Chujing, Youzhou.

"I've seen the crown prince's residence."

Several black-armored guards stood at the side, saluting respectfully.

Zhang Keyu, dressed in a gorgeous python robe, waved his hand and said, "Excuse me, where is the young man that Uncle Qingxin brought from Ruyang County?"

One of the black-armored guards took a step forward and said, "I would like to inform you that the young man is currently in the Dao Palace, and both Dao Lords are here."

"I understand."

Zhang Keyu nodded and turned towards Youyang Dao Palace.

Not long after they arrived at the gate of the Taoist Palace, Zhang Keyu's heart was filled with panic without any warning.

Forcing himself to suppress his turbulent emotions, he stepped into the Dao Palace and saw the figures of two Xiantian Dao Lords.

There is also the back figure of a child about five or six years old.

Zhang Keyu's emotions became more and more intense. He stared at the childish figure, but he couldn't even say a word.

Hundreds of thousands of years seem to go back to the past in an instant, overturning all the past.

It feels like a world away.

Qingxin Daojun saw the stunned Zhang Keyu and smiled at the child: "Sheng'er, this is the eldest son of Prince Xing's palace, you can call him senior brother."

"Yes, Master."

The boy responded, turned around, his delicate brows and eyes were full of smiles, and said crisply: "Senior Brother, Crown Prince."

(Fu Xian Ling complete book completed)

Final words

First of all, I would like to express my special thanks to Fu Xian Ling. Thank you.

The leader of time and space, Wu Yunzhu (fog group), a cup of air, Li Laosan 003, Dao Crazy Demon Crazy, Glory Comes to Me, Old Figure in Beixiang, Liu Wuyi, Haisn Zihe Does Not Eat Cars, Good Night, Loneliness Lifetime Orange, Eternal Rain (Black Star), Lost Time), Book Friends 58401818, All the Beauty in the World, Rookie Player, Who Registered This ID, Book Friends 58786623

The above are the top 20 Fu Xian Ling reward list, thank you Yue Ya!

There are other readers who have tipped in Zongheng but are not listed. Thank you also to Yueya for your continued support and love! I am so grateful that no words can express my gratitude! ! !

There are also many readers who specifically downloaded Zongheng for the Fuxian Order, and Yueya is equally grateful! ! !

The Order of the Floating Immortals is over, and I have no choice but to do it because I really can't maintain my life. I really can't make electricity for love for a long time. The author deeply understands this sentence. Readers who support Fu Xian Ling, Yue Ya thanks again!

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