Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

100 troops on expedition, third-level civilization

"Master, this is the information you want!""

Xiao Xi said softly.

Through the Blue Star network, she and Lao Jia have already understood the details of those Goryeo Island masters.

Not only know the specific coordinates of the floating island.

Even the strength of each island's strength, staffing, and even the weapons and equipment used are all indistinguishable.


Xiaoxi opens the newly drawn area map.

With Jiang Feng floating island as the center, more than 2,000 floating islands within a radius of 10,000 kilometers are all displayed on the map.

Of course, there are more than just floating islands in this area.

The radius is 10,000 kilometers, and the total area is about 314 million square kilometers.

The total land area of ​​the earth is only 149 million square kilometers!

You can see how big this area is.

There are not only the human race, the goblin race, but also many other races.

Conservative estimate.

All floating islands together, there are at least 20,000 to 30,000!

The coordinates of the floating island that Jiang Feng now has are only those of the human race and the goblin race.

on the map.

1235 goblin floating islands, all painted blue.

The Floating Island of the Yan Kingdom is bright red.

Goryeo Floating Island is black.

Floating islands in other countries are always gray!

Xiaoxi began to introduce the situation of the floating island in Goryeo in detail.

"Among the 87 Koryo floating islands, there are only 5 second-class floating islands, and the rest are first-class floating islands!

"These floating islands are relatively scattered, but most of them are concentrated in three areas!"

"The northern area is 7,500 kilometers away from us! There are two second-class floating islands and 16 first-class floating islands! 35

"The southwest area is 4,600 kilometers away from us! There is one second-level floating island and 37 first-level floating islands!

"Finally, the southeast area is the closest to us, only about 2,000 kilometers away! There are two second-class floating islands and 29 first-class floating islands!

"And among the island owners of these 87 floating islands, only Jin Jiji has the gold power! Other floating islands have at most three silver-level combat powers!"

After Xiao Xi introduced the situation, she quietly looked at Jiang Feng.

Wait for him to make a decision.

"It's quite far away! If it wasn't for Dahua's new skills and speed increase, I wouldn't be too lazy to fly for seventy or eighty hours, and I would have killed them in the past!

Jiang Feng muttered and looked at his thousand subordinates.

So far, there are Da Hei, Er Hei, Da Fei, Er Fei, and Moruo.

There are some silver-level ants and pterodactyls.

The other subordinates have not been exposed for the time being.

Jiang Feng thought about it and planned to use them as the main force to go to the three areas respectively.

The 170 area in the north is the farthest, and it is necessary to let Dahua send Moro there.

At its speed, it can be reached in five or six hours.

However, Moro alone is definitely not enough.

After all, there are more than a dozen floating islands there, and even if they were all occupied, it would be difficult to take care of them.

Finally Jiang Feng decided.

Let him bring 100 bronze bees over to help guard the floating island.

Anyway, the bronze bee is not very big, it is attached to the big flower and can be sent to it at one time.

After sending people, Dahua needs to return immediately.

Then the big black, the two black and 100 bronze bees were sent to the southwest area.

It is 4600 kilometers away from here.

In addition to the big flowers, even the gold-level two flowers and three flowers will take more than 40 hours to arrive.

Might as well let Dahua run again.

As for the nearest southeast area.

Just leave it to Dafei Erfei and the two silver-level pterodactyls.

It is estimated that it can fly in ten hours.

After assigning the task, the subordinates are about to leave excitedly.

Jiang Feng suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although Goryeo is weak, after all, there is a lord-level power!

In case they play yin, let the lord-level master hide on a floating island to conduct a sneak attack.

Then except for Moro, the other two teams are bad!

After a moment of indifference.

Jiang Feng instructed the brothers Moheng and Moha to follow the latter two teams respectively.

But they hid in the dark.

If nothing unexpected happens, it's best not to show up!

After the patch, Jiang Feng finally relaxed.

There are these three djinn warriors sitting in town.

Even if the lord-level powerhouse of Goryeo really came forward.

It will definitely be beaten up!

"If you're a little smarter, and you can't shrink back, maybe you can save your life! Otherwise...hehehe!""

Jiang Feng let out a very villainous laugh.

Then, under the strange eyes of his subordinates, he took Ai Wen in one hand and Xiao Xi in the other, and went back to Blue Star!

Although the main island does not have a lord-level powerhouse now.

But there are 7 goblin warlocks, and a bunch of gold-level pets.

Jiang Feng is still very relieved!

The three came to Blue Star.

Lao Jia was already waiting in the VIP hall.

They got into the car directly and soon came to a warehouse near the Babel Tower.

"How many computers are there in total?

Jiang Feng asked.

"A total of 550,000 units!"

The old man replied respectfully.

When Jiang Feng synthesized Xiaoxi and Lao Jia, he used a brand computer with a market price of 30,000 yuan.

So for this synthesis, he also specified to use the same computer.

After Lao Jia received the order, he directly invested 85 billion to acquire all the shares of the computer company.

Become a company boss!

Then order the company's top management to pack all the computers in stock of that model and send them to Yan Kingdom.

All computers that have not been sold on the market are also recalled.

At the same time, the factory was asked to work overtime to fully produce that model of computer, but it would no longer be sold to the outside world.

The order confounded the top executives of the computer company.

They thought about it, and still couldn't figure out what Lao Jia meant.

However, the boss's order, the implementation of the right.

It's not their money that's lost anyway!

After some operation.

Lao Jia finally had enough 550,000 computers before Jiang Feng arrived!

so many computers.

Even at the cost price, the total value is close to 10 billion yuan!

In the past, that was definitely an astronomical figure.

But for the current Jiang Feng.

It's just a bunch of numbers!

Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction and ordered Lao Jia to block the warehouse.

Then start synthesizing!

It went well in the beginning.

Only 27 computers were used to synthesize a [First-Class Civilization Optical Brain]!

Lao Jia is actually a first-class civilization light brain.

Possess certain wisdom and super computing power.

Even managing a city or even a country is more than enough!

Jiang Feng intends to upgrade Xiao Xi and Lao Jia.

Then synthesize a batch of first-level civilization light brains and make them into combat robots or robot housekeepers.

Used to assist in the management of various affairs on the floating island.

For example, the attack on Goryeo Floating Island this time.

If there is a group of robot butlers with Dahei around them.

Whether responsible for liaison, processing intelligence, or counting loot, it can be of great help.

After all, they can't speak.

Even with the communication spar, it is difficult to communicate with the main island in time.

Robot housekeepers can make up for this shortcoming.


Wait until Jiang Feng's floating island develops to a certain scale.

Ancillary islands may be built elsewhere.

At that time, a robot housekeeper can also be sent over to manage daily affairs.

Anyway, so many benefits!

Jiang Feng starts synthesizing again!

After consuming 729 ordinary computers, I finally synthesized a [Second-level Wenming Brain]!

The intellectual brain is small in size and looks like a crystal clear sapphire.

The performance in all aspects is countless times stronger than that of the first-level civilization light brain!

Xiaoxi's body is a second-level literary brain!

Jiang Feng didn't stop at all.

Immediately manipulate the compositing box and start compositing!

Soon, Jiang Feng synthesized another second-level civilization intelligence.

Jiang Feng looked at Xiao Xi.

She reacted immediately and smiled at Jiang Feng.


A crystal clear sapphire bounced out of Xiao Xi's body.

Jiang Feng quickly caught it and placed the gem in his palm solemnly.

Then circle the other two gems and start synthesizing!

With a flash of blue light.

Three gems fused into one.

Turned into a... slightly bigger sapphire!

After the upgrade, Xiaoxi's performance has been greatly improved in all aspects.

But on the whole, it is still [Second-level Civilization and Smart Brain]!

If you compare the level of beasts, it is to upgrade from bronze one star to two bronze stars!


Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows, but he was not disappointed.

Based on previous synthesis.

Xiaoxi wants to upgrade to the third-level civilization.

It takes 27 second-level Wenming Brains for three rounds of synthesis!

This is only the first round!


Jiang Feng is constantly synthesizing.

After consuming nearly 19,000 normal computers.

With a dazzling blue light flashed.

Xiaoxi's appearance has finally changed!

From a sapphire to a sparkling silver drop!

This droplet looks a bit like mercury and has a very metallic texture.

But it is more crystal clear, exuding an indescribable mysterious atmosphere.

And it shows the name.

It has also changed from [Second-level Civilization Brain] to [Third-level Civilization Super Brain]!

"The third-level civilization super brain?"

Seeing this, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up.

The third-level civilization already belongs to the category of advanced civilization!

Their range of activities is no longer limited to their own star system, and can already travel between star systems!

It is even possible to establish colonies in other star systems!

Not only that.

The third-level civilization can also send super detectors across the river system!

And have extensive collisions and exchanges with other galaxy civilizations!

Possess extremely powerful technology and energy!

After Jiang Feng sighed, he immediately asked tentatively, "Xiao Xi? 35

"Well, people are here! I'll come out when I'm completely transformed!

Xiaoxi replied softly.

Hearing her voice, Jiang Feng finally felt relieved.

Artificial intelligence and biology are different after all.

If you lose memory or something when you upgrade, it will be troublesome.

But fortunately, everything is normal.

After waiting for half an hour, Xiao Xi finally completed her transformation.

All aspects of performance have been enhanced ten thousand times!

It is no longer the same level as before.

At this time, Jiang Feng looked at the huge warehouse.

The upgrade just now consumed less than 20,000 computers.

Jiang Feng calculated for a moment.

It only needs to consume another 511,758 ordinary computers, and Xiaoxi should be able to upgrade again.

It has become a product of the fourth-level civilization!

What are you waiting for?

It's done!

So Jiang Feng rolled up his sleeves and began to combine energetically!

Korean National Assembly.

After hearing Jiang Feng's reply.

All the high-ranking people in Korea are out of anger!

"We have already bowed our heads, how dare he refuse?

"National shame! This is national shame!

"Why should an 18-year-old humiliate our country?"

"He must be punished, or we Dae Goryeo will be the world's joke!"

"Wake up everyone! Money can't buy peace!"

"Kill him! I am willing to donate one-twentieth of my family property, I must kill him!"


The members shouted one after another, and the scene suddenly turned into a pot of porridge!

"Be quiet!

"Stop it all for me!

The Speaker tapped the gavel with a dark face, and it took a while for it to be quiet.

"I can understand everyone's mood, and I am also very angry! But what is the use of anger? 35

"Jiang Feng has rejected our proposal, and now we have only two ways to go!

"First, give up the 87 island owners and let Jiang Feng destroy their floating island!"

"At the same time, give more money to Jiang Feng and ask him not to continue attacking our other island owners!

After listening to the first way the speaker said.

The hall burst into flames!

"No! Absolutely not!""

"You don't want face, I want face too!"

"You traitor, get out of here!"

"Never compromise! We must unite and resist to the end!

"Just to fuck him!

The speaker listened to their shouts with a cold face and sighed inwardly.

But now that's it, there's nothing he can do about it!

So speak again.

"That's good! Let's choose the second way and fight him to the end! 35

"Right now, we have two things we must do right away!"

"The first thing is to help those island owners and their families to evacuate the floating island and minimize their losses!"

"The second thing is to organize elite forces, especially the masters above the silver level, to concentrate on several important floating islands, and use the terrain and fortifications to fight against Jiang Feng! 35

"Those who are willing to participate in the action, please sign up with me as soon as possible, and I will make unified arrangements!

The speaker methodically stated his plan.


The parliamentary hall, which had been noisy just now, was instantly quiet.

Members, you look at me, I look at you, and all are silent.

Anger is anger.

But if they really want to send their elite forces to fight against Jiang Feng, who has the courage?

There are at least two lord-level powers standing opposite!

No matter how many silver-level and gold-level powerhouses pass by, they will only die in vain!

They are not stupid, of course they would not do such stupid things.

For a time, needles could be heard in the field.

Quietly very strange.

Seeing this, the Speaker couldn't help but sighed.

Just knew it would be so!

He knows his countrymen too well!

"Everyone! Great joy! Great joy!

At this time, the secretary-general took the phone and walked in from the outside with a happy face.

When everyone heard this, they all turned their heads and looked at the secretary-general.


The Secretary-General was horrified by their stares and swallowed.

But soon he came back to his senses.

He shouted loudly: "Great joy! Your Excellency Shoushan is out! Goryeo has been saved!


There was an uproar.


The congressmen who were still silent just now, shouted one after another!

"Send troops! I'll send troops to rescue Jinjiji Island Master immediately!"

"Count me in! The national disaster is at the forefront, how can we miss our Pu family?"

"I also signed up! Not only will I go, but I will also bring my son and grandson to support!""

"We Koreans are the most bloody and will never give in!

"If he wants war, give him war!

"Destroy Jiang Feng! Long live Dae Goryeo! 99


Watching the deputies below whose attitude changed again.

The Speaker didn't know what to say for a while.

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