Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

056 Top ten consortiums, madly taking hundreds of billions

"Golden powerhouse, really powerful!

Facing the threat of Jinsheng Pavilion.

There was not a trace of fear on Jiang Feng's face, only calm and calm.

"Are you ready to start now?

he asked curiously.

Jin Sheng Pavilion was stunned.

This man's reaction was a bit unexpected!

However, he will definitely not choose to do it here.

After all, this is the country of flames, and the masters are like clouds~.

Even if he brought two gold-level elders, he would not dare to go wild.

Jiang Feng got the answer from his expression.

He nodded immediately and said with a smile: "Since you don't plan to do anything, please go back to your seat. The auction is only halfway through, and the show is yet to come! 35

Jinsheng Pavilion: "???"

Can anyone tell me what's going on here?

I'm here for a robbery, trying to swallow him with the belt bone.

He also knew I wanted to rob him!

But he was so calm, what was his idea?

Jin Sheng Pavilion was stunned for three seconds, but still couldn't sort out his thoughts.

He could only hold his face and nodded coldly.

Really went back to my seat!

He wanted to see what medicine Jiang Feng sold in the gourd!


Lao Jia came over to report: "Dozens of companies have applied to participate in the auction!"

As soon as Jiang Feng heard it, he immediately understood that it was the third-order fruit, which attracted more attention.

The third-order fruit is different from the first- and second-order fruit.

Tier 1 or 2 crops can be planted on Tier 1 floating islands.

And Tier 3 crops, only floating islands above Tier 2 can be planted!

Among all the floating islands in the hands of humans.

More than 90% of the floating islands are first-class floating islands, and less than 10% of the floating islands are second-class and above.

This leads to a shortage of high-level spiritual fruit.

Even some large groups will often fall into the dilemma of high-level spirits being decisively out of stock!

Now I heard that Jiang Feng has a lot of third-order spiritual fruit for sale here.

Immediately they couldn't sit still and tried every means to participate in the auction!

"Yes! As long as the assets are more than 1 billion, you can participate! Jingjing

Jiang Feng is open to all who come.

The more people who entered the auction, the happier he was!

Because it means, he will make more money!

"Master, I have heard some news! Many people actually came for the seeds in the spirit fruit! 66

Lao Jia reminded.


Jiang Feng was overjoyed.

The third-order seeds are indeed very precious and cannot be bought in the market at all, and are completely monopolized by the high-order island owners.

Some aristocratic families only need to master one or two rare seeds to live a very nourishing life.

When they sell the fruit, they will do it in advance.

Avoid seed outflow!

Jiang Feng has long considered this.

When packing in the morning, Ai Wen had already been treated and the seeds had degenerated.

Although it can still germinate normally.

But what grows will only be first-order crops!

They want it, they take it.

Lao Jia nodded and left.


On the walls on both sides of the hall, dozens of screens appeared, each with several figures.

Immediately someone recognized them!

"Mr. Xiao of Firefox Group!"9

"Master Zhao of Treasure Pavilion!

"Chef Han at Jia Shan Tang!""

"President Bai of Baihe Group is here too!

"Fuck, several of the top ten consortiums have come! 35

"It's getting more and more lively!"

Fang Hu is holding the little hand of a second-tier female star to discuss life.

Li Qianqiu next to him suddenly patted him.

"what's wrong?"

He turned his head and saw Li Qianqiu pointing at a screen not far away for him to watch.

Fang Hu glanced indifferently.

Then, the whole person is not well!

I saw my mother appear on the screen, staring at me badly!

Fang Hu brushed loose the female star's little hand.

She squeezed out a smile and greeted her embarrassedly.

"My grandfather is here too!"

Li Qianqiu stood up and said hello to the old man on the other screen.

"Oh, and my father!

Sun Baiwei also sighed and stood up as well.

Seven of the top ten consortiums of the Yan Kingdom appeared at the auction!

Although Sun Baiwei didn't say anything.

But I have already begun to admire Jiang Feng in my heart!

This guy still has some skills!

bang bang ∼∼

The auctioneer struck the gavel.

The second round of auction has officially started!

No. 51 target, 10,000 catties of third-order strawberries.

The starting price is 2 billion!


As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, someone directly increased the price by 100 million!



Others are not far behind and keep raising prices.

Watching the number of 100 million to 100 million rise.

The female stars in the audience were all blushing and couldn't help themselves with excitement!

Although the money has nothing to do with them.

But such a scene still makes their blood boil!

Others, although better, slowly began to get excited.

Louder and louder when bidding!


"Okay! Mr. No. 88 bid 2.57 billion, is there any higher?

"Everyone has tasted these strawberries, and they are absolutely superb! If you miss this opportunity, it will not be so easy to buy again in the future!"

"No. 75 increased by 10 million! Now it is 2.58 billion! 35


when the price reaches a certain height.

Despite the auctioneer's repeated instigation, bidders came in more cautiously.

After all, more than 2 billion in cash cannot be taken out casually!


The No. 51 target was sold at a price of 2.7 billion!

This price has exceeded the market retail price, but buyers are still very happy.

It's like winning the lottery!

"Xiaowei, you have a lot of pocket money!""

...for flowers ·

Li Qianqiu couldn't help sighing.

That's right, it was Sun Baiwei who bought the strawberries.

"Who said I used my own money? I bought it for Yaowang Group! Public funds consumption, do you understand?"

Sun Baiwei was very proud.

"Next is No. 52, the third-order pumpkin of 10,000 catties! The starting price is 1.5 billion!

The auctioneer's voice just fell.

Fang Huso raised the sign: "2 billion!"

Hearing this number, everyone was stunned.

All the signs that were originally raised were put down.

This price has exceeded the market retail price.

But not much.

Everyone is a little unsure for a while, should we continue to follow up.

Just when they hesitated.

Auctioneers are still bidding.

"2 billion once...2 billion twice...2 billion three times!"

"Bang! Deal!"

"Congratulations to buyer No. 15 for winning the bid!"

It only took 5 seconds before and after, and 10,000 catties of pumpkin were successfully sold!


Fang Hu was very satisfied with his decisiveness.

"You also use public funds? 99

Li Qianqiu asked curiously.

"What public money? It's my own money! I'll eat pumpkin pie every day from now on! 35


Li Qianqiu is dressed!


The third-order corn, the third-order cucumber, the third-order millet, and the third-order tomato appear in turn.

Sun Baiwei once again spent 2.1 billion to buy 10,000 catties of cucumbers!

It's still public money!

This time, Li Qianqiu couldn't sit still.

Spent 2.3 billion and photographed 10,000 catties of tomatoes!

His sister likes to eat tomatoes.

It's time to knock her out and subsidize it!

"Little Shu, won't you buy some?"

Sun Baiwei asked Yan Qingshu curiously.

Since just now, she has been holding her mobile phone and sending messages, but she has not bought anything.

When Yan Qingshu heard the question, she smiled and shook her head.

"Really don't buy it? Strawberries are delicious!

Sun Baiwei continued to persuade.

"He said, I don't need to buy it!"

Yan Qingshu answered with a little blush.


Sun Baiwei was at a loss.

Yan Qingshu handed over the phone with a message on it.

"I'll keep the best spirit fruit for you! It will be delivered to your house at night! 99

The name of the note is - Feng.

Feng? Jiang Feng?

Mad! I'm so stupid!

Even looking for dog food to eat!

Sun Baiwei felt that the whole person was not well.

Throwing the phone to Yan Qingshu, she turned her head and was sullen.

Yan Qingshu ignored her.

Keep your head down and continue texting.


The second round of auctions is all over!

500,000 catties of third-order fruits, all sold smoothly!

After the summary, the auctioneer came to the stage to announce.

"500,000 catties of third-order fruits, the total transaction price is - 118.5 billion!


Huge sound, almost toppling the roof! Enter.

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