Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 996: Pear flower with rain

The generals in the army took turns to show their courtesy. Song Qingshu's skill was so profound, and his head was dizzy.

When the dinner was over, he staggered to look for Daiqisi, wondering why I had to go to her tent? But thinking of the ambiguous and envious eyes of the generals during the dinner, Song Qingshu thought that Dai Qisi might have also heard some rumors in the camp, and I am embarrassed to go to Shuai Teng to look for him again.

Staggering towards Daiqisi's tent, Song Qingshu suddenly felt a long-lost feeling of stealing jade and scent. She had to sigh that Daiqisi is really a horrible little fairy, she has a face that is a disaster for the country and the people. , And know how to arouse men's interest just right.

Since it was stealing jade and stealing incense, of course, the more secret the better, Song Qingshu waved his hand to let the guards who followed him leave. Anyway, with his martial arts, few people could hurt him even if he was drunk.

At this time, Pu Cha Qiucao lying in the tent raised her throat with her heart, thinking about how to remind Tang Kuo later not to...don’t go to the wrong person, but after thinking about it, she finally found dejectedly. , I actually have no way.

The hateful woman Daiqisi stripped off her clothes, sealed the acupuncture points all over her body, and changed her face. Unless Tang Kuo is omniscient and omnipotent, how can she know that she is Pu Cha Qiucao?

Of course, when the other party is making love to her, if you are careful, you should be able to detect it. After all, the body of a young girl is obviously different from the mature and graceful feeling of Daiqisi, but... but what else was there at that time significance!

When Pu Cha Qiucao was worried, Song Qingshu finally opened the curtain of the tent and walked in. Seeing the woman lying on the bed, he couldn't help but mumbled strangely: "Hey, why did you sleep so early?"

Pu Cha Qiucao suddenly raised a glimmer of hope, as long as the other party noticed the abnormality, she might be able to discover her true identity.

But the hope that she had just raised was instantly shattered, because Song Qingshu immediately said another sentence: "It is estimated that I have been tossing enough for these two days, and I am tired."

Coming to the bed, looking at the quiet sleep of the beautiful woman on the bed, Song Qingshu felt a hint of pity in her heart. Dai Qisi is indeed too tired these days, so it’s okay to let her have a good rest, so she won’t do anything to her today. Up.

He took off his clothes at random and got into the quilt. He originally planned to sleep with Daiqisi in his arms like this, but after getting into the quilt, the eyes were straight. The woman in the quilt actually had no strands on her body, as if she was silent. invite.

Pu Cha Qiucao's heart was beating wildly, thinking that his icy and clean body was being hugged and hugged by another man, he really wanted to kill him. However, she also understood that this matter was beyond reproach, because it was caused by the vicious woman Daiqisi alone.

In addition, Tang Kuobian had almost seen her body in the ancient tomb. Pu Cha Qiucao didn't care too much about it. Now she was thinking about how to remind the other party of her identity.

With Song Qingshu's skill, she could naturally detect her heartbeat speeding up, but he didn't think in other directions, subconsciously thinking that Daiqisi was pretending to be asleep on purpose.

Song Qingshu originally wanted Daiqisi to recuperate for one night, but the other party stripped off her clothes and waited in the bed, and then deliberately pretended to sleep. The meaning of the expression was already obvious.

After all, Daiqisi is a married woman. Even if her husband has been dead for more than ten years, it may not be so easy to change her concept in a short while. Song Qingshu only speaks out when she is willing but because of her thin skin. I can use this method to suggest that I can't help but feel happy in my heart, and I don't want to break through, and follow her mind to cooperate.

"Since the elder sister has this kind of yaxing, I am not welcome with the younger brother." Song Qingshu kissed her lips, and the whole person pressed up.

Pu Cha Qiucao was surprised: Hey, why did Tang Kuobian's voice suddenly change, and when they kissed her just now, the two of them had their faces touched, and they only felt abnormally smooth, and didn't feel Tang Kuobian's big beard. .

However, Pu Cha Qiucao’s doubts were quickly replaced by the surging shame. He felt that his body had been lost one after another, and he couldn’t help but curse in his heart: Tang Kuo argued that you pig brain, didn’t you notice this girl and Daiqisi? Are the slut's physical characteristics obviously different!

As if hearing her heartfelt voice, Song Qingshu said softly: "Hey, why do you feel that your chest has shrunk a little."

If Pu Cha Qiucao hears such words on weekdays, I’m afraid I’ll be mad, but at this time I’m overjoyed: Yes, yes, this girl’s **** are much smaller than that of Daiqisi’s Humeizi. You can always notice such a significant difference Right!

However, Song Qingshu's next sentence immediately dashed her hopes that had just risen: "Hey, I knew I shouldn't drink so much at night. I have hallucinations."

Pu Cha Qiucao was almost crying, what an illusion, this is obviously the actual situation.

"Well, the body is a little more petite and exquisite."

"The thighs are firmer and firmer."

"The skin seems to be less smooth and smooth than before."


Listening to the murmuring in the other party's mouth, Pu Cha Qiucao was almost numb. If it were other times, she might be curious about the comparison between herself and Daiqisi in the heart of a man, but now in this scene, she just wants to cry. .

"Tang Kuobian, you are really a pig! With so many different places, you haven't realized that we are not the same person at all!" If she hadn't been sealed off, she would probably yell out loudly.

Although Pu Cha Qiucao pleaded with all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and even prayed for the longevity heaven believed by the Jurchen's mortal enemy Mongols, the result was still unable to prevent the worst from happening.

After all, the time to come is still coming. As the drunk man weighed heavily on him, Pu Cha Qiucao felt a sharp pain coming, and his heart was filled with sorrow, two lines of tears could no longer be restrained from his eyes. Welled out.

After a while, Song Qingshu finally noticed the strangeness, and when he looked between her legs, he saw a bunch of bright red flowers blooming on the bed sheet.

Song Qingshu woke up from alcohol in an instant. If he said that his physical characteristics were different before, it could be explained by his feeling different when he was drunk, then this Luohong couldn't explain why. As a married woman who has given birth to another child, Daiqisi can never be a virgin, right? Even if she was really a virgin, and she was so favored by herself two days ago, she definitely wasn't.

Song Qingshu, a figure at the level of Grand Master Yi Rong, just didn’t think about it before, but now he has a suspicion and immediately discovered that there is something wrong with the other party’s face. He stretched out his hand and uncovered the mask on her face. A pear blossom with a rainy girl's face appeared. before.

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