Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1001: Hug

I just don’t know if this is Malji or Li Kexiu’s meaning. If it is Malji, it’s easy to understand. As the governor of the Qing Dynasty, Malji is the ruler of the food, so he deliberately cited himself. Coming to Suo'etu's side, invisibly settled a party's surrender power.

However, if this is what Li Kexiu meant, it would be a bit troublesome, which shows that he deliberately let the Jin and Qing envoys monitor and prevent each other, and he secretly contacted other forces.

Song Qingshu was wondering who Li Kexiu would prefer to choose, and suddenly heard Suo Etu’s laugh: “Many years ago, Suo Mo’s envoy Jin Guo had a relationship with Marshal Tang Kuo, and at that time he discovered that Marshal Yuxuanang’s appearance was extraordinary. It was destined not to be in the pool. I did not expect it to be only a few years ago. It really confirmed my judgment that year. Brother Tang Kuo has risen to the first person in the Jin Guochao. He has integrated military and political power. I admire him!"

Song Qingshu couldn't help admiring Suo'etu's shamelessness. You must know that Tang Kuobian was an insignificant figure in the Kingdom of Jin a few years ago. If he didn't take advantage of Wan Yan Liang's rebellion, how could he reach his current position?

Tang Kuobian has a beard on his face, as if he is a Harden, how can it be related to the magnificent and extraordinary appearance?

Song Qingshu dealt with a few words at will, only to hear Suo'etu excitedly said: "Today, I and Tang Kuo hit it off right away. How about we become brothers with different surnames?"

Hearing these words, Song Qingshu almost didn't sip all the wine on the table. This Suo Etu is really a talent, and he will get people to worship when he sees who has the potential. Wei Xiaobao did this before, and then Song Qingshu did it, and Tang Kuobian still does it today.

Hearing Suo Etu’s words, all the officials on the table immediately agreed: "Master Suo is the prime minister of the Qing Dynasty, and Master Tang Kuo is the prime minister of the Kingdom of Da Jin. We, the Kingdom of Qing and Jin, are also brothers. The two worships are just relatives. Plus kiss."

"Kiss and kiss your sister!" Song Qingshu couldn't wait to pick up the face of the person on the table, but he stretched out his hand not to hit the smiley person. If he refuses this situation, wouldn't he completely offend Suo'etu and Yigan? Qing Dynasty official?

Now whether it is Jin Guo or Qing Guo, he has actually regarded him as his own industry. Naturally, he does not want to see any discord between the two subsidiaries.

"Master Suo's words are very to my heart. I have long admired Master Suo for a long time. Come here and set up an incense case!" Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Then the two of them bowed to each other at the nearby Xiang case. Hearing Suo Etu's familiar oath, Song Qingshu sneered in his heart, and bowed to worship. Anyway, in the name of Tang Kuo's defense, no oath could be fulfilled on me. If you don’t want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but want to die the same year, the same month and the same day, I’m sorry, Tang Kuobian is dead, so should you go with him?

Song Qingshu suddenly thought of something. Next time Wu Yunzhu sees herself, does she call her elder brother or uncle? Thinking of that girl's tangled expression at that time, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile.

After the two bowed, Suo Etu's attitude towards him became more enthusiastic, and the officials who accompanied him were even more eager to the extreme. After a lot of scrutiny, they all returned with joy.

When they were away, Song Qingshu and Suo Etu were drunk, and a maid had long helped them to rest. Officials from Yangzhou placed Song Qingshu and Suo'etu in Daotaifu's office, one in the east courtyard and the other in the west courtyard.

After the maid retreated, Song Qingshu, who was snoring on the bed, stood up suddenly, with clear eyes and a drunken expression on his face.

"Suo Etu, you old fox keep pouring me wine, but how can you expect that I still have a deep internal strength? You can drink one cup and one cup, and you can drink it." Song Qingshu secretly laughed a few times, and then ordered the guard himself No one is allowed to enter the room during sleep, otherwise it will be killed.

Rolled the quilt into a ball, took a pillow and stuffed it into it to pretend that someone was sleeping, Song Qingshu took off Tang Kuobian's mask, restored his original appearance, and quietly figured out the Taoist government office.

The government officials lived in the government offices of two countries. The guards were naturally tight, but with Song Qingshu's light work today, as long as you be careful, how can you be discovered by the guards?

After leaving the Daotai Mansion, Song Qingshu went straight to Li Kexiu's admiral's mansion. Before he had quietly asked his subordinates to find out the location of the admiral's mansion.

After entering Yangzhou, Song Qingshu was stunned to find that Li Kexiu's attitude was ambiguous, and he didn't know what he really thought. Now that I’m placed in the Daotai Yamen, I can’t do anything. It’s better to secretly inspect the Admiral’s Mansion. If you can see Li Kexiu, it’s best, even if you don’t see him chatting with Li Yuanzhi, you can always knock out something. .

The strange look of Li Yuanzhi appeared in his mind, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smiled knowingly, recalling the various events that took place in the Forbidden City and later Shengjing City, the two were also considered to share adversity and fate, and they did not know that they had not seen it for so long. What did the little girl look like?

And Luo Bing, I don’t know if she is happy or scared to see herself again?

Soon Song Qingshu came to the vicinity of the admiral's mansion, found a remote place, and turned in with a little tiptoe.

It's been a few years since I came to this world, and even the layout of the palaces of various countries is very clear, let alone these ordinary houses. After stopping for a moment, I can tell which yard Li Kexiu, who is the head of the family, roughly lives in, and where Li Yuanzhi, who is a young lady, should live.

First, I went to Li Kexiu’s room to check it out. As expected, Li Kexiu was not there, and he checked in his room again, and did not find any valuable documents or letters. Song Qingshu had no choice but to go to where his family members were. Searched his yard.

But after turning around, Song Qingshu was stunned to find that even Li Yuanzhi's shadow was not seen, not to mention Li Yuanzhi, Li Kexiu's concubines could not be seen, only some maids and old mothers lived in the inner house.

"Now the waves in Yangzhou City are treacherous. It seems that Li Kexiu is worried that people with ulterior motives will start with his family, and simply moved the whole family to the barracks." Song Qingshu pondered for a moment, and then roughly guessed Li Kexiu's thoughts.

Song Qingshu could only go back to the mansion. For one thing, he didn't know the location of the Jiangnan Green Camp. Secondly, the guards of the barracks were far from comparable to these mansions. If you don't pay attention, you will be exposed. It's better not to make such a big move when you first arrived.

"There are assassins!"

Suddenly, there was a stern cry across the calm night sky.

Song Qingshu was surprised. He was very careful along the way. How could he be discovered?

He quickly realized that the assassins in the population outside were not him, because the real assassins had already panicked and rushed through the door at this time and just happened to bump into him.

"Is a female assassin?" The soft touch at that moment made Song Qingshu's face a strange smile.

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