Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1003: Young Master and Young Lady

Jiao Wan'er nodded slightly and replied softly: "During this period, all forces have sent people to Yangzhou to win over Li Kexiu. Apart from some forces that are too weak and hopeless, there are still five envoys, followed by the Qing Dynasty. , Jin, Mongolia, Liao and Southern Song Dynasty."

"Li Kexiu is now an official of the Qing court in name. The Qing court knew that he had other thoughts, so he sent the important court minister Suo Etu to come in person. After hearing that Li Kexiu had talked with him several times, he used the name of rampant water bandits and thieves. I hid in the green camp and left Suo Etu at the Taoist Yamen. At the same time, officials at all levels in Jiangsu and Zhejiang kept visiting him, so that Suo Etu knew that he was playing a ghost."

"The envoy of the Kingdom of Jin entered the city today. It seems to be a man named Tang Kuobian. I heard that he is very high in the official position of the Kingdom of Jin. He is the first official of the Kingdom of Jin. However, there are not many guards with him. People with well-developed limbs and simple minds don’t understand the truth behind a dangerous wall. With so few guards, they are not afraid of being assassinated here. Hey, why is your face so ugly? "

Song Qingshu was depressed, thinking that I was the one who was scolded by you as "well-developed limbs and simple-minded", but because he was inconvenient to explain to Jiao Wan'er, he had to deal with her casually.

Jiao Wan'er continued: "The envoy of the Kingdom of Jin was also arranged at the Daotai Yamen. This time the people of the Kingdom of Qing and the Kingdom of Jin gathered together, one to appease Li Kexiu, the other to instigate Li Kexiu, and I don't know if the dog will bite the dog and fight."

She is a former Ming citizen, so naturally she has no affection for both Jin and Qing.

"Ahem~" Seeing Jiao Wan'er talking and getting more excited, Song Qingshu hurriedly interrupted, "Alright, I know the situation of Jin and Qing. What about the others?"

Jiao Wan'er glanced at him suspiciously, thinking that the biggest enemy of our Golden Snake Camp is not Jin and Qing. But how did she know that Jin and Qing are now their own businesses.

She was inconvenient to violate Song Qingshu's meaning. Although she was puzzled, she continued: "Mongolia, Jin and Qing are both worldly enemies. Of course, their envoys dare not enter the city with great fanfare like the envoys of Jin and Qing, but disguise. When they came in, Li Kexiu secretly arranged them in a salt merchant's mansion surnamed He. The salt merchant He was a well-known rich man in Yangzhou City. The mansion was magnificent. Li Kexiu arranged them there, which was enough to show his importance. situation."

Song Qingshu hurriedly asked, "Do you know who the envoy from Mongolia is?"

Jiao Wan'er shook his head: "The Mongolian people are mysterious and deliberately concealing their identities. If we did not get the information by chance, we would not even know that they entered the city. Now there are probably not many people in the entire Yangzhou city who know their exact location. In addition, after they moved into Hefu, their masters secretly surrounded the entire mansion like an iron bucket, and even one fly could not fly in. I didn't want to sacrifice the lives of my brothers, so I gave up to investigate."

"It's done well, just to avoid unnecessary sacrifices. Let me check it out in Mongolia." Song Qingshu thought Zhao Min's charming face. I wonder if the Mongolian messenger will be her this time?

Song Qingshu quickly shook his head. When Zhao Min left Daxing Mansion last time, he clearly said that he was going to investigate Murong Jingyue's whereabouts. How could he come to Yangzhou as an envoy.

"The messengers from the Liao Kingdom were not so well treated. Li Kexiu didn't seem to deliberately arrange their accommodation, so that they had to cover the Yuelai Inn in the south of the city by themselves." Jiao Wan'er was inevitably gloating, after all, these were all coming to and Jinsheying. Competing for Li Kexiu.

"The Liao Kingdom is now slack and they are expected to be cold by Li Kexiu." Song Qingshu laughed, "What about the Southern Song Dynasty?"

"Li Kexiu seemed to be very concerned about the envoys of the Southern Song Dynasty, and arranged them in the famous Chanzhi Temple in Yangzhou City, where the peony flowers are particularly famous, and coupled with the quiet environment, it can be called a scenic spot in Yangzhou." Jiao Wan'er replied. .

"It seems that Li Kexiu really tends to Mongolia and the Southern Song Dynasty." Song Qingshu thought in his mind. Now the Qing Dynasty is in trouble at home and abroad, and the rise of the Golden Snake Camp has cut off the territory of the Qing Dynasty. The area of ​​Jiangsu and Zhejiang has become an enclave destined to change ownership. The Southern Song Dynasty and the most powerful Mongolia.

"Wan'er, who is the messenger over there in the Southern Song Dynasty?" Song Qingshu then asked.

"I happen to know this," Jiao Wan'er pursed her lips. "The Southern Song Dynasty sent the Zheng Envoy to the Privy Council to accept the order of Lu You, accompanied by the owner of Guiyun Village, Lu Guanying and the wife of the owner, Cheng Yaojia."

"Lu You?" Song Qingshu's face was very exciting. You must know that this is a great man in Chinese textbooks in the past, especially the fans who have been abused by the national football for thousands of times. They often laugh at themselves and wait for the Chinese men's football team to win the championship. Later generations must burn paper to tell them. , Quite like Lu You's phrase "Wang Shibei set the Central Plains Day, and the family sacrifice never forgets to tell Nai Weng".

"Master, do you know him?" Jiao Wan'er asked strangely.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I don't know, but I have been with God for a long time, I have long wanted to see a real person."

After waking up from his idol worship, Song Qingshu suddenly curiously said: “It’s strange. Although the Privy Council is a great official to the flat-headed people, it is too light in the eyes of the high-level people. Qing Guo and Jin Guo sent out. The messengers of are all important ministers at the chief executive level. Although the Mongolian side does not know it, they must be a very noble person. The Southern Song Dynasty only sent a small official to come over. It would be too unimportant, right? ."

It should be understood that in the Southern Song Dynasty official system, the privy council alone is not an important official position. There are also Privy Envoys, Knowing Privy Council Affairs, Tongzhi Privy Council Affairs, Deputy Privy Envoys, Signing Privy Council Affairs, and Co-signing Privy Council Affairs in front of them. After waiting for a series of bosses, the Privy Council will accept the order. No matter how you look at it, you will feel that the specifications of the delegation sent by the Southern Song Dynasty are not enough.

"How did the couple of Guiyunzhuang Lu Guanying get involved with the Southern Song Dynasty court?" Song Qingshu remembered something again. Before returning to Yunzhuang, he was a water bandit on the Taihu Lake, but now he has transformed into a government official. This is too strange.

Jiao Wan'er smiled and said, "We used to be in Jiangsu with the Golden Dragon Gang. We know a little about Guiyun Village. Their owner is Lu, a member of the Shanyin Lu clan, and Lu You is also from the Shanyin Lu clan. The Lu Guanying and his wife have always been on good terms with Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and they have been involved in the cause of resisting foreign races. With these levels of identity, it is not surprising that they are listed in the Southern Song Dynasty."

"So, Shanyin Lu clan..." Song Qingshu suddenly realized that Shanyin was the alias of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in the previous life. There is a scenic spot in Shaoxing called Shenyuan, which witnessed the love tragedy between Lu You and his ex-wife Tang Wan. How many foolish men and women cry.

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