Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 101: Top of the Forbidden City

Chapter 101 The Top of the Forbidden City on the Night of the Full Moon

Xia Qingqing felt that Song Qingshu had been pinched behind her back, and reacted and hurriedly told Feng Qingyang about Yuan Chengzhi sadly.

Seeing Feng Qingyang's silence, Mu Renqing also said: "Little Master, Chengzhi is the best descendant of our Sword Sect. I have spent my whole life pinning the hope of reviving Sword Sect on him. He lost his life in the invincible hands of the East."

Feng Qingyang said suspiciously: "Yuan Chengzhi in your mouth, I have also observed in secret, that martial arts is no longer under the guidance of the Sun Moon God Teaching Director I, so the Oriental Unbeaten killed him so easily?"

"His speed is too fast," Xia Qingqing said quickly to Feng Qingyang listening to the information he had received. "According to Master Fang Zheng's return that day, the invincible speed of the East has exceeded the limit of human beings. Big Brother Yuan I lost the opportunity at the beginning, so..." Xia Qingqing couldn't speak anymore, covering her mouth, standing there sobbing silently.

Thinking of the many young disciples on the cliff, they saw a handsome and romantic young woman standing there with pear blossoms with rain, long skirts blowing to the ground, and her clothes fluttering in the wind. There was a small white flower on the sideburns, and the petals trembled slightly with the breeze... Obsessed.

"Big Brother Song was also on the scene that day. Uncle Taishi can ask him about the specific situation." Xia Qingqing wiped away the tears and pointed to Song Qingshu.

"It's all about Zuo Lengchan," Feng Qingyang looked at Song Qingshu with a puzzled face, "I heard that Yuhuangding that day, you defeated Taoist Chongxu with a single sword?"

"The kid is just lucky." Song Qingshu looked a little embarrassed.

"I've seen Chongxu's swordsmanship," Feng Qingyang stood with his hand holding his hand. "It is continuous and has very few flaws. It can be regarded as the first-rate swordsman in the matter. You can actually defeat him with a single sword. Could it be that we last time? After the fight, what adventure did you have?"

"It's just that the kid made tricks by tricks. After real fights, it takes a hundred tricks to tell the victory or defeat." Song Qingshu said frankly.

"Take a trick?" Feng Qingyang was stunned, and suddenly realized, "The old man understands, you must motivate him to defend with all his strength from the beginning. There is a huge flaw in his Tai Chi sword that most people can't see, but the swordsmanship is higher than that. His people can indeed defeat him with this sword."

"Feng Lao restored the scene of the day with only a few words from the kid, and the kid admired and admired." Song Qingshu looked at him in surprise.

"You don't need to flatter the old man, I'll calculate the last time with you later. You can talk about the situation of Yuan Chengzhi's fight with Dongfang Unbeaten that day." Feng Qingyang frowned and asked.

"The Eastern Undefeated is extremely fast. On the top of the entire Jade Emperor, no more than three of his shots can be seen. Yuan Daxia happens to be one of them. Nevertheless, his speed is still not as fast as the Eastern Undefeated. He constantly changes his position to avoid Eastern Undefeated attacks. However, Eastern Undefeated body is more sophisticated than his magical behavior, and attacks come suddenly from any angle from all directions. In desperation, Yuan Daxia had to use the Golden Snake Sword. Protect the whole body, but this is the 101st chapter of the full moon night at the top of the Forbidden City

It is extremely labor intensive. Under the undefeated and all-round siege of the East, Yuan Daxia's space was compressed to smaller and smaller, and finally unavoidable..." Song Qingshu talked freely, and the details of the battle that day were restored to everyone's eyes for the first time.

Yue Buqun was ashamed of hearing it. Except for a red shadow and a golden light, he could not see clearly that day. He didn't expect Song Qingshu to be able to see the battle so clearly at a young age.

"The world of martial arts, there are no solids that will not break, only quick not to break." Feng Qingyang muttered to himself, "When it reaches a certain level, the flaws in the tricks will no longer be flaws. It seems that only static braking... "

"Old Feng, it's not that I said discouraged things. I have fought against both of you. The pressure you put on me is far less than the pressure he puts on me." Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, but still reminded.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. Xia Qingqing had nothing to do. They have seen Dongfang undefeated several times. Mu Renqing and Yue Buqun have been horrified by Dongfang's undefeated ghostly martial arts. After the defeat, he was unscathed...

The disciples of Yue Buqun were even more shocked. Lin Pingzhi was glad that he was able to teach martial arts by such a master in the world, but Yue Lingshan was shocked by the other side, who was not much older than herself, but was already the number one master of the demon sect. After the fight, a pair of big round eyes kept spinning, not knowing what was thinking.

Feng Qingyang's face was stern: "With your light work, it is indeed not a big problem to escape from the unbeaten hands of the East." He had suffered this loss at the beginning, and watched the other party holding a person and running away from his own hands. Falling, was regarded as a great shame by him.

"Old Feng, don't you look down on people so much," Song Qingshu only felt that his face was lost, and retorted: "I fought him twice, the first time I lost, and the second time I hit him badly and vomited blood."

Feng Qingyang looked obviously unbelief, and sneered: "The last time you played against you, although your martial arts were exquisite, but mixed and impure, there is still a gap between Yuan Chengzhi and Yuan Chengzhi. How can you hurt Dongfang Undefeated?"

Yue Buqun and Mu Renqing nodded one after another, echoing Feng Qingyang's judgment.

Xia Qingqing recalled the details of that night. After hesitating for a moment, Zhu Lips lightly said, "I can testify for Brother Song. The last time he played against Dongfang Undefeated, he was seriously injured and there were blood stains on the shirts of Dongfang Undefeated. The injury was not light..."

Song Qingshu smiled triumphantly: "I haven't heard of'Senior Farewell for Three Days, I've Admired It'."

Feng Qingyang narrowed his eyes and said indifferently: "Boy, I would like to see how far you are in martial arts now." As soon as the voice fell, a soft inner strength spread out, and everyone in the Huashan faction had to have one after another. Stepped back, leaving the field empty.

Song Qingshu's face became stiff, and he hesitated and said, "Old man Feng, you have to think carefully. Although I must lose in the end, I am afraid it will not be so easy for you to win. In case you accidentally get injured, you will be undefeated with Dongfang. Before the decisive battle, there was no top of the Forbidden City on the Night of the Full Moon in Chapter 101

It's so easy. "

Feng Qingyang smiled faintly: "We both try and don't really need to take action."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, suddenly realized, and smiled: "The kid is pedantic."

Seeing that he understood what he meant so quickly, Feng Qingyang gave him an admiring look, his eyelids drooped, and he was standing with his hands behind his hands. The wind on the top of the mountain was not small, but he could not blow a bit of his clothes.

Song Qingshu looked straight, clasped his fist and said: "Please forgive the kid for offending." After finishing speaking, he stepped forward.

Feng Qingyang's eyelids quivered, but Song Qingshu took two steps back as if he was on the verge of an enemy.

Song Qingshu didn't feel annoyed when he lost a move. He stepped out with his left foot and slowly stepped out to the front left. Feng Qingyang's right shoulder sank slightly, and the left half of his body trembled. Song Qingshu took his left foot back with a solemn expression, drew a semicircle on the spot, and slowly raised his right foot...

Yue Lingshan, who was on the side, thought there would be a thrilling battle. After watching for a long time, the two of them were still there, and suddenly felt extremely boring, came behind her father, and asked savagely: "Father, why haven't they come out? What about the trick?"

"They have already made a move." Yue Buqun explained solemnly, the realm of both of them is far beyond his own. Fortunately, he is familiar with Huashan swordsmanship, otherwise he would not see the strangeness.

After a stick of incense, Song Qingshu took a step back and respectfully said: "The kid lost. I didn't know the heights of the world before. Today I saw the true state of the predecessors and I was convinced."

Feng Qingyang accepted him calmly and turned around and disappeared in the same place. A cold voice came from a distance: "The generation of the old man is spreading the word, next month, on the fifteenth of the full moon, the top of the Forbidden City, the old man will visit the eastern leader. "Chapter One Hundred and Two On Wu

When coming down from Mount Hua, Xia Qingqing looked at Song Qingshu in doubt and asked: "How did you compete with Master Feng Tai just now? Why can't I see anything?"

"That's why we are called masters," Song Qingshu said stupidly. Seeing that the other party looked like he was trying to fight, he quickly explained, "Ordinary people, I don't tell him, but you asked. I will use easy-to-understand words with you. It’s okay to explain it in words."

After sorting out the language, Song Qingshu said: "There was once a super master named Dugu seeking defeat. He defeated the world's masters in his life, seeking a defeat is not available. One of the characteristics of his swordsmanship is that all moves are offensive. There are offenses and no defenses, how do you think he did it?"

"It's difficult to defeat the world's masters, but no one in the martial arts can do it," Xia Qingqing meditated for a moment, and said softly, "but no matter how high a person's martial arts is, there is ultimately its limit. Not anymore?"

"I used to think that the legend was exaggerated, but now I can slowly figure out the doorway." Recalling the few lines left by Dugu Qiu on the wall of the Shendiao Valley Sword Tomb, Song Qingshu wryly smiled: I paid Complaining about Dugu's defeat did not leave behind any martial arts secrets. How could he know that he had poured the crystallization of his lifelong martial arts into those few lines, but his realm was too low at the time to be able to tell.

"Which way?" Xia Qingqing asked quickly when he stopped as he spoke.

Song Qingshu came back to his senses, grabbed a leaf from the roadside tree, turned his head and said, "Extend two fingers."

Xia Qingqing didn't know why, she still stretched out two slender fingers obediently.

Seeing two jade fingers that were as clear as green onions in front of him, Song Qingshu gave a secret compliment, put the leaf between the two fingers, and said: "I can let go at any time, you see if you can hold it."

Xia Qingqing quickly stared between her fingers intently. After a while, she saw Song Qing's hand loosened and quickly removed her fingers, but the leaves had already slipped and fell.

"Come again!" Xia Qingqing said unconvincedly.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Okay!"

As a result, after trying three times in a row, Xia Qingqing couldn't help but said in annoyance: "Why is this happening..."

"A real master knows his attack range very well. When someone else enters your range, you should shoot immediately, just like this." Song Qingshu held Xia Qingqing's small hand, and just put a leaf between her fingers. At the time, Song Qingshu squeezed his hand, causing Xia Qingqing's **** to come together immediately, and immediately caught the leaf.

Feeling the temperature of the other's palm, Xia Qingqing shuddered on her body, and quickly pulled her hand back quietly, and asked in confusion, "But you haven't let go?"

"Stupid girl, when you see clearly that I shot and then fight back, defeat is doomed at the beginning." Song Qingshu continued, "For a real master, within a certain distance, any large-scale move Chapter 102 On Wu

When coming down from Mount Hua, Xia Qingqing looked at Song Qingshu in doubt and asked: "How did you compete with Master Feng Tai just now? Why can't I see anything?"

"That's why we are called masters," Song Qingshu said stupidly. Seeing that the other party looked like he was trying to fight, he quickly explained, "Ordinary people, I don't tell him, but you asked. I will use easy-to-understand words with you. It’s okay to explain it in words."

After sorting out the language, Song Qingshu said: "There was once a super master named Dugu seeking defeat. He defeated the world's masters in his life, seeking a defeat is not available. One of the characteristics of his swordsmanship is that all moves are offensive. There are offenses and no defenses, how do you think he did it?"

"It's difficult to defeat the world's masters, but no one in the martial arts can do it," Xia Qingqing meditated for a moment, and said softly, "but no matter how high a person's martial arts is, there is ultimately its limit. Not anymore?"

"I used to think that the legend was exaggerated, but now I can slowly figure out the doorway." Recalling the few lines left by Dugu Qiu on the wall of the Shendiao Valley Sword Tomb, Song Qingshu wryly smiled: I paid Complaining about Dugu's defeat did not leave behind any martial arts secrets. How could he know that he had poured the crystallization of his lifelong martial arts into those few lines, but his realm was too low at the time to be able to tell.

"Which way?" Xia Qingqing asked quickly when he stopped as he spoke.

Song Qingshu came back to his senses, grabbed a leaf from the roadside tree, turned his head and said, "Extend two fingers."

Xia Qingqing didn't know why, she still stretched out two slender fingers obediently.

Seeing two jade fingers that were as clear as green onions in front of him, Song Qingshu gave a secret compliment, put the leaf between the two fingers, and said: "I can let go at any time, you see if you can hold it."

Xia Qingqing quickly stared between her fingers intently. After a while, she saw Song Qing's hand loosened and quickly removed her fingers, but the leaves had already slipped and fell.

"Come again!" Xia Qingqing said unconvincedly.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Okay!"

As a result, after trying three times in a row, Xia Qingqing couldn't help but said in annoyance: "Why is this happening..."

"A real master knows his attack range very well. When someone else enters your range, you should shoot immediately, just like this." Song Qingshu held Xia Qingqing's small hand, and just put a leaf between her fingers. At the time, Song Qingshu squeezed his hand, causing Xia Qingqing's **** to come together immediately, and immediately caught the leaf.

Feeling the temperature of the other's palm, Xia Qingqing shuddered on her body, and quickly pulled her hand back quietly, and asked in confusion, "But you haven't let go?"

"Stupid girl, when you see clearly that I shot and then fight back, defeat is doomed at the beginning." Song Qingshu continued, "For a real master, within a certain distance, any large-scale move Chapter 102 On Wu

When coming down from Mount Hua, Xia Qingqing looked at Song Qingshu in doubt and asked: "How did you compete with Master Feng Tai just now? Why can't I see anything?"

"That's why we are called masters," Song Qingshu said stupidly. Seeing that the other party looked like he was trying to fight, he quickly explained, "Ordinary people, I don't tell him, but you asked. I will use easy-to-understand words with you. It’s okay to explain it in words."

After sorting out the language, Song Qingshu said: "There was once a super master named Dugu seeking defeat. He defeated the world's masters in his life, seeking a defeat is not available. One of the characteristics of his swordsmanship is that all moves are offensive. There are offenses and no defenses, how do you think he did it?"

"It's difficult to defeat the world's masters, but no one in the martial arts can do it," Xia Qingqing meditated for a moment, and said softly, "but no matter how high a person's martial arts is, there is ultimately its limit. Not anymore?"

"I used to think that the legend was exaggerated, but now I can slowly figure out the doorway." Recalling the few lines left by Dugu Qiu on the wall of the Shendiao Valley Sword Tomb, Song Qingshu wryly smiled: I paid Complaining about Dugu's defeat did not leave behind any martial arts secrets. How could he know that he had poured the crystallization of his lifelong martial arts into those few lines, but his realm was too low at the time to be able to tell.

"Which way?" Xia Qingqing asked quickly when he stopped as he spoke.

Song Qingshu came back to his senses, grabbed a leaf from the roadside tree, turned his head and said, "Extend two fingers."

Xia Qingqing didn't know why, she still stretched out two slender fingers obediently.

Seeing two jade fingers that were as clear as green onions in front of him, Song Qingshu gave a secret compliment, put the leaf between the two fingers, and said: "I can let go at any time, you see if you can hold it."

Xia Qingqing quickly stared between her fingers intently. After a while, she saw Song Qing's hand loosened and quickly removed her fingers, but the leaves had already slipped and fell.

"Come again!" Xia Qingqing said unconvincedly.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Okay!"

As a result, after trying three times in a row, Xia Qingqing couldn't help but said in annoyance: "Why is this happening..."

"A real master knows his attack range very well. When someone else enters your range, you should shoot immediately, just like this." Song Qingshu held Xia Qingqing's small hand, and just put a leaf between her fingers. At the time, Song Qingshu squeezed his hand, causing Xia Qingqing's **** to come together immediately, and immediately caught the leaf.

Feeling the temperature of the other's palm, Xia Qingqing shuddered on her body, and quickly pulled her hand back quietly, and asked in confusion, "But you haven't let go?"

"Stupid girl, when you see clearly that I shot and then fight back, defeat is doomed at the beginning." Song Qingshu continued, "For a real master, within a certain distance, any large-scale move Chapter 102 On Wu

When coming down from Mount Hua, Xia Qingqing looked at Song Qingshu in doubt and asked: "How did you compete with Master Feng Tai just now? Why can't I see anything?"

"That's why we are called masters," Song Qingshu said stupidly. Seeing that the other party looked like he was trying to fight, he quickly explained, "Ordinary people, I don't tell him, but you asked. I will use easy-to-understand words with you. It’s okay to explain it in words."

After sorting out the language, Song Qingshu said: "There was once a super master named Dugu seeking defeat. He defeated the world's masters in his life, seeking a defeat is not available. One of the characteristics of his swordsmanship is that all moves are offensive. There are offenses and no defenses, how do you think he did it?"

"It's difficult to defeat the world's masters, but no one in the martial arts can do it," Xia Qingqing meditated for a moment, and said softly, "but no matter how high a person's martial arts is, there is ultimately its limit. Not anymore?"

"I used to think that the legend was exaggerated, but now I can slowly figure out the doorway." Recalling the few lines left by Dugu Qiu on the wall of the Shendiao Valley Sword Tomb, Song Qingshu wryly smiled: I paid Complaining about Dugu's defeat did not leave behind any martial arts secrets. How could he know that he had poured the crystallization of his lifelong martial arts into those few lines, but his realm was too low at the time to be able to tell.

"Which way?" Xia Qingqing asked quickly when he stopped as he spoke.

Song Qingshu came back to his senses, grabbed a leaf from the roadside tree, turned his head and said, "Extend two fingers."

Xia Qingqing didn't know why, she still stretched out two slender fingers obediently.

Seeing two jade fingers that were as clear as green onions in front of him, Song Qingshu gave a secret compliment, put the leaf between the two fingers, and said: "I can let go at any time, you see if you can hold it."

Xia Qingqing quickly stared between her fingers intently. After a while, she saw Song Qing's hand loosened and quickly removed her fingers, but the leaves had already slipped and fell.

"Come again!" Xia Qingqing said unconvincedly.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Okay!"

As a result, after trying three times in a row, Xia Qingqing couldn't help but said in annoyance: "Why is this happening..."

"A real master knows his attack range very well. When someone else enters your range, you should shoot immediately, just like this." Song Qingshu held Xia Qingqing's small hand, and just put a leaf between her fingers. At the time, Song Qingshu squeezed his hand, causing Xia Qingqing's **** to come together immediately, and immediately caught the leaf.

Feeling the temperature of the other's palm, Xia Qingqing shuddered on her body, and quickly pulled her hand back quietly, and asked in confusion, "But you haven't let go?"

"Stupid girl, when you see clearly that I shot and then fight back, defeat is doomed at the beginning." Song Qingshu continued, "For a real master, within a certain distance, any large-scale move Chapter 102 On Wu

When coming down from Mount Hua, Xia Qingqing looked at Song Qingshu in doubt and asked: "How did you compete with Master Feng Tai just now? Why can't I see anything?"

"That's why we are called masters," Song Qingshu said stupidly. Seeing that the other party looked like he was trying to fight, he quickly explained, "Ordinary people, I don't tell him, but you asked. I will use easy-to-understand words with you. It’s okay to explain it in words."

After sorting out the language, Song Qingshu said: "There was once a super master named Dugu seeking defeat. He defeated the world's masters in his life, seeking a defeat is not available. One of the characteristics of his swordsmanship is that all moves are offensive. There are offenses and no defenses, how do you think he did it?"

"It's difficult to defeat the world's masters, but no one in the martial arts can do it," Xia Qingqing meditated for a moment, and said softly, "but no matter how high a person's martial arts is, there is ultimately its limit. Not anymore?"

"I used to think that the legend was exaggerated, but now I can slowly figure out the doorway." Recalling the few lines left by Dugu Qiu on the wall of the Shendiao Valley Sword Tomb, Song Qingshu wryly smiled: I paid Complaining about Dugu's defeat did not leave behind any martial arts secrets. How could he know that he had poured the crystallization of his lifelong martial arts into those few lines, but his realm was too low at the time to be able to tell.

"Which way?" Xia Qingqing asked quickly when he stopped as he spoke.

Song Qingshu came back to his senses, grabbed a leaf from the roadside tree, turned his head and said, "Extend two fingers."

Xia Qingqing didn't know why, she still stretched out two slender fingers obediently.

Seeing two jade fingers that were as clear as green onions in front of him, Song Qingshu gave a secret compliment, put the leaf between the two fingers, and said: "I can let go at any time, you see if you can hold it."

Xia Qingqing quickly stared between her fingers intently. After a while, she saw Song Qing's hand loosened and quickly removed her fingers, but the leaves had already slipped and fell.

"Come again!" Xia Qingqing said unconvincedly.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Okay!"

As a result, after trying three times in a row, Xia Qingqing couldn't help but said in annoyance: "Why is this happening..."

"A real master knows his attack range very well. When someone else enters your range, you should shoot immediately, just like this." Song Qingshu held Xia Qingqing's small hand, and just put a leaf between her fingers. At the time, Song Qingshu squeezed his hand, causing Xia Qingqing's **** to come together immediately, and immediately caught the leaf.

Feeling the temperature of the other's palm, Xia Qingqing shuddered on her body, and quickly pulled her hand back quietly, and asked in confusion, "But you haven't let go?"

"Stupid girl, when you see clearly that I shot and then fight back, defeat is doomed at the beginning." Song Qingshu continued, "For a real master, within a certain distance, any large-scale move Chapter 102 On Wu

When coming down from Mount Hua, Xia Qingqing looked at Song Qingshu in doubt and asked: "How did you compete with Master Feng Tai just now? Why can't I see anything?"

"That's why we are called masters," Song Qingshu said stupidly. Seeing that the other party looked like he was trying to fight, he quickly explained, "Ordinary people, I don't tell him, but you asked. I will use easy-to-understand words with you. It’s okay to explain it in words."

After sorting out the language, Song Qingshu said: "There was once a super master named Dugu seeking defeat. He defeated the world's masters in his life, seeking a defeat is not available. One of the characteristics of his swordsmanship is that all moves are offensive. There are offenses and no defenses, how do you think he did it?"

"It's difficult to defeat the world's masters, but no one in the martial arts can do it," Xia Qingqing meditated for a moment, and said softly, "but no matter how high a person's martial arts is, there is ultimately its limit. Not anymore?"

"I used to think that the legend was exaggerated, but now I can slowly figure out the doorway." Recalling the few lines left by Dugu Qiu on the wall of the Shendiao Valley Sword Tomb, Song Qingshu wryly smiled: I paid Complaining about Dugu's defeat did not leave behind any martial arts secrets. How could he know that he had poured the crystallization of his lifelong martial arts into those few lines, but his realm was too low at the time to be able to tell.

"Which way?" Xia Qingqing asked quickly when he stopped as he spoke.

Song Qingshu came back to his senses, grabbed a leaf from the roadside tree, turned his head and said, "Extend two fingers."

Xia Qingqing didn't know why, she still stretched out two slender fingers obediently.

Seeing two jade fingers that were as clear as green onions in front of him, Song Qingshu gave a secret compliment, put the leaf between the two fingers, and said: "I can let go at any time, you see if you can hold it."

Xia Qingqing quickly stared between her fingers intently. After a while, she saw Song Qing's hand loosened and quickly removed her fingers, but the leaves had already slipped and fell.

"Come again!" Xia Qingqing said unconvincedly.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Okay!"

As a result, after trying three times in a row, Xia Qingqing couldn't help but said in annoyance: "Why is this happening..."

"A real master knows his attack range very well. When someone else enters your range, you should shoot immediately, just like this." Song Qingshu held Xia Qingqing's small hand, and just put a leaf between her fingers. At the time, Song Qingshu squeezed his hand, causing Xia Qingqing's **** to come together immediately, and immediately caught the leaf.

Feeling the temperature of the other's palm, Xia Qingqing shuddered on her body, and quickly pulled her hand back quietly, and asked in confusion, "But you haven't let go?"

"Stupid girl, when you see that I shot and then fight back, the defeat is doomed from the beginning." Song Qingshu continued, "For a real master, within a certain distance, any big move

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