Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1036: Desperately rescued

Lu Zhangke's martial arts, Cheng Yaojia, had seen him, and he easily smashed Zhang Hongfan's group of rascals. Fighting against him was also a way to be restrained. This martial arts might not even match his master.

After much deliberation, among the people she knew throughout her life, I am afraid that only Huang Yaoshi and Guo Jing could beat this person. Who knows that he is such a master, but in front of this man, he seems to have no resistance like a three-year-old child, and Cheng Yaojia is a little confused.

Obviously, the men in front of him are still chatting and laughing like this. I don't know why, Cheng Yaojia feels as if he is back in her teenage years, watching the love stories in "West Chamber" and the feeling of rapid heartbeat is exactly the same as it is now.

Seeing him with a beard, Cheng Yaojia no longer feels rude for the first time, on the contrary, he feels that this looks majestic...

Cheng Yaojia's face blushed, and she quickly remembered her identity as a wife, and hurriedly looked away, but her heart still thumped uncontrollably.

The master of Ruyang Palace was stunned by Song Qingshu’s shot just now. Even the Daoist Daoist and King Kong Sect Master looked ugly. Although their martial arts were far above the Luzhanger, they still couldn’t hurt them with just one stroke. In the face of the opponent, where did this embroidered thieves come out of the master, it turned out to be so powerful.

Wang Baobao snorted coldly, "Everyone, let him go!"

"Yes!" Dozens of monks in the yard shouted and attacked.

Ruyang Palace masters are like a cloud, but there are also factions, the status of the Daoist Taoist, the King Kong Sect master is superb, the martial arts is the highest, and it is nominally directed by the Ruyang King himself;

The two elders of Xuan Ming, Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, Shenjian Baxiong and others are usually masters under Zhao Min;

As the first son of Ruyang Palace, Wang Baobao's masters are not inferior to his sister. There are a total of eighteen monks who have achieved martial arts under him, known as the "Eighteen King Kong", divided into five swords, five swords, four sticks, and four cymbals.

If you fight alone, every King Kong is not an opponent of Xuanming and two elders, but four or five people can work together, offensive and defensive, and can steadily defeat any of the two elders. It is conceivable that if these eighteen diamonds are combined, how strong would they be? A force of power.

I saw two monks stepping side by side, each with their right palms as their chests. Song Qingshu had never seen these monks, but Qi Ji found that their skills were not as good as the two elders Xuan Ming, and he didn't take it too seriously. He swiped his left palm, and slid the palms of the two monks back. His main energy is still on guarding against the Daoists and the King Kong Sect Master. After all, their martial arts are too high. If they really cooperate in a sneak attack, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

The two monks shouted in unison: "Ami Ami, Ami Ami!" It seemed to be cursing and cursing. Although Cheng Yaojia usually has a weak temperament, but at this time, seeing Song Qingshu in order to protect himself against so many people, he wanted to help him, but his martial arts was too low to be effective in front of these masters, so he had to use his lips to help: "You are Ami Ami coax!"

She is usually shy, not to say that it is a curse, even if it is serious, she has never said it before, and now she is cursing with this monk for Song Qingshu, and her face is flushed with shame, and she can't wait to get in.

The two monks Dengdeng retreated three steps, and then the two monks each took out their right palms, stretched their palms against a monk's vest, and pushed them back. The moves of the two monks remained the same, and they hit them again with a "line of palms".

Song Qingshu frowned. He could easily hide away with his light work, but there was Cheng Yaojia behind him. Of course he could hug her and avoid him. But that way, the Daoist and King Kong masters who have been staring at him are absolutely unique. I won't miss such a good opportunity, when I am in the air, holding Cheng Yaojia in his hands, I am afraid it will be difficult to cope with two simultaneous attacks.

Therefore, he had to stand still in place to deal with the attack of the two monks. Now that the enemy is very few, he certainly does not want to fight with each other and consumes real power. Now he tried to remove the power of the two monks. Unexpectedly, his fingers just touched the two monks. Suddenly, the edge of the palm of the monk's palm was like a magnet, and the fingers were firmly attached to the edge of the second palm of the monk's palm.

The two monks suddenly yelled: "Ami Ami, Ami Ami!"

Song Qingshu won twice, but he couldn't get rid of it. He couldn't help but was shocked, and hurriedly transported the incomparably powerful qi in his body to fight back. I wanted to make it fly in an instant, but who knew that the two monks didn’t move. It turned out that there are 22 monks behind the two monks who have lined up in two rows, each with a right palm against the back of the predecessor. Twenty-four The famous monks lined up in two rows.

Song Qingshu suddenly remembered: "Esoteric Buddhism has a method of combining the body and combining the exercises. The five apprentices of Dalba in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can fight against Hong Qigong. In "The Legend of the Deer and Ding", the nine difficult masters are too in the Shaolin Temple. The master assassinated Kangxi and robbed Wei Xiaobao as if he were in no one. As a result, facing six tantric monks, he almost turned over in the gutter. These twenty-four monks concentrated their efforts against me. Fourteen people worked hard together, it would be too unwise."

He was afraid that other people would take advantage of the situation to attack and decided to make a quick battle. With a clear whistle, he had already added 30% of his power, and suddenly pushed out diagonally, and flashed to the left with his body. In this way, the strength of the twenty-four monks was already strong. They couldn't join in a straight line, and the six monks in front couldn't hold back their steps and rushed over.

Song Qingshu waved his hands repeatedly, and six sounds passed by, and six monks fell to the ground, spurting blood from their mouths. But the seventh and eighth fan monks rushed forward and slammed their hands.

Song Qingshu sneered: "Isn't it the same?" The right palm was shot, and the two palms of the two monks were connected, a little concentration, and he was about to push diagonally. Suddenly, he heard a strong wind behind him, knowing that it was the Taoist and King Kong The sect master finally made a move, and his heart sank.

It turns out that the Daoist Taoist and the Vajra Sect master have been watching from the sidelines, and the more they look, the more frightened they become, and they think that this man is superior to them in martial arts, and fighting alone is definitely not their opponent, but their status is too high, they must be more deceptive and real. Some can't hold back his face. However, seeing Song Qingshu being entangled by those two dozen monks, knowing that the opportunity is rare in a lifetime, plus Wang Baobao's previous order, it happened to be able to push the boat along the river, and they all attacked.

As master-level masters, their eyesight is naturally extraordinary. It can be seen that Song Qingshu's hands are just stuck by the monk at this time, and the two sides are at a critical moment when they are competing for internal strength. At this time, there is no trace of defensive power on their bodies. A thunder blow will kill him on the spot.

Cheng Yaojia also noticed the sneak attack by the two. Although her martial arts is not high, her vision is not low. She quickly analyzed the same conclusion as the two. When the flashlight was sparking, she had no time to think, subconsciously. Pounced on Song Qingshu, planning to use his body to withstand the upcoming thunder blow for him.

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