Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1038: Husband has an accident

Cheng Yaojia's whole mind was dumbfounded, until Song Qingshu opened her lips and knocked her teeth, when the two tongues touched each other, she finally recovered and pushed him away. , The whole person seemed to be a frightened rabbit ran to the side, leaving only a back for him. His delicate figure trembled slightly in the cold wind of the cold night, and it looked particularly pitiful.

Song Qingshu was also a little embarrassed. The action just now was completely a subconscious reaction. A shy and shy family could not stand his actions.

"Just now..."

Song Qingshu was about to speak and was interrupted by Cheng Yaojia: "Nothing was born just now."

"Uh..." Since the woman has said so, Song Qingshu is not good to say anything, "Or I will return this Jinpa to the lady."

Song Qingshu wanted to slap himself as soon as he said it. Could it be that he hasn't practiced for a long time, and now he looks like a hairy boy.

Hearing his words, Cheng Yaojia's figure trembled as expected, but her answer was unexpected: "It's already dirty anyway, you can keep it for yourself."

Song Qingshu couldn't help being stunned. What does this mean?

"Why did Madam sacrifice her life just now?" Song Qingshu was immediately moved by the recall of He Yuanzhong Cheng Yaojia who had fought to stand in front of him.

"I...I don't know why, I was at a loss at the time," Cheng Yaojia was also a little lost, "maybe it was thinking that if you didn't save me, you wouldn't be in danger..."

"Can't it be because you are reluctant to die?" Song Qingshu walked up to her and asked softly.

"I also hope that the lord will respect himself!" Cheng Yaojia bit her lip, and turned around again, blushing.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu's face had already been cultivated to be thicker than the city wall, and then ran to the face of her: "Why don't I have any self-respect?"

Cheng Yaojia couldn't help but cast a blank look at him, and snorted, "I don't have self-respect anywhere~" She thought that her lips that had never been touched by other men were tasted wantonly by him just now, and she was ashamed. She was angry, but she also knew that she accidentally caused the kiss, so she was embarrassed to blame him.

Song Qingshu was half-shrunk by her charming voice. Just as she was about to say something, Cheng Yaojia said first: "I'm going back."

"So early?" Song Qingshu's expression was full of disappointment.

Cheng Yaojia almost didn't get angry anymore, thinking it was midnight now, where was it early? Not to mention that she is now a wife. Even when she is in her boudoir, there is no reason to stay outside with a man so late.

Song Qingshu also realized that his words were somewhat nonsensical, and hurriedly said, "Then I will send you back."

"No need." Cheng Yaojia hurriedly waved her hand. Her husband had misunderstood him because of him. If he saw the two together in the middle of the night, how could it be worth it? Secondly, when I stay with him, my heart is always beating. After all, she is a traditional woman who follows the rules. After realizing this, she decided to stay away from him as far as possible, so as not to get time. Do something humiliating.

Seeing her avoiding her gaze, Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little bit amused: "Am I so scary? What if you meet someone like Luzhangke in a while? You won't have such good luck every time. I'll run into it."

Cheng Yaojia hesitated when he heard about the Luzhangke. Compared with the lewd thieves such as Luzhangke and Zhang Hongfan, the man next to him was a gentleman, and he stepped back ten thousand steps. It seems that giving birth to something that should not be given birth is far better than being ruined by those lewd thieves...

"But because of the previous incident, Liu Lang already suspected us..." Cheng Yaojia was too embarrassed to say what followed.

Song Qingshu's worries about her were immediately clear, and he smiled: "Don't worry, I will send you to the vicinity of Yuqingguan, and you won't show up in front of your husband."

"Thanks...thanks." Cheng Yaojia then apologized again, "This would be too wrong for you."

Song Qingshu waved his hand indifferently: "Just treat me as thanking Madam for giving up her life for saving her life today."

Cheng Yaojia's face blushed again, and she lowered her head to walk towards Yu Qingguan. Now that there is no chasing soldiers behind, she certainly can't let Song Qingshu leap around her waist. Song Qingshu also enjoys the time with her. Not to urge her, the two of them walked slowly along the river to Yuqingguan.

The two talked a lot along the way, but Song Qingshu was mostly asking, Cheng Yaojia just answered passively. Although she was very shy and reserved, she couldn't hold back Song Qingshu's clever questioning methods. Walking along the way, it is estimated that Song Qingshu knew about everything except for some secret features of her body.

For example, those people in her family, how well did she get along with her parents-in-law, what interesting things she had experienced since she was a child...

Cheng Yaojia also gradually relaxed, and he was no longer as precautionary as before, and instead treated him as a good friend.

The two talked and laughed all the way, and time passed without knowing it. Seeing the outline of Yu Qingguan not far away, Cheng Yaojia felt a trace of reluctance.

"What's wrong with me? What if I can talk to him again? I'm already married, not to mention he's still a golden man..." Cheng Yaojia felt a little lost during the separation.

Song Qingshu looked at Yu Qingguan's direction solemnly: "Wait, there seems to be something wrong inside."

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yaojia finally woke up, thinking that her husband was still inside, suddenly became a little anxious.

"I don't know, I seem to have heard the sound of fighting." Song Qingshu frowned, "I'll go in and check it out."

"No, I want to go in too!" Thinking that her husband might be in danger, how could Cheng Yaojia feel relieved outside.

Song Qingshu suddenly looked weird and leaned into her ear and said, "Madam doesn't want to be hugged by me, right."

"What kind of nonsense~" Cheng Yaojia suddenly sighed, and couldn't help being a fan fist.

"Okay, okay," Song Qingshu hurriedly grabbed her hands, "Can't I take you in."

"Yeah~" Feeling the heat coming from the palm of his hand, Cheng Yaojia's heart jumped and she hurriedly retracted her hand.

Although Song Qingshu was making fun of her with her mouth, her attention had already been put on Yu Qingguan. Who was the idea of ​​hitting the envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty?

Holding Yaojia's slender waist and a little toe, the two sneaked into Yuqing Temple quietly.

Although Cheng Yaojia was hugged so many times by him, she was still ashamed, but thinking that he had just suffered internal injuries and worried about his body, she hesitated for a while and pressed him a few minutes, hoping to relieve him. burden.

Feeling the soft and moist body in his arms, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a sway in his heart, but the scene in front of him instantly awakened him from his thoughts. 8

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