Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1044: Ugly hunchback and stunning girl

"Ah~really?" Cheng Yaojia stood up in surprise, not even minding that the other party was playing with his show. ★★

"Of course it's true." Song Qingshu pressed her shoulders and let her sit back again, and then combed her updo. "But don't be too happy, Madam. We will go to Yuqingguan for information later. It’s not that they immediately rescued the six young villagers."

"Well, I understand." Cheng Yaojia knew the book well, and Song Qingshu explained the reason to her last night, so she didn't react too drastically.

"I won't disturb you for now, let's go out after freshening up." Song Qingshu went out and called the soldiers to order something, and Cheng Yaojia walked out soon.

"Madam is really beautiful today." Song Qingshu couldn't help but praised the gentle and beautiful woman in the south of the Yangtze River.

Cheng Yaojia's face flushed, and instead of answering his words, she changed the subject and said, "Where are we going now, Yu Qingguan?"

"Let's go eat breakfast now." Song Qingshu said mysteriously.

Half an hour later, Cheng Yaojia and Song Qingshu were sitting by the window on the second floor of a restaurant near Yuqingguan, just in time to observe the situation of Yuqingguan.

"This time you concealed your deeds and traveled to Yangzhou, plus so many things happened later, I am afraid that there is no chance to have a good meal. Yangzhou is good early, madam, please taste it." Song Qing booked a piece of dessert. To her bowl.

"I'm not in the mood to enjoy it now, and..." Cheng Yaojia glanced at the table full of dishes, thinking this is too exaggerated, just having breakfast.

"It's no use worrying too much for Madam now. The only thing I can do is to eat and sleep well, recharge my energy, and when the time is right, I will have the energy to save the 6 young villagers. Madam doesn’t want to see her husband yet. I'm hungry and fainted first, right?" Song Qing said.

"How can it be so exaggerated." Cheng Yaojia couldn't help but smile, but the other party's words also enlightened her to a certain extent, thinking that this was to save her husband and replenish her energy, and her appetite gradually improved.

The two of them were eating and chatting like this, but Yao Jia looked at Yu Qingguan from time to time. Song Qingshu knew her thoughts and did not pierce her. At the same time, he was carefully observing the situation of Yu Qingguan.

Unexpectedly, Yu Qingguan did not show anything abnormal, and there were even many people coming in and out, as if nothing happened last night.

"Wang Baobao is really a genius." Song Qingshu secretly admired, controlling Yu Qingguan in such a short period of time, and creating a calm atmosphere. I am afraid that he may not be able to do well when replaced by himself.

"It seems that the Mongolian people are planning to occupy the magpie's nest and live here." Song Qingshu secretly thought. After taking Cheng Yaojia back last night, he worried that Mongolia would take away the Southern Song group and hide them somewhere they don't know. He ordered the accompanying guards to come here quietly to watch.

When he learned that the Mongols hadn't come out of Yuqing again, he still had doubts in his heart, so he came here early in the morning to check, and it was exactly the same as the spy's return.

Song Qingshu even saw a few old acquaintances in and out of Ruyang Palace with sharp eyes, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: Wang Baobao did this to make Li Kexiu come and negotiate with him...

The time of the morning gradually passed, Song Qingshu also roughly figured out the rules of the Ruyang Palace master patrol. When he was wondering whether to leave first, a cursing voice suddenly came from the stairs: "The mourning star has been chasing all the time. Chase, I don't know what I'm doing so desperately."

"Wang's woman is his aunt, he will please her if he has this opportunity." A delicate and crisp voice echoed, but his tone was cold and without the slightest warmth.

Song Qingshu was startled, the voice seemed to be...

Immediately after the stairs, a strange combination appeared. One was a short and ugly camel, but beside it was a slender girl with a black shawl.

The girl has a pointed chin, her face is white and greasy, smooth and crystal clear, without any blemishes. A cherry mouth is dexterous and correct, lips are thin, and two rows of thin teeth are like broken jade. Although there are no shortage of beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, there are very few beautiful people like this, let alone an ugly hunchback with her?

"What do you look at, believe it or not, grandpa dug out your eyeballs!" Noting the eyes of everyone, the girl frowned, but she hadn't spoken yet, but the ugly camel next to her was the first to be the first.

Seeing him so vicious, the guests on the second floor withdrew their gazes, not daring to look at the two of them as before.

The Tuozi's eyes were sharp, and he stopped and scanned the second floor for a week. When he saw the guards standing faintly behind Song Qingshu and Cheng Yaojia, he stopped for a while, as if he knew that the table was not easy to provoke, so he took the girl and walked in another direction.

"Xiao Er, bring up all the delicious food and drinks here!" After sitting down, the hunchback slapped the table loudly, shouting rather arrogantly.

The stunning girl next to her frowned, she obviously couldn't understand his behavior, but she didn't know why she held back and did not speak.

Cheng Yaojia saw that since the two of them went upstairs, Song Qingshu had been staring at the girl intently. For some reason, she felt a bit sour in her heart and couldn't help but say, "That girl is really beautiful."

"She has always been beautiful." Song Qingshu replied subconsciously.

Cheng Yaojia was startled: "Do you know her?"

Song Qingshu did not answer her. The girl's affectionate eyes that had been lying softly in her arms a few months ago appeared in her mind, and she suddenly felt a little guilty: He said that he would go to her after the Wudang group was rescued, who I know that Jin Guo has been delayed for so long.

This stunning girl is naturally Mu Wanqing. After the two separated last time, she followed her mother's instructions to go to Gusu Mantuo Villa to find Mrs. Wang's trouble. I don't know why she appeared here, and the person next to her...

Song Qingshu looked up at the hunchback with a bad face, and saw that he was ugly, not dressed like a native of the Central Plains, and had a camel sword in his waist.

"Is it him?" Song Qingshu began to count the famous camels in the Zhongjin Book, and suddenly thought of a person, the Saibeiming camel peak in the smiling and proud rivers and lakes, and all the characteristics are incomparable.

"Could it be that Wanqing was controlled by him?" Song Qingshu frowned, but soon dispelled the idea. After all, according to the current situation of the two of them, Mu Wanqing did not look like being captured.

In addition, it is not convenient for her identity to be exposed at this time. Since Mu Wanqing is not in danger at this time, Song Qingshu intends to watch the changes and wait for Mu Wanqing to be rescued in a secluded place.

Because Mu Gaofeng was too ferocious before, the shop Xiao Er didn't dare to neglect, and soon brought up the wine and vegetables. Looking at the table full of dishes, Mu Gaofeng's eyes suddenly lighted up and immediately rolled up his sleeves.

Mu Wanqing's food is much more elegant than his, but she can still clearly feel that she is also extremely hungry.

"She was so wronged!" Seeing the situation of the two of them, Song Qingshu suddenly became furious, and suddenly got up——


Thank you for your rewards from Brother Tian, ​​Ghost Dimu Saint Shadow Blade, Force Ngo Big Bingguo, King of Meat Pigeons, Wei Mo, and others. Everyone is so awesome. The monthly ticket list actually rushed to 16th place, and it was 15th away. 19 photos short!


Yesterday, the pictures of Xiaotong, Ren Yingying, Qu Feiyan, and Nanlan were posted on the official account. I don’t know what you think?

Although this book may never be made into a film and television series, we can make a list of actors with a strong lineup by ourselves. Anyway, yy doesn't need money, haha.

Welcome everyone to the WeChat public account: Liuru monk leave a message to reply to your favorite roles and suitable actors with pictures, and at the same time, it is best to give reasons for the temperament, let us complete this list together! 8

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