Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1046: Chaos

Yue Buqun typically didn't catch the fox this time but instead provoked a commotion. You must know how many pairs of eyes in the rivers and lakes are staring at "Sword of Evil Guarding". Although the Huashan School is not as bullying as the Fuwei Escort, it can't stand the opponent. There are so many people.

The difficult situation of the Huashan School in these years has allowed Yue Buqun to develop a cautious and cautious character. He keenly realized that an undercurrent against the Huashan School was forming, so he immediately made a decisive decision and set up a few suspicious strategies, and the Huashan School went up and down. Go back to Huashan from different directions.

Huashan was in the northwest of Fuzhou, but he went the other way, taking his wife, daughter, and Lin Ping one way eastward, and finally reached the boundary of Yangzhou.

Thinking of going around such a big circle out of thin air, Yue Buqun was so angry that he scolded his mother, especially the culprit who took the lead and stole the "Evil Swordsmanship", Wán Luoba, ♂.⊙≧.□, and was even more affected by Yue Buqun. He had cursed countless times secretly, and he even cursed secretly about severing off children and grandchildren, his wife being stolen or something awkward.

If other people in the rivers and lakes know the words in his heart, the reputation of the "Junzijian" he has been operating for many years will probably be ruined. But if he doesn't scold like this, he can hardly dispel his hatred.

The battle between the two sects of the Qi sword caused the Huashan faction to lose its strength. After the Songshan faction rose strongly, the Huashan faction was even more turbulent. Yue Buqun was walking on thin ice day and night. He barely managed to maintain the Huashan faction, but he wanted to stand up. But it was far in the future, after thinking about it, Yue Buqun could only put his idea on the evil spirit sword spectrum.

Compared with Yu Canghai’s ugly appearance, Yue Buqun is much more clever. After planning step by step, Lin Pingzhi also casts under his sect, and at the same time he has a deep relationship with his daughter. It was something in the bag, but who knew it was taken first by others, and decades of hard work were ruined. How could Yue Buqun not be angry?

After arriving in Yangzhou, a few of them were trying to find a restaurant to take a break. Who knew that as soon as they went upstairs, they found the strange atmosphere inside. During this time, the strings in Yue Buqun's mind were tight and he saw the situation inside. How can you not hesitate?

"Father, why didn't you leave all of a sudden?" Yue Lingshan had no intentions, naturally she didn't know what her father was worried about all day.

"It's nothing, let's sit down." At this moment, Yue Buqun had already seen the situation on the second floor clearly, and roughly guessed that the other party was not coming at him, so he immediately relieved.

"Wow." Yue Lingshan found an empty table happily, and beckoned to Lin Pingzhi, "Xiao Linzi, come and sit here."

Ning Zhong couldn't help but quietly smiled to her husband when she saw this: "Shan'er, the whole mind is put on Pingzhi. I can't as well settle their marriage earlier, otherwise Shan'er will be a girl's family, all day long. The greasy of peace is crooked, and the influence is always bad."

"Shan'er is still young, let's talk about this later." Yue Buqun said coldly, and went straight to sit down.

Ning Zhong couldn't help but stunned. He didn't understand why her husband's attitude had taken a 180-degree turn. You must know that he was quite in favor of mentioning the marriage of the two children with him before.

It's a pity how did she know that this time "Sword of Exorcising Evil" has been published first, and Lin Pingzhi's use value can be said to be almost gone, and Yue Buqun's attitude is of course colder.

Song Qingshu had a full view of their reaction, wondering why the Huashan faction appeared in Yangzhou, but suddenly heard Lin Pingzhi's filming the case: "Mu Gaofeng, you dog thief, you want to see my family's evil swordsmanship. , Killed my father and mother, the sin is so deep, this **** hatred, Lin Pingzhi will ask you to get it back today!"

Yue Buqun frowned, thinking that he had been deliberately concealing his appearance during this trip, but he was yelled out by this kid. I am afraid that in a few days, everyone in the arena will know the movements of his party.

Mu Gaofeng couldn't help but startled. When he forced Lin Ping back then, the other party disguised himself as a little hunchback, so handsome and charming as now, he didn't recognize it at a glance.

"What does your parents' death have to do with me?" Mu Gaofeng snorted coldly, but was aroused by the other party's arrogance. Instead of explaining, he laughed, "You kid, that day was in Hengshan. At Liu Zhengfeng's home, he pretended to be a camel, kowtowed to me, yelled'Grandpa', desperately asking Grandpa to accept you as a disciple. Grandpa refused, so you fell into the sect of Mr. Yue and deceived a wife, right?

Yue Lingshan was flushed with these words, half angry and half ashamed, but at the moment she looked at Lin Pingzhi with a worried look: "Xiao Linzi, you are probably not his opponent now, the gentleman takes revenge. Ten years is not too late." She actually said it very politely, and Lin Pingzhi couldn't even beat her when they practiced swords on weekdays.

Lin Pingzhi ignored her, staring directly at Mu Gaofeng: "I will kill you today to comfort my parents."

"Toad hit haha, it's a big tone." Mu Gaofeng smiled disdainfully. Although he was chased by Murong Fu in embarrassment, he is the famous Nan Murong in the martial arts. This Lin Ping is nothing compared to him. ?

Unexpectedly, as soon as his laughter fell, he felt a flower in front of him. Fortunately, decades of underworld fights made him react swiftly. With a camel sword on his waist, he was only able to hold Lin Pingzhi's murderous sword.

"Good fellow, why the Huashan faction is so powerful, this stinky boy has only been in Huashan for a few years, and he has learned such a great swordsmanship!" Mu Gaofeng was scared into a cold sweat, secretly afraid.

Lin Pingzhi snorted, his swordsmanship suddenly changed, and Mu Gaofeng was immediately messed up.

"Why did Pingzhi's martial arts suddenly become so powerful?" Ning Zhong looked at her husband with confusion.

Yue Buqun did not answer, but stared at Lin Pingzhi's swordsmanship, not even daring to blink his eyes.

During this period of time, Yue Buqun had been thinking about the evil swordsmanship. Suddenly seeing such exquisite swordsmanship by Lin Pingzhi, he subconsciously thought it was the evil swordsmanship, and he couldn't help but be surprised and happy: It turns out that this kid has already gotten the evil swordsmanship, which is really hard for me to hide it!

Don't say it was him, even Murong Fu, who has a family history and knowledge, put down his wine glass, stared at the two in the battle, and couldn't help sighing: "It's really good swordsmanship!"

Song Qingshu was the only one in the field watching the fire, and he secretly sighed, it seems that this kid Lin Pingzhi has really done hard work in this set of swordsmanship.

It turns out that this is a sword technique for warding off evil spirits, but when Song Qingshu went to Huashan, because of the same illness, he taught the sword technique of Five Mountains to Lin Pingzhi. Lin Pingzhi’s appearance is weak, but the city is extremely deep. Because of the tragedy of his parents, he subconsciously couldn’t believe anyone. Therefore, he didn’t tell the Yue Buqun and his wife about this incident. He just quietly worked hard in secret, even on weekdays. No matter how critical moments are, he has reservations about taking shots. It wasn't until today that he met the peak of the enemy wood that he did his best.

It didn’t take long for Mu Gaofeng to roar again and again. It turned out that there were already a few spots on his body, but he had obviously fallen into a disadvantage.


Today, the first issue of "Nutrition Express" was released on the public account. I just want to use this program to share and exchange everyone’s welfare resources.

If the content is always done by myself, I am afraid it will be hollowed out soon, so we need to use the power of the masses.

I hope that if you have any pleasing and welfare-oriented collections to share, resource sharing can make progress together!

If you have resources, you can use the official account: Liuru monk to leave a message for me; you can also send me a message through the reader group, thank you!


Thanks to me for waiting for the rewards of a group of enthusiastic book friends, and now the monthly ticket list has risen to 15!

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