Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1075: Jealous

Cheng Yaojia was immediately ashamed. She didn't mean that when she wanted to drink. She was afraid that the other party would misunderstand that she was inviting him to kiss herself in disguise, and her heart throbbed.

However, when the opponent's lips touched her, Cheng Yaojia subconsciously let go of her teeth and let his tongue rush in roughly.

In this way, the two Cheng Yaojia unknowingly drank half a pot of grape wine, the whole person suddenly became a little dizzy, both cheeks were dizzy, and the eyes became blurred and seductive.

"Madam, is it all right now?" Song Qingshu's eyes were very clear at the moment, just looking at her with such an expression.

"You, you know teasing people, they are already like this, you still come... come to ask them." Cheng Yaojia snorted, with three points of drunkenness, three points of shyness, and three points of boldness in her tone.

Song Qingshu smiled unkindly: "If Madam didn't say it personally, how would I know if I would be wrong?"

"You can't make a mistake." Cheng Yaojia bit her lip and said every word.

"What does it mean to be wrong?" Song Qingshu's face became more playful.

Cheng Yaojia felt that his teeth were itchy, and she wished to get up and bite him harshly: "It means that no matter what you want to do, I won't refuse."

"If I want to touch some places that shouldn't be touched, is it okay?" Song Qingshu laughed even more weirdly, as soon as he said that a pair of big hands had been hovering near the lap of her clothes.

"Whatever you want." Cheng Yaojia turned her head and couldn't see the expression on her face, but she could see that the roots of her ears were red.

Song Qingshu felt that she was getting shy and shy, so he couldn't help but lifted her chin and kissed it hard.

Cheng Yaojia felt a little breathless, but she was reluctant to push this person away. Although she was no longer a girl in her boudoir, she still hadn't experienced such a tender kiss.

She was a little stiff at first, but soon closed her eyes, leaving only her long eyelashes trembling.

"This person is really a bad guy. He just asked me deliberately, but now his hand has reached..." Cheng Yaojia blushed, but she didn't bother to care about him, so she had to let him do it.

Song Qingshu's experience is so skillful. After a few times, Cheng Yaojia realized that she was almost unable to support her. A thought suddenly flashed in her mind: I don't know how many women this person has touched before he became such a tormenting suit. ability.

Song Qingshu was about to stretch out his hand to take off the mask on his face. Cheng Yaojia felt his movement and hurriedly pressed his hand: "No!"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu looked at her in surprise. It's already this time. Why would Tai refuse?

"No... don't pick it." Cheng Yaojia's voice trembled a little.

"Why?" Song Qingshu was confused.

"Because...because..." Cheng Yaojia blushed and suddenly whispered, "I...I like the way you are better now."

Song Qingshu suddenly looked weird. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He claimed to be handsome and handsome, but in the end he was no better than Tang Kuobian's big beard. Speaking of Tang Kuobian, although he looks a little rougher, he seems to be a woman. The first beauty of the Kingdom of Jin is in love with him, and the sister of the first beauty also likes him. Now, when he meets Cheng Yaojia, he unexpectedly hits To her favor.

But he was relieved very quickly. After all these days, he spent most of the time with her in the image of Tang Kuobian. It was normal that she had a more favorable impression of Tang Kuobian.

Thinking of this, he immediately regained his confidence in his charm, even if he didn't use this handsome face, it was still very attractive.

"Since Madam likes this face, let's use this face." Song Qingshu's words made Cheng Yaojia directly into his arms, and she didn't dare to look at him again.

Unknowingly, Cheng Yaojia was already half unconscious, Song Qingshu stretched out her hand, a faint smile appeared on her face, and he leaned into her ear and said softly, "Madam...seems to be ready to welcome me."

Cheng Yaojia couldn't wait to bite it up, thinking that this person is really hateful, she always teases herself like this, but at this time she has been thoroughly stirred up, and she suddenly looked back at him boldly, biting her lip gently: "Yes. Ah, are you coming?"

Song Qingshu only felt that a fire was exploding in his body, so he got up and put her on the side table.

"Ah, on the table?" Cheng Yaojia suddenly felt a little guilty. After all, she had always followed the rules. Even after getting married, she was very respectful and respectful with her husband. How could it be in this...this ridiculous place.

"Why, doesn't Madam not like it?" Song Qingshu put his hand on the table, and looked at her up close in the air.

Cheng Yaojia subconsciously wanted to say that she didn't like it, but when she thought that her husband had chosen to let his wife seduce other men for the benefit of the family, a rush of revenge suddenly appeared in her heart, and her white and round jaw raised: "I like it!"

Song Qingshu leaned over to her ear, and whispered: "In fact, even if the wife doesn't like it, I will want you here."


Cheng Yaojia sighed in her heart, feeling that she was being eaten to death by the other party. This man casually said a word, even breathing can make herself emotional.

"Tonight...whatever you want." Cheng Yaojia can clearly feel that her voice is a little strange, a bit more charming and greasy than usual.

Song Qingshu's breathing suddenly became heavy, and the whole person, like a hungry wolf, pounced on the lamb to be slaughtered in front of him.

Before long, the hip flask and wine glasses that were swept to the edge of the table before, due to the continuous shaking of the table, scattered all over the place...

In the early morning of the second day, when Song Qingshu took Cheng Yaojia's hand to go out, 6 Guanying was already waiting outside with a pair of dark circles under her eyes.

Seeing her husband, Cheng Yaojia's figure trembled, and she subconsciously stopped, but Song Qingshu held her palm and comforted softly: "He has already written about it. You are no longer a husband and wife, not to mention that he asked you to do it yesterday. You don’t need to blame yourself for that kind of thing."

Song Qingshu's voice seemed to have a strange magical power, and Cheng Yaojia's agitated mood slowly calmed down.

6 Guanying saw someone come out and rushed up. She wanted to question Song Qingshu, but she was stunned by his wife's beauty. Cheng Yaojia has always been beautiful, but because of her temperament, she always looks shy and timid. After coming to Yangzhou, various things happen frequently, and there is always a faint worry between her eyebrows, but now she is The woman of, but her face is radiant, like a delicate rose.

Guanying suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart. At this time, he finally believed that his wife had not deceived himself before, and she did not do anything humiliating, because this beauty will only show up after being fully moistened by rain and dew. The wife did not show this particular beauty.

At the thought of pushing his wife into someone else's embrace with his own hands, 6 Guanying's face turned green and white. But now that it is too late to regret, I can only hope that this sacrifice can be exchanged for the future of the family.

"When will I save Master Han?" Liu Guanying was a little guilty, afraid to look at his wife's eyes, but he was full of anger at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu faintly replied: "I promised to help you save Han Tong and them, but I didn't say it was right away."

6 Guanying was shocked and angry, pointing at him and shouting: "Do you want to fall back on the bill?"

Song Qingshu's expression became cold: "First, now that I cannot save the initiative, you'd better be polite to me. Second, the reason why I promised to save Han Tong and them is just because of Yaojia's face, even if I have to rely on it. The account is also dependent on her account. I don’t owe you anything. Third, we are going out for a walk now. Please let us go."

"You!" Six Guanying was originally angry, and rushed up directly after hearing the words, but as if hit an invisible wall of air, the whole person staggered back a few steps before standing still. He then remembered that the martial arts of the two were very different, and his face suddenly turned blue and white.

Seeing her husband being knocked down, Cheng Yaojia subconsciously wanted to help him, Song Qingshu shook his head: "Don't worry, I didn't hurt him."

Cheng Yaojia breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the 6th champion Ying, and at the same time couldn't help being irritated that he was not up to the point, and actually cared about this man.

"You have to go for a walk and leave my wife behind. I have something to say to her." Six Guanying had no other choice but to try to convince people with reason.

"Your wife?" Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows, took out a handkerchief from his arms and shook it in front of him, "You can write this letter clearly by yourself. Yao Jia has nothing to do with you anymore. Don't yell at each other. Up."

6 Guanying felt anxious, and suddenly blurted out: "It was just my impulse at the beginning, so I can't take it seriously."

Song Qingshu took the Xiu Shu back, and smiled disdainfully: "Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world."

Seeing that Song Qingshu's side was not working, 6 Guanying had to pluck up the courage to look at his wife: "Yao Jia, don't you really miss our husband and wife relationship for so many years?"

Cheng Yaojia's face was pale and said lightly: "When you misunderstood me and insulted me in all kinds of ways, did you ever read about the relationship between husband and wife? In fact, I can bear all these things, but then you let me...what you asked me to do You know yourself, are you still worthy to be a husband?"

"I know I was wrong before, and I will use the rest of my life to make up for it..." Before 6 Guanying finished speaking, she was interrupted by Cheng Yaojia:

"What's the point of saying this now?"

"I..." 6 Guanying was speechless for a while.

"Let's go." Cheng Yaojia took the initiative to hold Song Qingshu's hand.

Seeing the two leaving their backs, 6 Guanying's complexion sank to the extreme, and the low chants that had been heard from the next room last night suddenly sounded in her ears. She couldn't help the anger in her heart anymore, and yelled: "You this A watery woman, when I was with me, I didn’t see you all night, and when I was with other men, I was so promiscuous..."

Song Qingshu's face was cold, and he was about to give him a lesson, but Cheng Yaojia held his arms tightly: "No."

Seeing Cheng Yaojia's pleading eyes, Song Qingshu felt soft and had to give up his plan to shoot, but he couldn't shoot, but it was not impossible to say: "Yaojia behaved so badly. Isn't it possible for the 6th Young Master to say goodbye? Realize that you are not good at that aspect?"

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