Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1081: Beautiful wife

Of course, this is only a last resort to implement. After all, the Southern Song Dynasty is regarded as orthodox by the Han people in the world. If you attack rashly, I am afraid you will be cast aside by the Han people in the world.

It's just that as the leader of the Golden Snake Camp and aiming to win the world, Song Qingshu had to plan ahead. The most important thing in this plan was to be fast, so before attacking, we must ensure that Shaoxing City is in control.

Shaoxing (Shanyin) is the base camp of the Lu family. They have been operating here for nearly a hundred years. Family power has penetrated into every area of ​​Shaoxing City. Controlling the Lu family is equivalent to controlling Shaoxing City.

This is the fundamental reason why Song Qingshu spent so much time and energy on Lu Guanying and his wife!

Song Qingshu condensed his thoughts, and hoped that Lu Guanying comforted: "Why should the young owner take care of himself and be a useless person? Sima Qian suffered a catastrophe, but finally completed the historian's Lisao; Cai Lun was in the palace, but invented the papermaking technique, which was remembered by all ages; Zheng He made seven voyages to the Western Oceans to promote China's prestige...Each of them has suffered worse than the young owner, but they can also be immortal. Why should the young owner be discouraged because of the setbacks in front of him?"

Lu Guanying sighed: "I also understand the truth, but as a man, this kind of thing...how do you make me see it?"

Seeing that he still had no gods in his eyes, Song Qingshu knew that his consolation hadn't worked. Cheng Yaojia beside him also looked at him worriedly, and the eagerness in her eyes could see how high she hoped for herself.

After pondering for a moment, Song Qingshu suddenly said: "Many husbands, love for sons and daughters is just a trail. If you can do something earth-shattering career, that is the right way. Why not put your energy on career?"

"Career?" Lu Guanying smiled bitterly, "I have self-awareness and ability, but I am not a man; when it comes to martial arts, I am even more incompetent in the world. What career can I do."

"You can't say that," Song Qingshu smiled, "I don't know if the son has ever heard of "Sword of Exorcising Evil"?"

""Evil warding off sword score"?" Lu Guanying was shocked, and finally there was a hint of expression in his eyes. "According to legend, Lin Yuantu, the Fuwei Escort Bureau, used a set of 72-way ward off evil swords to beat the world's invincible hand in recent years. The various factions in the arena are fighting for this set of swordsmanship to kill and live, how can I not know. But this swordsmanship is only in the legend, the Fuwei Escort was destroyed a few years ago, and no descendants of the Lin family were seen. I have come out, so many people doubt whether this sword book really exists."

"Of course this swordsmanship exists." Song Qingshu laughed unpredictably.

"Why is the son so determined?" Lu Guanying's heart moved and looked up at him, "Could it be..."

"Yes, now I have the evil swordsmanship in my hand." Song Qingshu took out the robes from his arms and handed the opening side to him.

Seeing the incomparable four words on the robes of "Evil Swordsmanship", Lu Guanying opened her mouth wide in shock: "Sure enough, it is the Evil Swordsmanship!" This robes has decades of history at first glance, and it can't be faked in a short time. .

"Yes, I can pass on "Sword of Evil Guarding Evil" to the son. I hope that the son will cheer up. He will become a master in his studies and make a great career." Song Qingshu laughed. He had already glanced at the "Evil Guarding Sword Book" before. .

Back then, Hong Qigong, Ouyang Feng and other four masters practiced the "Nine Yin Scriptures" for decades, and often still had new insights, but Wang Chongyang only watched the "Nine Yin Scriptures" for more than ten days. With Song Qingshu’s current cultivation level not lower than that of Wang Chongyang, coupled with his special talent, he has actually thought about the "Sword of Evil Guarding" in a short time, and because the sword of Evil Guarding was recorded by Lin Yuantu through his memories. It is more or less incomplete, and there are many flaws in the swordsmanship.

These flaws are fleeting, and even Linghu Chong, who is a master of martial arts in the original work, can’t see it, but Song Qingshu has the advantage of having read the secret book of swordsmanship, plus he has a higher cultivation level. After reading the whole article, he has already read the shortcomings of the evil swordsmanship. It is clear to the chest, so if anyone uses the evil sword spectrum to deal with him in the future, it can only be said to be seeking a dead end.

Therefore, when he passed the evil spirit ward off sword spectrum to Lu Guanying, Song Qingshu was not worried about the other party's anti-water issues in the future, everything was under control.

"Really?" The ward off evil sword spectrum is the secret of magical skills that countless people in the world have dreamed of. How could Lu Guanying not be excited.

Cheng Yaojia, who was next to him, was also extremely shocked. He didn't understand why Song Qingshu gave such an important secret to her husband. Could it be...Is it because of me? Thinking of this, Cheng Yaojia couldn't help but feel a little silly.

"Of course it is true." Song Qingshu smiled slightly.

"But..." Lu Guanying was pleasantly surprised, and suddenly thought of her physical condition, "Now I...I am no longer a normal man. Doesn't it affect the practice of this magical skill?"

Many magical skills in the arena are very demanding on physical talents, and not to mention magical secrets, even if eunuchs practice ordinary martial arts, because of physical defects, it is often difficult to practice, which is why Lu Guanying is so worried.

Song Qing's writing is weird, and he expands the robes a bit: "Other martial arts are not necessarily, but this martial arts can be said to be tailor-made for the young master."

Lu Guanying Cheng Yaojia was curious in his heart, so he turned his head and took a look, and saw that the first sentence was "I want to practice magical skills, wielding a knife from the palace." .

Lu Guanying suddenly thought of something and looked weird: "Could it be that the son..." "Sword of Evil Guarding" is a magical skill that all Jianghu people dream of. He doesn't believe that Song Qingshu can resist temptation and save others by himself. If the other party hasn't practiced it. , How can you be willing to pass it on to yourself?

"Cough cough~" Song Qingshu knew that he wanted to go wrong, so he had to explain, "I have another exercise, so I have never practiced this exercise." As he said, he glanced at Cheng Yaojia subconsciously.

Cheng Yaojia was shaken by the look in his eyes. He couldn't help but think of the other party's bravery when galloping on him that night, and his body was a little fragile. He added silently in his heart: "He has never practiced this skill, I can testify."

Lu Guanying was very excited at this time, but he was not an idiot after all. Knowing that there is no free lunch in the world, he couldn't help but hesitate: "I only met the son, why did the son give me such a gift?"

Song Qingshu was originally admiring Cheng Yaojia’s shy and shy young daughter's posture. He retracted his gaze upon hearing the words and said with a smile: "After all these years, the landlord Lu Shao has been busy resisting Mongolia and Jin Guo, and even his wife and beauty at home are not even taken care of. So far, he has never given birth to an heir. Song Mou admires this patriotic sentiment. Now it is only a matter of effort to help the young owner. The young owner does not need to worry too much."——

Special thanks to book friends hhbh666, has become blank, red fruit dark arrow, blood007, Feng Ah Yin and other book friends for their rewards and monthly support!

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