Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1083: Absurd request

Song Qingshu looked at each other playfully: "Uncle Li should already have a countermeasure this time."

Li Kexiu's face was hot, and he smiled wryly: "The nephew's eyes are like a torch. I think that since this time Han Tong and his party have fallen into the hands of the Mongols, it is a golden opportunity. If we can rescue them, Sell ​​him a great favor, and then take the opportunity to sign a non-aggression agreement with him. In the future, after he returns to the Southern Song Dynasty, he will naturally be embarrassed to attack us."

"Really?" Song Qingshu tapped his fingers on the table lightly. The biggest enemy in his heart has always been Mongolia, and it would be unwise to go to war with the Southern Song Dynasty at this stage. It not only consumes power in vain, but also easily loses the heart of the Han people in the world. .

"Okay, let's sell Han Tong a favor!" After thinking for a while, Song Qingshu had a plan. In fact, even if Li Kexiu didn't say anything, he still wanted to save Han Dong.

On the surface, Han Tongzhe is a firm leader in the Southern Song Dynasty. After saving him and returning to the Southern Song Dynasty, there is a high probability that he will expedite the Kingdom of the North, but now that the Kingdom of Jin is under the control of Song Qingshu, no matter how you look at it, it is an unwise choice. .

It's a pity that it's not that simple. Now in the Southern Song Dynasty, the three powerful officials are fighting endlessly. Han Tong is the most powerful, and Jia Sidao is far behind. The two must unite to contend with Han Tong.

Now the situation in the Southern Song Dynasty has actually reached a delicate balance. Han Tong wants the Northern Expedition, and the most reluctant to see him succeed except for the Kingdom of Jin is Jia Sidao and Shi Miyuan. If the Northern Expedition is successful, Han Tong's prestige is unprecedentedly high. What kind of capital does the two of them have to fight with him?

Therefore, as soon as Han Tongyu's Northern Expedition, Jia Sidao and Shi Miyuan will definitely try to push him back. In history, Han Tong's Northern Expedition failed largely because of the imperial court masters and political opponents. And in this chaotic world, Han Tong’s political opponents have become the two most famous ruthless characters in history, and the problems encountered will only be ten times harder than the Northern Expedition in real history. Comprehensive information from all aspects, Song Qingshu is very sure. As soon as Han Tong went to the Northern Expedition, even if he didn't do anything, Jia Sidao and Shi Miyuan would take action to fix him.

Therefore, Han Tongxuan's Northern Expedition looked at bluffing people, but in fact it was nothing to worry about. More importantly, Song Qingshu could take this opportunity to completely control the army of the Kingdom of Jin.

Although Tang Kuobian is nominally the supreme commander of the Kingdom of Jin, he rose too quickly, which inevitably led to unstable foundations. A large part of the military power was in the hands of Taizong's line and several big families. Once Han Tong was in the Northern Expedition, he It would be justifiable to take over the army, and during the war, it would be much easier to promote cronies and intervene in purging political opponents than in ordinary days.

Of course, Song Qingshu has another consideration. The Southern Song dynasty fighting against each other is the best situation for him. If Han Tong died in Yangzhou, Jia Sidao could easily dominate his family. Historically, Jia Sidao held the military, political and financial power in the Southern Song Dynasty. , If there is a chance in this world, I believe he will still control all power in his own hands.

The dominance of the Southern Song Dynasty's family is not a good thing for Song Qingshu, so after thinking about it, in the end, it is best for him to rescue Han Tong.

This is why he promised Cheng Yaojia and 6 Guanying to help save people. It was not because he was stunned, but because he had secretly decided to save Han Tong. It happened that Cheng Yaojia came to him and begged him. Why not do it?

Seeing Song Qingshu agreed to save people, Li Kexiu was overjoyed, and the two of them had been discussing how to save people for the rest of the time.

When he returned to the stronghold of the Golden Dragon Gang, 6 Guanying was now wandering at the door of his room and couldn't help laughing. I was afraid that he would return by himself and not give him the evil spirit sword.

"Sixth Young Master came to see me so late, what's the matter?" Song Qingshu glanced around inadvertently, wondering that Cheng Yaojia was not there.

"I have something to ask the son..." Six Guanying hesitated, his expression hesitant.

"Come in, let's talk about it." Song Qingshu opened the door, but he didn't care. The other party came to find himself, nothing more than to ward off evil spirits or help save Han Tong.

After entering the house, 6 Guanying was obviously a little embarrassed, opened her mouth several times, but never said a word.

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "Sixth Zhuangzhu does not need to be formal. If you have any difficulties, just say it. As long as Song can do it, it must be defined."

"The son can definitely do it, I'm afraid the son will not." Six Guanying's eyes flickered, obviously hesitating in his heart.

"Oh, let's just listen." Song Qingshu was also curious.

Guanying took a deep breath, as if made up a great determination: "What do you think of Yaojia?"

Song Qingshu frowned. He didn't understand why he mentioned his wife suddenly, so he nodded and said: "Mrs. 6 has a beautiful face and a soft and gentle temper. She is a rare good wife. It is a blessing to be a young owner."

"Yes," 6 Guanying gave a wry smile, "It's a pity that now I have such a thing, I am afraid it will drag her forever."

Song Qingshu had a black line, thinking that he was about to become the aunt of the subdistrict office. How could he comfort the couple all day long, but the six companies would be very useful in the future, so he had to patiently say, "Why did the young owner say this? After giving birth to such a thing, Mrs. 6 will not leave you alone. Obviously he is not the kind of person who is afraid that you will drag her down."

"She is indeed very good," 6 Guanying sighed. "That's why I feel even more sorry for her. In the second half of my life, my husband can't rely on her, so I want to give her a son so that she can have a son in the future. Looking forward to it."

"What's the problem, you guys..." Song Qingshu's eyes suddenly widened, and finally realized, what exactly does 6 Guanying mean? He obviously can't have **** anymore, so how can he give Cheng Yaojia's son?

Guanying knew what he was thinking of when he saw his look, and couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "The son knows something, but even if he didn't give birth to this matter, I might not be able to give her a son."

Song Qingshu frowned: "Why?"

"I have been married to Yaojia for many years, and her stomach hasn't moved in these years, so people in the clan often point her behind her back, but I have privately diagnosed with the doctor, and the problem is likely to be with me. "Six Guanying would never tell outsiders about things that were so ashamed to say so, but now that something more serious has happened, this matter is irrelevant.

Song Qingshu felt relieved at once. It is no wonder that 6 Guanying in the original book is still a good young man, and after contacting him during this period of time, he seems a little bit mean and insignificant. It turned out to be because of this incident. After all, lack of fertility is really a terrible news for a man. Under such pressure year after year, no matter how sunny, his personality will inevitably be a little distorted.

"It's useless for Master 6 to tell me this. I'm not a doctor, and I can't help you." Song Qingshu had a faint guess in his heart, and immediately threw the idea behind him. After all, it was too absurd. Why? may!

"Of course the son can help me!" 6 Guanying was suddenly excited.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, how could this kind of thing help?

The 6th crown Yingna head bowed: "I hope that the son will not dislike his wife, Pu Liu, and give Yulu so that she can successfully conceive."

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