Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1090: The old man of Tianji still pretends to force the old man?

"Hmph, now I know I'm scared, let you do troubles outside with grandpa on your back all day long. 81 Chinese Network" As soon as the voice fell off, there was already one more person on the street.

Cheng Yaojia looked up, and saw that this man Xu Haoran, with dazzling brows, was a kind old man, but when he touched his gaze, the involuntary and involuntary wit suddenly had a cold war, and this person shot a hard shot in his eyes. The description of the ferocious meaning made people feel a chill at first sight, almost to the bone marrow.

Perceiving her fear, Song Qingshu patted her shoulder gently, Cheng Yaojia felt a mellow and warm internal force enter his body, and then slowly calmed down.

"Smelly boy, is it that you want to teach my precious granddaughter?" The old man walked over and concealed himself in front of the girl, looking at Song Qingshu with an unkind expression on his face.

Song Qingshu faintly replied: "This girl will ruin her appearance if she doesn't agree. She is too vicious at her young age. If she is not disciplined early, she will definitely break out in the future."

Before he finished speaking, the old man waved his hand impatiently: "I'm the most annoyed to hear these polite preaching words. There is always the weak and the strong in the arena, and other people can't beat her. That is because they are not good at learning. If she doesn't have enough skills and can't beat others, she will be blamed for herself, so what else can be said."

Song Qingshu nodded: "What your Excellency said is not unreasonable."

"The kid is acquainted." Seeing that he agreed with what he said, the old man smiled, but his face changed quickly, "But you bully my granddaughter, we have to make a good calculation."

"Your granddaughter wounded my subordinate and almost hurt my companion. How should this account be calculated?" Song Qingshu helped the other two Jinlong helpers up, and now that although they looked seriously injured, they were actually just The muscles and bones are misaligned, and he can recover after a period of training, so his face looks better.

"Huh, can these people be compared with my precious granddaughter? Brat, do you know who I am?" The old man fiddled with a pipe and took a breath of intoxication?

"Elder Tianji?" Song Qingshu frowned and asked tentatively. He has a cigarette pipe in his hand, and a granddaughter, who speaks so confidently. The characteristics are indeed very similar to the old man of Tianji who is ranked number one in the weapon list in Xiao Li Feida.

"Cough cough" The old man didn't come over in a breath, and was almost choked. "What a **** old man, my surname is Ding, and my name can't be lower than three. Jianghu has a nickname, which is called but three in a day!"

"Cut, it turned out to be Ding Busan. I thought it was the old man of Tianji. He was so pretending." Song Qingshu couldn't help but didn't recognize it at the beginning. Xia Ke Xing was originally a relatively unpopular existence in Jin Yong. The characters are far less familiar than works such as the shooting and carving trilogy and The Eight Dragons.

This Ding Busan nickname is only three a day, because he killed too many people in his early years, and later reformed and set the rules so that he could not kill more than three people in one day.

That girl is his granddaughter, so naturally it is Ding Yan. Ding Yan originally fits all the characteristics of the heroine of the golden book in the knight line. Some settings are similar to Huang Rong in glamorous, enchanting, and inverted post to the protagonist, but it is a pity with Huang Rong. Different, she did a very vicious mistake and challenged the bottom line of all readers.

That is, the personal servant girl who killed Shi Potian, and turned the scene into the appearance of being raped and murdered. It is too vicious. In addition, she loves the jade in the stone. The protagonist Shi Potian is just a substitute, so in the end Instead, she became the second female character and one of the main female characters most hated by readers in previous lives.

"It's no wonder that a disagreement will ruin the girl's appearance. This Ding Yan's heart is really vicious." Song Qingshu looked at the girl not far away. Although she was beautiful and beautiful, she couldn't give birth to any good feelings.

Seeing Song Qingshu's reaction, it was Ding Busan's turn next time. His martial arts were so powerful that he did not blink his eyes. The figures on the rivers and lakes were often famous for being frightened. He is affectionate, as long as the other party shows a little fear or disgust, he will stand as a killer, but he has never encountered such a situation in so many years.

"Grandpa, what nonsense are you talking to him? Let me untie the acupuncture points for me first." The girl stomped her feet in a hurry when she saw that she had been forgotten, but it was a pity that she could not move her acupuncture points.

"Smelly girl, last time I stole my Xuanbing Bihuojiu to drink it to my lover. I haven't asked you to settle the account yet. At this time, I dare to make a temper with me?" Even though Ding Busan said so, he still still Walked to Ding Yan's side, stretched out his hand to relieve the acupuncture points for his granddaughter.

"Huh?" Ding Busan clicked casually, and now that his granddaughter was still staring at him blankly, the acupuncture points showed no signs of half-disintegration, and his face became hot, and he hurriedly corrected his attitude and carried ten successful efforts to relieve her acupuncture points. .

However, after trying several times in a row, his strength was like a stone sinking into the sea, and the acupuncture path was still not unraveled. Ding Yan suddenly quit: "Can you do it, but you still praise how good your martial arts is. As a result, you are even a young offspring." The acupuncture points can't be solved."

Cheng Yaojia has also heard of Ding Busan's name, and knows that he is a famous demon on the evil way. Seeing him appear on the stage, he looks arrogant and arrogant. Who knows that he can't even solve the acupuncture points. This kind of strong front-to-back contrast made her laugh and laughed out loud.

Song Qingshu also smiled slightly, Dali Duan's Yiyang **** is well-known in the world. In terms of power, it may not be the strongest **** in the world.

Using Song Qingshu's current skill to urge a Yang finger, Ding Busan would have a ghost only if he could untie the acupuncture points.

Being ridiculed by his granddaughter and mocked by a beautiful young woman, Ding Busan suddenly became angry: "Grandpa, I am not the number one in the world. What's so strange about not being able to solve the acupuncture points? This kid's acupuncture technique is a bit strange. Waiting for me to catch him. Let him solve your acupuncture points himself."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person rushed to Song Qingshu: "Boy, taste the greatness of Grandpa!"

Song Qingshu stood there with a smile but no sign of movement.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was less than three feet, Ding Busan had a mouth, and a plume of smoke shot into Song Qingshu's eyes like a sharp arrow. That puff of smoke was wrapped in a deep internal force and shot at the enemy. If he was shot, his eyes might not be able to keep it. This old demon was really vicious when he shot it.

But what surprised everyone was that the young man did not dodge, let the smoke and arrows shoot, and suddenly opened his mouth to exhale, the smoke and arrows shot back at Ding Busan faster.

Yesterday, the public account mentioned various cases of offering wives and seeking glory in history. When readers look back at the behavior of 6 Guanying, do you think it is not that exaggerated?

Book public number: Liuru monk

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