Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1094: Lose both

"See clearly, it's him! I won't admit that with that beard." A Songshan school disciple replied affirmatively.

"Didn't Wu Tiande ever come out? Why do you enter from outside now?" Tota hand Ding Mian asked in doubt, as Zuo Leng Zen's brother, he has always been cautious and careful.

After confirming Wu Tiande's whereabouts, Zuo Lengchan looked excited. Hearing the doubts of his junior brother, he said with some disapproval: "Wu Tiande has learned the sword of warding off evil, and he must be extremely clever in light body skills. Our disciples who are sent outside may not be able to notice. He went out, anyway, it has been determined that he is in the view, and I have passed my order, and at the second shift, prepare for a surprise attack!"

Ding Mian said with a worried look: "Why don't we wait for Wu Tiande to come out next time and then encircle him, after all, there is Wudang Mountain behind Yu Qingguan."

"According to the disciple's report just now, Wu Tiande's figure is like a ghost, and we are so easy to set ambush when we are outside. Now it is the best time to take advantage of him to rest in Yuqingguan and rest unguarded." Seeing the younger brother, I want to say again. Zuo Lengchan waved his hand and said, "I heard that Li Kexiu has always made friends with Yuqing Guanzhong. If it takes too long and Li Kexiu reacts to it, it will be troublesome. Therefore, we must fight and capture Wu Tiande, and we will leave Yangzhou overnight! "

Ding Mian also knew that the longer he stayed in Yangzhou, the more dangerous he had to agree with the other party's plan, and he decided to go out and arrange actions to wait a while.

In a residential house near Yuqingguan, Liu Guanying looked at Song Qingshu in amazement: "The son's previous disguise is really superb, and he actually pretends to look like General Wu Tiande."

Song Qingshu faintly replied: "It's just sticking a circle of beards, and then looking for a set of Wu Tiande's outfit. The sky was dark at the time, and it was expected that the Songshan School had admitted wrong."

He didn't want his disguise skills to be exposed, so he casually said a few words. The others really didn't have any doubts, but Cheng Yaojia knew his skills and gave him a meaningful look.

On the other side, a smile gradually appeared on the corners of Ding Yan’s lips: Hmph, after entering the house, Mrs. 6 didn’t look at her husband a few times. The gentle and watery eyes were always on Song Qingshu. If they didn’t have a leg, the girl’s Ting turned upside down. write.

But she was originally a demon, and she didn't have any prejudice against this kind of thing. She just thought it was fun, and at the same time she wondered if she could profit from it.

While Ding Yan was meditating, Su Shidan said, "Why do you think the people of Songshan School will do it tonight?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Didn't Mr. Su previously analyzed that the Songshan School came for "Swordsmanship for Evil", and this Wu Tiande's swordsmanship was amazed, and the Songshan School thought that the Swordsmanship was in his hands."

"It turned out to be like this." Su Shidan and his party nodded one after another.

"According to legend, back then, Lin Yuantu fought all over Tiannan Invincible with a 72-way ward off evil swordsmanship with one hand. I really need to have a good experience tonight." Xin Qiji looked excited, and a faint sword aura appeared on his body.

Ding Dian said in a deep voice, "Jiaxuan may be disappointed. This "Sword of Exorcising Evil" may not be in the hands of Wu Tiande."

Su Shidan agreed: "Yes, some time ago, the heroes of all parties gathered in Fuzhou, and they all went for the "Evil Swordsmanship". I have also paid attention to this matter. According to intelligence judgments, all the forces have been emptied, so either Either there is no sword to ward off evil spirits, or he was listed first. Judging from Wu Tiande's itinerary, the possibility of him is very low."

Ding Busan chuckled and said, "There must be a sword for warding off evil spirits. My master saw Lin Yuantu make a shot with his own eyes back then, but I don't know who ended up in the hands."

"I've seen it before?" Everyone asked, Ding Busan proudly picked up the cigarette stick and blown up the evil swordsmanship. After everyone was amazed, they speculated about the current whereabouts of the "Evil Swordsman".

Guanying glanced at Song Qingshu nervously, and saw a faint smile on the face of the other party. He did not participate in the discussion and did not speak. He immediately relieved his heart. How could he give it to others like "Sword of Exorcising Evil". People share.

"The Songshan faction is here." Song Qingshu suddenly said.

Everyone shook their hearts, and they ran to the windows and looked out. They saw a group of warriors in night clothes in the dark night, like ants, as densely as ants stepped into the wall of Yuqing Temple, and soon came a low and boring feeling. Humming and screaming.

"Songshan faction is really strong, no wonder it can overwhelm the other four factions of the Five Mountains Sword Sect." Su Shidan looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but marvel.

"We waited for them and the Mongolians to fight together before going in to clean up the mess." Song Qingshu's plan was approved by everyone, and no one had any objections.

Ding Bu San Ding Bu Si Ding Yan was meant to kill people without blinking, and hoped that the more people inside, the better.

As a think tank that Han Tong relied on, Su Shidan would naturally not be a good person.

Although Ding Dian and Xin Qiji are upright, the Songshan faction has made acquaintances with evil sect masters in recent years and has been making trouble in the arena. This retribution is also deserved.

Yuqingguan was originally located in a remote area. In addition, both the Songshan school and the Mongols had a guilty conscience, so they deliberately suppressed the sound, so the inside was full of enthusiasm and did not alarm the residents of Yangzhou.

After about half an hour, he noticed that the noisy voices in Yuqing Temple gradually became thinner, and Song Qingshu said, "Let's go and take a look."

Because of the fire, there were no Mongolian guards in the periphery of Yuqingguan, and the people of the Songshan faction who remained outside were also hurriedly called in because of the tight fighting inside.

Song Qingshu and his party quietly entered Yuqing Temple, and now there were people lying everywhere on the ground in the front yard, including the Songshan school, and the monk from the Ruyang Palace. It can be seen how tragic the previous battle was.

The sound of fighting came faintly from the backyard, and Song Qingshu greeted the others to follow: "Wait to listen to my orders, I will call out and shoot again." Whether it is from the Ruyang Palace or the Songshan School, there are no shortage of masters, only waiting for them. The consumption is almost the same to minimize one's losses.

Hidden behind the courtyard wall, the group quietly looked into the backyard, and saw that there were not many people in the backyard, almost all of them were fighting each other.

Song Qingshu took a closer look. Zuo Lengchan was fighting with the Daoist Baihou, Hejian Shuangsha confronted the two elders of Xuanming, Baishasha Xing, Qinghai Yixiao, and Zuo Lengchan’s juniors and Wang Baobao underwent several great monks battles. A lump.

Both Daoist Baisui and Zuo Lengchan are master-level figures of the Yin and Hanwu kung fu, the palms of the gods of Baisui Taoist Xuanming, and the icy innocence of Zuo Lengchan. They really meet each other, and they will meet Liangcai. You come and go with you. The fight was evenly divided.

Song Qingshu was surprised that he had fought against both of them. Although Zuo Lengchan is a top player in the arena, there should still be a certain gap between them and the Taoist Baihua. Why did the two fight a tie?

He looked carefully, and finally saw the doorway. It turned out that the Daoist Taoist was hurt. I am afraid that the Songshan sent a lot of people before. Although all the people in the Ruyang Palace are top masters, they are outnumbered, or There is a price to be paid more or less.

Song Qingshu noticed that many of the Songshan faction corpses outside were killed by arrows. It should have been killed by the Eight Heroes of the Ruyang Palace. He has seen the skills of the eight heroes of the gods and arrows, all of them are the gods and arrows, and even a few people can make a thousand arrows.

"During a group battle, the bow and arrows are indeed the most effective weapon." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, but soon his eyes condensed, and the body of the gods and arrows appeared not far away. It seems that the Songshan faction paid a great price. Only then finally killed these people.

The two elders Xuanming and Hejian Shuangsha are also right. The two elders Xuanming are good at Xuanming's palm, and Hejian Shuangsha's one-finger Zen is not at all shocking; the two elders Xuanming are good at combined attack, and Hejian Shuangsha is also decades Senior brothers, they have already shared their minds, and they also have a set of ways to join hands against the enemy; the weapons of the two elders Xuanming are the crane-billed double pen and the deer head stub, and the weapons of the river double evil are the acupoint prongs and the judge pen. The four are like Dazzled like a revolving lantern.

Song Qingshu knew that these people would not be able to tell the victory or defeat if they did not fight for hundreds of rounds, so he turned his attention to the side, the white evil star, Qinghai Yixiao, plus Zuo Lengchan’s junior, besieged the remaining monks. , Obviously had the upper hand, but the few monks depended on each other, so that the people of Songshan faction had no time to do so.

Before playing against these monks with Tang Kuobian's appearance, Song Qingshu knew that they had a special summing technique that could unite everyone's internal forces together. It is no wonder that these people of the Songshan faction had the upper hand but were unable to establish a victory.

"Where is King Kong Sect Master?" Song Qingshu thought of another master of Ruyang Palace. After scanning for a long time, he finally found his trace, only to see that his opponent was a dull boy.

"Shi Potian?" Last time I saw it at the Golden Snake Conference, Song Qingshu recognized the identity of the young man at a glance.

In the last Golden Snake Conference, he had great strength in breaking the stone, but his moves and even the experience of the enemy were extremely lacking. He hadn't seen it for a while, and now he has made great progress in both his fist and sword skills.

"It seems that Zuo Lengchan really spent a lot of effort on him." Song Qingshu nodded secretly.

However, although Shi Potian is an advanced god, the King Kong Sect Master is an old demon who has been famous for decades. Regardless of experience and cultivation base, Shi Potian is incomparable to today's Shi Potian, plus a diamond is not bad and magical. The sky was a little embarrassed, and Dali King Kong's fingers hurt him.

However, the King Kong gatekeeper in the court was also secretly shocked: "This young man has such a deep internal force. My strong King Kong finger poked him. Not only did he not have a blood hole in his body, but the force of the counter shock also shook my fingers faintly. pain."

Shi Potian's cry of pain quickly caught Ding Yan's attention. After seeing the other person's appearance, Ding Yan was surprised: "Brother Tian!"

Then she quickly noticed the Tou Tuo who was constantly attacking Shi Potian, and rushed down with a squeaky voice: "Quit hurts my brother!"

Ding Busan was taken aback, stretched out his hand to catch his granddaughter and caught it. With his vision, he couldn't see that Tuo Wugong was far above Ding Yan. He was worried that his granddaughter would be injured, so he hurriedly followed.

Ding Busi screamed: "The third child, I'll help you!" After speaking, he rushed out.

Song Qingshu frowned. How could he have expected this accident. At first, whether it was the Songshan School or the Ruyang Prince's Mansion, they were all red eyes. As long as they sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, it will not be long before the two sides will die together. But at this time, As a group of people, how can they continue to desperately? 8

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