Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1114: In Jingzhou City, there are thousands of beautiful flowers in Wanjia

Linghu furiously turned back and laughed: "It's really weird. As the saying goes, the hatred of killing the father and taking the wife is not the same. You robbed Yingying, and you are still sure that I dare not kill you?"

Song Qingshu faintly replied: "Brother Linghu's hatred of taking his wife is really unreasonable. Is there any matchmaking between you and Yingying, is it the order of your parents, and have you worshipped heaven and earth?"

"I..." Linghu Chong was speechless by his series of follow-up questions, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Unfortunately, I have all of these." Song Qingshu's words seemed like a bolt from the blue, and Linghu jumped up suddenly.

"You... have you worshipped heaven and earth?" Linghu's lips trembled, and his words were a bit uncomfortable.

"It seems that Brother Linghu is not well informed. A few months ago in the Golden Snake Camp, my master Wudang Zhang Zhenren hosted the wedding. Yingying has already worshipped me and became a relative." Song Qingshu secretly sighed. The gentleman can be deceived. On the other hand, Linghu Chong is a gentleman, so he dared to say this deliberately. If he meets a despicable villain, he is purely looking for death.

"No, I don't believe it, you must have forced Yingying to marry you." Linghu Chong only felt a sharp pain in his heart, as if he had lost the most important thing in his life.

"I can swear that Yingying absolutely voluntarily married me in court, otherwise there will be thunder and thunder." Song Qingshu said sternly. The reason why he dared to make this poisonous oath is because Ren Yingying did come to visit him voluntarily, but At that time she didn't know the true identity under her mask.

"And this wedding is hosted by my wife, do you think he will tolerate me forcing other girls with his old man's virtue?" Song Qingshu continued.

Before hearing Song Qingshu swear without hesitation, Linghu Chong had already believed in his heart for seven or eight points. After hearing that the wedding was hosted by Zhang Sanfeng, he finally gave up completely. Zhang Sanfeng is a myth in the martial arts, and also a model of respect and respect. Linghu Chong did not believe in Song Qingshu, but had to believe in Zhang Sanfeng.

"Now that Yingying is the wife I am married to by the Ming media, Brother Linghu has been entangled, I am afraid it is not the work of a gentleman." Seeing that the emotions have been set off almost, Song Qingshu finally came to a ruthless note.

"I..." Linghu opened his mouth, but didn't know how to explain it. He always felt very stunned in his heart, but he also had to agree with this statement. After all, judging by the concept of this world, Ren Yingying is indeed the other's wife. .

"I respect that Brother Linghu is a gentleman, so I am not afraid to tell you this directly." Because Song Qingshu has not done anything with the enemy during this period, Song Qingshu has the opportunity to slowly gather the true energy in his body and suppress the poison of Jinbo Xunhua again. , He now sees people no longer double images, "Since Brother Linghu loves Miss Yue the most, why not take this opportunity to fully understand his heart? Just pay attention to the points I just said, so that Linghu It’s not difficult for your brother’s talent to win back Miss Yue’s heart."

Ling Huchong was silent, and the benefits of Ren Yingying kept appearing in his mind. A heart began to cramp, and he couldn't help but angrily said: "Let your tongue be like a tongue, I must kill you today!"

"Brother Linghu is sure?" Song Qingshu didn't panic, "Now I am Yingying's husband. If you kill me, will Yingying turn against you? What's more, I have saved Miss Yue's life several times. How can a girl marry a man who killed her savior?"

"You!" Linghu Chong's expression was cloudy and uncertain. At this time, there was a faint noise in the distance. A large group of people holding torches were approaching this position. Obviously, the chasers of Wan Tumen and Li Kexiu had searched all the way here.

"You're right, I will really make them sad if I kill you," Linghu Chong groaned for a moment before saying, "Anyway, you are now in the poison of Jinbo Xunhua, and you won't be able to live long. I will kill you or not. It doesn't make a difference. But you have always taken Yingying away, and now the chasing soldiers have come, I can't be so generous to save you again, you are resigned to your fate." After speaking, he turned and left.

Song Qingshu suddenly smiled and said: "Brother Linghu brought me out of Yangzhou City, and he has already helped me a lot, but I have taught you the secrets of picking up girls before, so we can say that we don't owe each other."

Hearing his words, Linghu's rushing away couldn't help staggering and almost fell down: "Huh, if you get lucky this time, I will still find you to settle the account." The voice just fell a few ups and downs, and then disappeared into the mountain. in.

"According to your auspicious words." Song Qingshu had to sigh that Linghuchong is indeed a gentleman, and he disdains to take advantage of others. If the status of the two exchanges, he wonders that Linghuchong can't be so open-minded.

The torch was getting closer and closer, Song Qingshu did not dare to delay, got up and staggered towards the depths of the mountain.

Li Kexiu sent a maternal grandmother to inspect Li Yuanzhi's body, and she knew that she was still a yellow girl, and a big stone fell to the ground in her heart. At this time, there was news that Song Qingshu had been rescued from the city. Li Kexiu couldn't sit still. Many years of fighting on the battlefield made him understand that if things are done, they must do nothing, otherwise the enemy's backlash will be unprecedentedly great in the future.

So he immediately mobilized the green camp soldiers and horses to cooperate with Wan Chengmao's subordinates, and diverged with Yangzhou as the center. Searching the mountains and seas also wanted to find out Song Qingshu. The direction that Ling Huchong had left with Song Qingshu was the most important thing.

The scouts in the army were already good at tracking, and soon a group of people followed the clues.

When Song Qingshu was staggering in the mountains, the sharp-eyed man among the chasing soldiers pointed at his back and shouted: "Over there!" While sending someone to notify the other nearby troops, he pointed at Song Qingshu's location. The direction followed.

"It's really unlucky for people to drink cold water." Song Qingshu laughed bitterly. They could be seen so far in the evening. Did these people bring infrared binoculars? They complained and complained. Now he can only speed up. Hidden in the mountains.

Fortunately, the two sides were still a distance away, and it was not convenient to sprint on horseback on the mountain, so those people couldn't catch him for a while. It's just that his appearance is revealed, and there are tracking masters in the opponent's camp, and the poisonous Song Qingshu can't get rid of these people now.

The scene of chasing and fleeing was staged outside the city. In the admiral’s mansion in the city, a young woman with flower letter was carefully dressing up the wound on her chest. Her shaved shoulders, thin waist, and tall and well-proportioned figure were reflected in the candlelight. The next is more slim and moving.

I only heard her sighed faintly: "Msang-gong, are you going to harm people again."

This young woman turned out to be Di Yun’s junior sister, who married Wan Gui’s Qi Fang after being successful.

Thank you, the king of pigeons, catdarf, Gao Fei Yuan Xiangyu, Wei Mo, igo Da Bingguo, Xiao Yin Shang Qing and other book lovers for their support!


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