Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1123: It turns out that she is Yue Yinping

When Song Qingshu came out of the cave, a red sun was rising from the horizon, breathing the fresh air of the mountains, he couldn't help but feel refreshed.

t "A beautiful new day!"

Song Qingshu stretched out. The situation last night was undoubtedly dead, but by coincidence, he actually survived. Now Jin Bo Xunhua in his body is temporarily silent, although he can't use internal power, he doesn't care that much.

He is an optimistic person, as long as he is alive, there are unlimited possibilities.

At this moment Song Qingshu deliberately hides his figure, not because he is not careful, but because he doesn't need to hide now.

Because he didn't appear in his own appearance, but changed into Xiong Da's clothes and changed his appearance to the other side's appearance. He knows that with Xiaolongnv's light work, he should not encounter any danger. On the contrary, if he himself continues to stay in the cave and is found by another person, he may not be so lucky to escape and become a bear again. The big face, anyway, the mountains and plains are now full of searching soldiers, mixing into the crowd is like a fish in the ocean, where can other people find him?

The corpses of Xiong Er and Xiong San were buried in a pit, and a tombstone was pretended to be erected. The corpse of Xiong Da was turned into a pool of blood, so that even if someone discovers something in the future, Song Qingshu’s present Identity will not be revealed.

However, he did not continue to stay near the cave and chose to go straight down the mountain. He was worried that he would be found near the cave and would be suspected. After all, he must be careful now. He can no longer bear the slightest risk and intends to wait for the limelight. Then go back to the cave and wait for the little dragon girl to come back.

Along the way, I ran into a soldier from Shuban Soushan, but after a glance at his outfit, they continued to search. Obviously, they recognized him as the guard next to Wan Sushan by his outfit.

Seeing those people almost holding a portrait of himself, Song Qingshu couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he changed his face, or he would be recognized even if he changed his clothes.

After going down the mountain in such an unpredictable way, Song Qingshu wandered at the foot of the mountain, observing the dispatching of all the people on the mountain, and had to admire Li Kexiu's subordinates as there is no shortage of talents, really well-rounded, although the large army was attracted by the little dragon girl. However, other places did not relax. Instead, several people and horses stayed nearby for cross-search.

Suddenly, there was the sound of horseshoes not far away, and saw more than a dozen riders down the mountain. Song Qingshu hesitated for a while, did not show any strange color, but continued to stay in place.

Soon those dozen riders galloped past him, Song Qingshu just breathed a sigh of relief, but found that the leader suddenly turned his horse's head and came towards him. Soon more than a dozen riders surrounded him, and the dust that was raised came oncoming him, obviously his attitude was extremely unfriendly.

Song Qingshu's heart shuddered, wondering where did he reveal his flaws?

t "Yo, who am I, isn't this Xiongda?"

Song Qingshu was startled, and then he noticed that these people were wearing the same clothes as him, and the few people headed by them seemed to have seen him next to Wan Chengmao last night.

"Hmm~" Song Qingshu responded vaguely.

"Isn't it upright on weekdays? Why do you look like frosted eggplant today?" The headed knight said sarcastically, "By the way, why didn't you see Xiong Er and Xiong San?"

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows slightly. Hearing that this demonic personality seemed to have a bad relationship with Xiong Da, he suddenly thought of the "Wind Wind Quick Sword" Zhang Quan that the three brothers said last night. Is it him?

"Zhang Lao

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) What about you, dumb? "The other person didn't say anything when he saw him, and said angrily.

Finally got the confirmation, Song Qingshu deliberately red eyes and angrily said: "It was you deliberately mobilizing us, and when we went to investigate the cave, they...they were pierced by the poisonous needle in the trap and died!"

"Xiong Er Xiong San died?" Zhang Quan's eyes flashed a glorious look, "It's my shit, you accidentally caught the trap of the organ."

"I'm fighting with you!" Song Qingshu deliberately tried to rush over, when someone nearby had stopped him.

"Forget it, I think about your bereavement and don't care about it like you," Zhang Quan waved his hand. This Xiong Dawu skill is good, if he really provokes him, it's really a bit troublesome. "Now Your condition is not suitable for continuing to stay here to perform tasks. It just happens that the young lady needs a guard to return to Lin'an, so you can protect her back."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, and he just acted casually, why suddenly a young lady appeared? Still escorting her to Lin'an?

"No! I want to stay here with my brother." Song Qingshu refused subconsciously. What a joke, he had to wait for the little dragon girl to come back, how could he go to Lin'an.

"This is the order of Lord Zuo personally, do you dare to resist?" Zhang Quan put his hand on the sword at his waist while speaking.

Song Qingshu's pupils shrank, knowing that Xiong Da had never dealt with him. If he used the topic to kill himself, it would be really wrong. In desperation, he had no choice but to snorted: "Go and go."

"Come back to the city with us to meet your grandfather." Zhang Quan waved his hand and motioned to his subordinates to divide him by a horse.

In desperation, Song Qingshu had to follow the group of people to the city of Yangzhou. He hadn't thought of running away along the way, but in his current state, once his identity was revealed, he couldn't escape far.

Unknowingly, the group returned to Yangzhou City. Wan Tongmao did not stay in the admiral's mansion, but instead requisitioned a wealthy businessman's mansion to live in it and strategize, directing Song Qingshu's arrest.

Zhang Quan led the group to salute Wan Tumo. Wan Tumo nodded and said casually: "This time, you will **** the young lady back to Lin'an."

"Young grandma?" Song Qingshu looked suspicious, and suddenly thought of Wan Gui last night, and his heart was very exciting: Isn't it Qi Fang?

Who knows that Zhang Quan did not take the order after listening to him, instead he said, "Master, I'm afraid my subordinates can't **** the young grandma this time?"

"Huh?" Wan Tsui suddenly raised his head, his eyes bursting with a frightening light.

Zhang Quan's heart was cold, and he didn't dare to play mystery, and hurriedly said, "Return to the grandfather, when we captured Song Qingshu yesterday, we were about to succeed. Who knew that a woman in white suddenly appeared to rescue him."

Wan Tongmao frowned: "I already know about this. Li Kexiu sent thousands of people to round up this time. Even if someone rescues him, Song Qingshu can't run away."

Zhang Quan quickly added: "It's not Song Qingshu, but it's related to the woman."

Song Qingshu lowered his head on the side, and his heart moved when he heard that it was related to the little dragon girl?

Wan Haomao obviously had the same doubts: "What happened to that woman?"

"More than an hour ago, the subordinate had a face-to-face with the woman and saw her face clearly, she..." Zhang Quan seemed to think of some horrible memories, and his voice trembled a little, "She seems to be from that year. Li...Li Wa."

"Li Wa?" Hearing the name, Wan Hao stood up unconsciously, obviously

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) is also shocked.

"Who is Li Wa?" Song Qingshu was puzzled. It was obvious that he was not an ordinary person to make Wan Tongmao such a gaffe.

"Impossible!" Wan Haomao finally woke up, "Li Wa died early that year, and even if she did not die, she is now over half a hundred years old, but according to the information sent back yesterday, the person who rescued Song Qingshu was obviously a young girl. is her!"

"The subordinates also participated in the round up of Li Wa, and recognized her appearance. The girl in white clothes and her were printed in the same mold." Zhang Quan also showed doubts on his face, "But no matter how much Li Wa looks like, With skills, it is impossible to look so young, and the two martial arts skills are not the same..."

Zhang Quan quietly took a look at Wan Tuan, and then said, "According to subordinates, the girl in white clothes is probably the girl. Infant that year..."

"Yue Yinping?" Wan Tongmao had a gloomy expression, "No wonder I got information before that she appeared near the city of Yangzhou. I thought it was the daughter of Huashan Mountain..."

Song Qingshu finally remembered who Li Wa was. It was Yue Fei's wife, the aunt Li Qingluo mentioned before. Because of her mysterious identity, people in the Southern Song Dynasty didn't know her real name, just named Li Wa on her behalf.

Song Qingshu knew that if it weren't for wearing a mask on his face, his expression would be extremely wonderful now. He didn't expect that Yue Fei's orphan was actually the little dragon girl back then!

But when I think about it carefully, all the characteristics fit together: when Xiaolongnv was a baby, she was put at the gate of Quanzhen Sect. It must be that Yue Fei was wronged and killed at that time, and Li Wa was also killed by Wan Tutai and Zhang Jun because of her postpartum weakness. The eagle dog chased and killed Wang Chongyang, unable to protect his daughter, and could not believe anyone, so he left his daughter at the gate of Quanzhen Sect, No. She didn't expect that the little dragon girl would be taken back to the tomb by Lin Chaoying's maid.

"It's no wonder that I have always felt that Wang Yuyan and Xiaolongnv are somewhat similar in appearance. They were still influenced by the film and television works in the previous life. I didn't expect that they were really related by blood." Song Qingshu suddenly became bright, and Xiaolongnv and Wang Yuyan were young despite their age. It's a few years old, but according to seniority, Xiaolongnu should be Wang Yuyan's aunt.

"Zhang Quan, you can arrange for someone to **** the young lady back to Lin'an. All the rest are sent out. You must catch that woman and notify everyone. Now you don’t care about Song Qingshu. Anyway, he is still alive if he is caught by Jinbo No, all the staff will be sent to capture the woman!"

There was a trace of cruelty in Wan Tongmao's eyes, because of what happened back then, he had forged a **** feud with the Yue family.

In the past few years, public opinion has gradually complained for Yue Fei. If it is known that Yue Fei’s daughter is still alive, someone must take the opportunity to reverse the case for Yue Fei. By then, these people will have no place to bury, so they must not let Yue Fei’s descendants live. In the world!

"Yeah!" Zhang Quan's eyes showed a hint of joy. It was because of the pursuit of Yue Fei's family that he rose to prominence in the past. He was appreciated by Wan Tumao and was gradually promoted to the leader of the guards. This time, if he could catch that woman, it would be an extraordinary wonder Gong, when the time comes to glory and wealth, the master will never treat himself badly.

Zhang Quan looked back at Song Qingshu, pointed at him and said, "Xiong Da, this time you will **** the young lady back to Lin'an by yourself, and the rest will follow me to catch that woman!" —

The state is not good today, there is only one watch

For the perfect attendance award, another 3000 words were written

(End of this chapter)

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