Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1046: Shinko closed room

Song Qingshu is also on the verge of an enemy at this time. After all, he cannot use his internal force now, and Xia Ke Island is a very mysterious place. According to the description in the original book, two disciples can hang and beat the masters of the Central Plains. Now this world The masters of the Central Plains are naturally not comparable to those of the Central Plains in the world of knights, but the last time they fought against Zhang San Lisi, their cultivation bases are close to the Central Plains Wujue, and there are dozens of such people on Xia Ke Island, and at the same time, the two island owners of Longmu are even more profound. Unpredictable, if it is discovered, even in his heyday, it may not be a good deal, let alone now.

"Everything must be careful." Song Qingshu's only trump card now is the soul transfer. However, in his current state, the soul transfer is difficult to use against groups and can only be used for sneak attacks. Fortunately, he has a disguise. You can rely on this technique, otherwise he really doesn't have the confidence to be able to leave from Knight Island alive.

After touching his cheek, he confirmed that the face of the man in yellow who had been rubbed was correct. Song Qingshu felt relieved.

After about a stick of incense, Song Qingshu frowned and stopped. This Xia Ke Island was too big, and the room was like a maze. He was not familiar with the terrain, and it was really not a way to go around.

When I was having a headache, someone suddenly yelled from behind: "Stop!"

Song Qingshu's heart was stunned. Could it be that a flaw has been discovered?

While thinking about whether to use Soul Transfer, he turned around and saw a person wearing a black robe, frowning and staring at him.

After many days of getting along, Song Qingshu has already determined the identity and composition of the people on Xia Ke Island. The one who gave him food before was the lowest servant on the island, dressed in yellow short clothes, followed by the disciples of the two island owners, Zhang San Li Si Jie Among them, Zhang San is a messenger of reward for good, wearing a yellow silk robe, and Li Si is a messenger of punishment for evil, wearing a blue-black robe. This person wears the same style as Li Si, and he is obviously one of messengers of punishment for evil. .

After guessing the identity of the other party, Song Qingshu's heart shuddered, knowing that the other party's martial arts is definitely not something he can handle at this time. He didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed his head in a salute. He didn't know the name of each other on Xia Ke Island. Put on a respectful look.

As expected, the man in Qingpao didn't see anything unusual, but said coldly, "Why are you still hanging out here? There are people on the side of the stone room. Come over and help."

"Stone room, what kind of stone room?" Song Qingshu was confused and couldn't help but groan secretly, but he couldn't show it, so he nodded and agreed. Fortunately, after years of walking in the rivers and lakes, he had already developed a keen observation ability and noticed that the man in the green robe spoke. When he subconsciously glanced at the corridor on the right, he guessed that the stone chamber in the opponent's mouth should be in which direction, pretending to be calm, and tentatively walked there.

After a few steps, he didn't see any objections from the Qingpao man. Song Qingshu knew that he had guessed correctly, so the meteor continued to walk in.

It didn't take long before I saw a bunch of men in yellow short clothes coming in and out of a room, carrying wooden discs and walking deep into the corridor.

"Come here and help." While Song Qingshu was watching, a chubby man in the room noticed him and hurriedly waved to him.

"It looks like they are going to send food to some big man." Song Qingshu noticed that they had not only wine and vegetables, but also exquisite snacks and fresh fruits on their wooden plates. The treatment was much better than for themselves.

He walked slowly to the fat man. Before he could speak, the fat man stuffed a large plate of things into his hands: "Send it to Zhao Keman and Hu Ying."

Song Qingshu has a question mark on his face, thinking what the **** is Zhao Keman and Hu Ying? It's a pity that I didn't dare to ask directly, so I had to follow the others with the wooden disc in the clouds.

After walking for a while, suddenly the person behind him patted him: "I have gone too far. The room you want to send is over there."

Song Qingshu turned his head and looked in the direction that the man was pointing, and saw that there was a stone room not far away. He hurriedly gave the man a gratitude smile, and then hurriedly walked over there.

Fortunately, these people are relatively low-ranking servants on the island, and no one is distracted on weekdays, so no one suspects that Song Qingshu just missed the Shishi.

Song Qingshu walked into the stone room calmly, and saw a large polished stone wall to the east. Eight large torches were lit next to the stone wall, shining brightly. The walls are engraved with pictures and words. There are already more than a dozen people in the stone room, some are concentrating on contemplation, some are meditating, some are muttering with their eyes closed, and three or four are arguing loudly.

"The wine and vegetables have been delivered." Song Qingshu whispered. Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him, so he put the wooden plate in his hand at the door of the stone room. Seeing that there were still some untouched wine and vegetables on the table, he could not help but smack his tongue. It's a waste of sleep and food, and I don't know what I'm studying.

At this time, the voices of the three or four people who were arguing not far away suddenly increased by a few points. Only one person said: "This first sentence of Zhao Keman Hu Ying, and the commentary on the word Hu said: Hu, people from the Western Regions . The New Tang Book inherits the message: Hundreds of people learn the sound and sound of the Huren, and they cut the ribbon for the dance clothes..."

Another person shook his head and said, "Brother Wen, please look at this person in the picture. He is definitely not a hero of Yanzhao's tragedy and generosity, but why is he called Zhao Ke? To understand this sentence, you must first understand this important key."

Song Qingshu looked at the stone wall curiously, and the picture on it was indeed a young scholar, holding a fan in his left hand and flying palms in his right, with a very elegant and unrestrained expression.

The third person nodded and agreed: "I recently figured it out. The person in the picture is elegant and romantic. It should be a feminine image, but the comment says: You must start from the strong and hard. Of course, it is feminine and masculine. It’s not difficult to understand how to use it. But how to be a body and how to use it, there is really a great knowledge in the middle.” After speaking, the left hand learned the posture of the person in the picture, and the right hand suddenly palmed, screamed, and hit it out. Said: "Left yin and right yang, most of the reason is this."

The fourth person recites the note carved on the wall: "Zhuangzi speaks about the sword chapter: The prince said: The swordsmen that my king sees are all with shaggy heads and sideburns, hanging crowns, a man with a scorpion, and a short dress. Sima's notes: a man Hu Zhiying means that ruggedness is unreasonable. Brother Wen and Manhu should be explained together. Manhu is rough and simple, and Huyin means that the yin he wears on his head is not exquisite. It does not mean that he wears Hurenzhi. Ying. The word "Hu" is a silly word that is not the Hu of the Western Regions."

The man surnamed Wen was rebutted by several people, and couldn't help being a little annoyed: "Otherwise, look at the next comment: Zuo Si Wei Du Yun: Man Hu Zhiying. Note: Milling said, Man Hu, the name of the samurai. This It is a kind of tassel worn by a warrior. It can be crude or delicate. A few years ago, I asked Kang Kun, the head of Guoyimen in Liangzhou, for advice. He is a Hu from the Western Regions and knows everything about Hu people. He said that there is a tassel on the top of the Huren warrior, and the shape is like this..." He squatted down and drew a figure on the ground with his fingers.

Song Qingshu laughed dumbfounded when he heard it from the sidelines. These people are like country rotten scholars. They are here to chew words, but they don't know that they have gone astray. At this moment, he finally understands where he is in the stone room. There are extremely advanced martial arts recorded on Xia Ke Island One of the twenty-four stone chambers!

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