Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1144: Make a fortune

The reason why this set of swordsmanship is not like human swordsmanship, is that among the most famous swordsmanship in the world, no matter the Dugu Jiujian, Dali Duan's Six-Maid Sword, or Wudang's Taiji swordsmanship, Even the sword energy created by Song Qingshu is either tangible or tangible. In the final analysis, it is used for physical attacks.

But this set of swordsmanship is different, it is directly attacking the opponent's soul! And any physical attack in the world is invalid to this set of swordsmanship. It can be said that this set of swordsmanship is judged by Song Qingshu's current cultivation knowledge. I am afraid that no master in the world can defend and can only be slaughtered!

Of course, this set of swordsmanship does not mean that there are no flaws. When you cast it, your body is completely out of defense because of the attack of the soul. If a third person attacks your body from the side at this time, it is very likely. Both form and spirit are destroyed.

"Even with such obvious shortcomings, this set of swordsmanship is still too bad, it can be called single-handedly invincible." Song Qingshu saw cold sweat, thinking that if someone uses this set of swordsmanship against himself, he can only count on relying on it. It depends on whether you can get out of the opponent's attack range in a very short time, otherwise there is absolutely only a dead end.

This set of swordsmanship was so magical that Song Qingshu's appetite instantly aroused. Unfortunately, the record of this stone room was incomplete, only part of the swordsmanship, so he hurried to the third stone room to find out.

As soon as I stepped into the stone room, I felt that the wind was rushing, but it was the three elders with strong costumes who started light work and were running fast and abnormally. The three of them ran extremely fast, and they only brought the room full of wind. The three people chased and ran under their feet, but they kept talking in their mouths, and their tone was very calm, which shows that the internal strength cultivation is very high, and it does not make breathing short of galloping.

Just listen to the first old man saying: "This knightly trip was made by the great poet Li Bai. But Li Bai is a poetry fairy, not a sword fairy. Why does the short one and twenty-four lines of the poem contain the principles of martial arts?"

Second humanity: "The one who created this set of martial arts is a master of martial arts who is shocking and unattainable. His old man just borrowed Li Bai's poem to express his magical martial arts. The poetry of Li Bai, a knight."

The third humanity: "Although Brother Ji's words are very reasonable, this silver saddle looks like a white horse. If you leave Li Bai's poetic flavor, you can't understand it."

The first old man said: "Yes. Not only that, but I thought it would have to be connected with the snarling like a meteor in the fourth room for the correct answer. Explaining poetry and essays cannot be taken out of context. We can't study martial arts. It is out of context."

Song Qingshu was secretly surprised. The three of them were discussing martial arts. Why didn't they sit down and talk slowly, but you chased me so nonstop? But it became clear in a moment. Just listen to the second old man saying: "Since you are conceited that you understand more than me in these two poems, why do you use light skills, but you can't chase me?" The first old man laughed Said: "Did you chase me up again?" I saw the three people rushed more and more eagerly, their clothes were windy, and they formed a circle, but the distance between the three people was always the same, and it was obvious that the three people had the same skill. No one can overstep.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but Wan'er, a group of funny, poor people who went astray. I didn't bother to pay attention to them, looked directly at the stone wall, and quickly fell on the horse carved on the wall, running around, with clouds filled with clouds under his feet, as if flying in the sky.

He followed the previous method and thought about the horse's castration, but there was no movement in his breath, and he thought: "The kung fu in this picture is different from that in the first and second rooms."

Looking closely at the clouds under the horse's feet, I saw a mass of clouds and mist that seemed to be constantly pushing forward, as if intending to fly out of the wall. He watched for a moment, his breath surged, and he couldn't help but rush when he wanted to pull his feet.

"It seems that this is a set of light exercises." Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little disappointed now that it was not the twenty-three sword he wanted, but he changed his mind to think that the swordsmanship in the Taixuanjing is so magical, and it must be light. Not much difference.

Just when the three old men had gone to another stone room before, Song Qingshu recalled the feeling of surging inwardness just now, and ran with his feet.

I don't know how many circles I have traveled, and finally remembered the shape of a cloud of energy in his heart, Song Qingshu sighed in his heart, this set of light gongs is not complete, it should be combined with the contents of other stone chambers to learn all this set of light gongs.

Judging from the effects he has learned now, the biggest feature of this light work is its ignorance of gravity!

In fact, the light work of this world more or less has the characteristics of ignoring gravity. After all, people can jump for several feet and run like a horse in the previous life.

But these light works also have a feature, that is, the use of degrees to overcome gravity. According to the knowledge of physics in the past, it can be understood that as long as the degree is fast enough, the stone can fly above the water. Therefore, a light gong master in this world can leap dozens of feet, and can also walk through the water.

However, if you let those masters of light work slowly walk along the wall to the top step by step, or walk on the lake like a walk in the ordinary day, that is absolutely impossible.

But the light work contained in the Supreme Profound Sutra can truly make people ignore gravity, walking in any environment as if walking on a flat ground, just like the horses riding on the ring spirits in the previous movie The Lord of the Rings, even if the front is vertical. The cliff can be climbed step by step.

"It's no wonder that Shi Po genius is often said to be the number one master in the gold book on the Internet in previous lives. This Tai Xuan Jing is really against the sky!" Rao Yi Song Qingshu's current city mansion was also shaken.

In fact, he didn't know that although Shi Potian in the original book of Xia Ke Xing had learned the Taixuan Sutra ignorantly, but because there was no systematic study of martial arts, the common sense and foundation of martial arts were too low, so what he really understood was not as good as what Song Qingshu had learned at this time. .

For example, for the same set of swordsmanship, Shi Potian only realized that there was no sword in his hand, but when he used it, he felt like holding an invisible, peerless sword. Although powerful, it was more powerful than the true essence of the sword. , It was still far from the same set of light skills, Shi Potian realized that he could span hundreds of meters and cross the sky, but there was still a big gap between completely ignoring gravity.

Song Qingshu was anxious to know the remaining parts of the sword and light work, so he did not stop to look at the other stone chambers.

There are 24 sentences in the poem "Xia Ke Xing", which is an illustration of 24 stone chambers. Song Qingshu, one by one, practiced the method recorded on the stone wall. He is now wearing the yellow cloth shorts worn by servants on Xia Ke Island. Those masters in the stone room who have been invited by Xia Ke Island back to the island for a joint visit over the years only think he is here to bring tea and water, and will not pay attention to him at all. Then he was happy to hide aside and silently crack the magic secrets recorded in each stone chamber.

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