Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1151: Plan ahead

Up to now, Song Qingshu can only put on a look like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water: "Madam praises, and the charm of being a husband has always been great. Doesn't this also just show that the lady has a good vision."

Zhou Zhiruo suddenly sighed faintly: "I suddenly realized that the former Qingshu who loves me wholeheartedly looks more pleasing to the eye."

Song Qingshu had faintly hinted at the origin of her identity before, because Zhou Zhiruo had no affection for the original Song Qingshu, so she didn't care about it very much. But now that the old thing was brought up again, the atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, leaned forward and hugged her soft body in her arms: "So Zhiruo, do you like the former me or the present me?"

"Now you would be more perfect if you were focused...hey?" Zhou Zhiruo suddenly exclaimed, "You rascal... don't put your hand in."

After being turned into a red wave, it was another fierce battle. After a long time, Zhou Zhiruo blushed, and languidly pushed the man away from him, and said with a bit of resentment: "You rascal...There is a dead man on the bed. Generous."

Song Qingshu then remembered that he had hidden the young man in Jinyi in the corner of the bed before, and couldn't help looking at the tragic poor man: "I don't know who he is, and who is the man in black who killed him."

Zhou Zhiruo frowned while putting on her clothes: "There are so many secrets on the Knight Island, what should we do next?"

"The master of Xia Ke Island is like a cloud. If our identity is revealed, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to leave this place. Since this son of Jinyi is so noble on the island, it is better for me to pretend to be him. Anyway, these people on the island don't know that he is already. Death, as long as you be careful, it should not cause others to doubt. Then I will find another opportunity to see if I can take you away from the Island of Knights." Song Qingshu's thoughts changed sharply and soon came up with a plan.

"But we don't even know who he is, isn't it easy to see the flaws?" Zhou Zhiruo said worriedly.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I have changed my profile to Kangxi, Tang Kuobian, and Wanyanquan in recent years. I didn't always dance on the tip of a knife. When the wind and waves are coming, I am worried that there will be a chivalrous island in this district?"

Zhou Zhiruo felt a little relieved after thinking of her husband's ever-changing and resourcefulness. "But what about this corpse? If it is discovered, everything will be over."

"There is this thing." Song Qingshu took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and shook it in front of him, "Ouyang Feng, this corpse powder is really an artifact of destruction."

At the beginning, Wei Xiaobao relied on this corpse powder to mix in the palace, and the corpse powder came from the Baituo Mountain in the Western Regions. With the friendship between Song Qingshu and Ouyang Feng, he was naturally prepared.

Song Qingshu took off the clothes of the young man in Jinyi. Zhou Zhiruo's face was reddened, and she turned her face away from shame, Song Qing laughed: "I don't mind what you mind, just watch it if you want to."

Zhou Zhiruo took a sip: "Bah, who rarely looks at the pickled things."

"Look at the bodies of other men, and you will know how mighty your man is after comparison," Song Qingshu joked casually, knowing that women in this world are far less open than those urban beauties in previous lives, so how can you really look at the bodies of strange men? "Hey, this kid looks like a sissy on the outside, but he didn't expect to be so majestic inside, he would almost catch up with me."

Zhou Zhiruo's face turned red when she heard it, and she couldn't help groaning: "You hurry up and get rid of the body. Don't talk nonsense there."

Hearing that his wife was really angry, Song Qingshu stopped delaying. First, he stretched out the face of Young Master Jinyi, and then carefully observed his physical characteristics, and made sure that he would not have any mistakes in the future. Brought to a dark corner in the yard.

Confirming that there is no one around, Song Qingshu poured the corpse powder on his corpse, and couldn't help sighing, and whispered: "This little brother, you and I have no grievances, but to borrow your identity. Once I use it, I have to wrong you. In return, if there is a chance in the future, maybe I can find the murderer and avenge you, which is nothing to do." The corpse powder developed by Ouyang Feng is indeed domineering. , It didn't take long before that young man in Jinyi turned into a pool of blood.

After getting some soil to cover up the blood, Song Qingshu thought with a bit of self-deprecation: It seems that I still lack the decisiveness in my bones, and I feel sad for a stranger.

After calming down, Song Qingshu returned to the room.

Seeing that her husband had turned into the appearance of the young man in Jinyi, Zhou Zhiruo looked around him up and down, and couldn't help sighing: "Your ability to disguise is getting better and better. If I didn't know the whole story, what? I can see a flaw."

"Of course, your husband, I am number one in the world, and I am probably also number one in the world." Song Qingshu smiled triumphantly, looking at his wife's delicate face, couldn't help reaching out to hug her.

Who knows that Zhou Zhiruo drew aside subconsciously, and said with some embarrassment: "You are what that person looks like now, I...I'm not used to it."

Song Qing smiled, and hugged her: "I'm not used to how to do it. It will be bad if someone on the island sees any flaws. After all, your current setting is to be attracted by the charm of the young man. I am convinced that the training has become a loyal woman to her."

"Bah, it's really ugly." Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help struggling twice, her eyebrows frowned, "I don't know why, she always feels uncomfortable, she always feels like being held by other men."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but sighed: "I suddenly found a serious problem. As the so-called good swimmer drowns, I have always changed my profile to other men. In case there are other masters of disguise in this world, who can become me. Wouldn’t it be terribly bad to bully you like this?"

Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but sipped: "What are you thinking about in your head? Ah Jiu Qingqing and I are not fools. How can we not even distinguish our own men."

"But what if someone Yi Rongcheng looks exactly like me?" Song Qingshu asked.

Zhou Zhiruo's face was reddened: "Don't ask, anyway, we can tell."

Song Qingshu was stunned after hearing it: "Then how do you distinguish it? If there are other women who are disguised as you, I may not be able to distinguish them."

"Huh, other women? Even if you are really separated by the time, you still don't make a mistake, you won't suffer anyway." Zhou Zhiruo poked his careful thoughts with a single sentence.

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly: "That's true."

Zhou Zhiruo explained: "Every woman is familiar with the man she is closest to. The main reason why you can fool so many people with disguise is that those people don’t know your disguise. It’s so magical, so even if they perceive something is wrong, they won’t think that you are another person at all. I am different from Ajiu and the others. We already know the existence of Yi Rongshu. If someone else pretends to be you, just show it a little A little strange, we will be careful, we and you... and you are close to that degree, women are naturally sensitive, how can they not recognize their own men."

She was only willing to talk to this level, a more specific method of distinguishing, but she refused to say how, she just blushed and said that it was the secret of her daughter's family, Song Qingshu couldn't, so she said: "Only relying on your sixth sense will eventually It’s not safe. I will agree with you a secret code. Every time I have **** with you, I have to answer the code so as not to be picked up by others."

Seeing his serious look, Zhou Zhiruo smiled tremblingly: "You, you must be doing a lot of stealing incense and jade on weekdays. I'm afraid that other people will draw gourds in the same way, and retribution will be on your own woman."

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