Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1158: A bucket

A few hours later, Song Qingshu and the three were already above the boundless blue sea. Xia Ke Island sent a big ship to **** their young son Jin Yi back to the Central Plains. Because of the assassination last time, the people on Xia Ke Island did not dare. Neglect, sent a large number of masters, just to ensure that there will be no accidents on the road of Young Master Jin Yi. ?

"There are people from Xia Ke Island everywhere outside the room. How will we leave?" Zhou Zhiruo said worriedly after opening a gap in the window.

Song Qingshu was regarded by those people as Jinyi's son and was arranged in the most comfortable room on the ship. Naturally, she and Qi Fang, the two concubines who were regarded by others as Jinyi's concubine, were also arranged in the same room.

Since getting on the ship, Zhou Zhiruo has been observing the guards on the island of knights, but in the end she found that even a fly could not fly out.

"Zhiruo, come back and sit down, don't look." Song Qingshu said nonchalantly, leaning on the chair with his hands on the back of his neck.

"I really don't know why you are so relaxed." Zhou Zhiruo also knew that she couldn't figure out a way to continue watching, so she had to put down the window and couldn't help but give him a blank look when she returned to him.

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, I will be a tiger. I am really curious about which character is behind Xia Ke Island." Song Qingshu read "Xia Ke Xing" in the past, but regarded the people of Xia Ke Island as a group of masters obsessed with martial arts, but Now that I have arrived in this world, I have contacted the people of Xia Ke Island several times and found that they are not as simple as they thought, but like a giant beast hidden in the shadows.

It was a waste of this opportunity to break into the Xia Ke Island by chance this time, and not to take the opportunity to find out the mystery.

"But now you have a strange poison in your body, and you don't even have the power to protect yourself. Wouldn't it be okay to come and check after you recover?" Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help stomping his feet.

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Isn't there you still?"

Zhou Zhiruo pursed her lips, with a worried expression: "But after all, I am only one person. I am afraid it will be difficult to guarantee your safety in the hands of so many masters on the island of knights."

"Isn't there still sister Qi here?" Song Qingshu pointed to Qi Fang on the side.

Qi Fang was a little restless at first. After all, they are genuine couples. She was inserted here like a superfluous person... Just hearing Song Qingshu's words, she hurriedly waved her hands: "I... I can hold you back."

Zhou Zhiruo frowned slightly. She knew that what the other party said was true. Although Qi Fang knew a little bit of martial arts, she was better than ordinary people. She was inconspicuous in the world, and even worse than some of Emei's more senior disciples.

Song Qingshu said at the right time: "Madam actually has a good foundation in martial arts, just because she didn't have the opportunity to learn some advanced martial arts...Well, the Emei School of martial arts is extensive and profound, which is very suitable for women to practice. It is better to let this Emei School leader I'll teach you a few martial arts."

Qi Fang was even more flustered, and subconsciously said: "I have dull aptitude, how can I trouble the head of Zhou..."

Zhou Zhiruo also frowned slightly, and glanced at Song Qingshu angrily: "Aren't you not ignorant of our decent and decent rules, martial arts have never been passed on."

Song Qingshu shrugged disapprovingly, "Isn't it enough for her to worship your Emei faction?"

Zhou Zhiruo showed hesitation on her face: "Sister Qi has no problem in worshipping Emei, but I can't accept her as a disciple."

"Of course not, you are sisters." Song Qingshu hurriedly added.

Qi Fang's face flushed, Zhou Zhiruo also heard the subtext in his words, gave him a secret look, and then said: "Then I can only lead the apprentices, but sister Qi is older than me, so naturally it is my senior sister. There is no reason for the martial arts of the younger sisters and teachers."

"You are such a lovely girl. I didn't expect to be so poisoned by the sect's rules," Song Qingshu couldn't help stroking his forehead, "Just don't be so troublesome. You can teach her martial arts in private, anyway, no one else knows. ."

"But..." Zhou Zhiruo wanted to say something, Song Qingshu interrupted her directly: "Now it is an extraordinary situation, don't you want to have one more person to protect your husband?"

"Okay," Zhou Zhiruo bit her silver teeth. After all, the worry about her husband's safety prevailed. Then she turned her head and said to Qi Fang, "Sister Qi, I didn't deliberately shirk just now. It's really a school rule... Hope sister don't take offense." He said he had to apologize.

Qi Fang hurriedly supported her: "Why Sister Zhou should be like this? How could I blame you, but I am worried that my aptitude is dull and I will not be able to learn the magic of the noble school.

"I also know that with my sister's kindness, I will never think too much about it." Zhou Zhiruo smiled. "Sister, don't worry, the martial arts of the Emei School are authentic and easy to get started."

She still didn’t say a word. The authentic martial arts of the Xuanmen School are usually fair and peaceful. It is easy to get started but easy to learn and difficult to learn. Therefore, in the arena, decent disciples are far inferior to evil disciples in the early stage, but twenty years later, decent disciples You can gradually catch up with the wicked disciples, and 30 years later, you will become a wicked disciple, not as good as a decent disciple.

Zhou Zhiruo took Qi Fang and sat down by the bed: "The foundation of all martial arts of the Emei school lies in internal power. I will pass you on the Emei Jiuyang Gong first. Sister, please

Carefully understand..." Then I listened to her the inner strength formula.

Song Qingshu watched the two shadows on the bed intimately huddled together, and a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: the harem can only enjoy the blessings of the people if the harem is happy and harmonious, but it seems that there is still a long way to go.

"Sister Qi, "Emei Jiuyang Gong" hasn't worked hard for a few years, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve results. Now that time is short, I will use my internal strength to open up your meridians and help you reach the state of Xiaocheng." Zhou Zhiruo did not wait for Qi Fang to respond. , She stretched out her slender fingers and tapped the meridians everywhere on her body.

Qi Fang was about to open her mouth to say something, but Zhou Zhiruo immediately said: "Don't talk, pay attention to the path of the true air circulation in the body."

Qi Fang had no choice but to nod. Although she was not a master, she was also a martial artist after all. Knowing that Zhou Zhiruo would consume a lot of internal energy to do so, and was a typical self-interest.

I don't know how long it has passed, Zhou Zhiruo breathed a sigh of relief, and retracted his hands a little tiredly: "You follow the route just now a few more times to consolidate your true energy. I will rest for a while.

I was about to fall asleep on the bed and cover my head. I suddenly felt that my clothes had been soaked in sweat, making my clothes very greasy and uncomfortable. Zhou Zhiruo frowned, so I had to shout: "Qing Shu, you find someone outside to prepare a bucket of heat. Water, I want to take a shower before going to bed, oh no, I have two buckets ready. Sister Qi will also need it later."

"Okay!" Listening to her weak voice and a haggard look, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel pity. After going out and giving orders, he immediately returned to her, holding her hand and asked with concern, "Zhiruo, what are you doing? How is it?"

"It's okay, with my current cultivation base, I can make up for the lost skill after a few days of rest. Anyway, this ship may not be able to rely on the case within a few days. I shouldn't need to act for the time being." Zhou Zhiruo was delicately whole. Snuggled in his arms.

It didn't take long for the hot water to be ready. Zhou Zhiruo suddenly sat up straight and said with a weird expression: "Why is there only one bucket?"

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