Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1163: Cross-examination

Song Qingshu knew that if he continued to talk, he was probably going to show off his stuff. He hurriedly said, "Old ancestor, I have been struggling to get off the boat these few days. I am tight now and wish to lie down on the bed and sleep." He said that he deliberately beaten. Yawn.

Mother Jia was anxious when she saw it: "My dear, then go to sleep here. I will let the maid make up the bed for you."

Song Qingshu heard his scalp numb, and hurriedly said, "If you don't disturb the ancestors, I should go back to my yard to sleep."

Jia's mother suddenly smiled: "Knowing that you recognize the bed, that's right, you can feel more comfortable when you fall asleep in your own land... Attacking people, take your son back to rest."

"Yes, old ancestor." The maid walked in with a smile on her face, and then Song Qingshu bid farewell to Jia's mother and followed Xiren to her residence.

Looking at the figure of Xiren Pingting, Song Qingshu secretly nodded. There are many women in the Dream of the Red Chamber. Song Qingshu cannot remember everyone, but he still has some impressions of some distinctive characters. For example, this Xiren belongs to Jia Baoyu. The chief maid, whose real name is Hua, was named Xiren by Jia Baoyu after the allusion of "the fragrance of flowers hits the people".

Xiren not only arranges for Jia Baoyu's daily life, but is also his mentor of sexual enlightenment. In the Dream of Red Mansions, Xiren knew the meaning of the mansion. In the future, she would become Jia Baoyu's concubine, so she would just follow him once and for a while, but no one expected that Jia Mansion would fall and she would marry another man...

Song Qingshu quietly took a look at Yan Ren, and saw that her eyebrows were slightly open, she was no longer a girl, and she couldn't help laughing: In "Dream of Red Mansions", Jia Baoyu respected women like her and accepted her, not to mention the Jia Baoyu of this world The signs on Xia Ke Island are like an old driver, so how could he let go of this delicious prey around him.

"It's a bit tricky now." Song Qingshu secretly frowned, Xiren served Jia Baoyu's daily life, and at the same time had intimate relationship with him, trying to hide her from her, it was really a little troublesome.

"Why is the son annoying?" Song Qingshu's frowning little movement did not hide her from her.

"Nothing." Song Qingshu slapped haha, thinking I can't tell you that I'm worrying about you.

"I can guess without telling him, I must be afraid of the master's punishment." Xiren chuckled, "Don't worry, although the master is serious on weekdays, he really loves you and will not really make you suffer. "

Song Qingshu smiled and dealt with two sentences, and at the same time he thought: It seems that the relationship between father and son in this world is similar to that described in "Dream of Red Mansions". The only difference Jia Zheng has become Jia Sidao.

However, it is strange to say that in "A Dream of Red Mansions" Jia Zheng's brother is called Jia She, and Jia Sidao's father is called Jia She. The pronunciation is the same and the font is similar. In addition, Jia, Shi, Wang, and Xue also exist in the big families. How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Isn't "Dream of Red Mansions" written about the Cao family during the Kang and Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, as those red scholars in the previous life speculated, but written about the story of the Jia Sidao family in the Southern Song Dynasty?

Song Qingshu shook his head. Now that the Qing Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty have both ruled by dividing the river, it doesn't matter what is going on. Once they come, they will be at ease.

Halfway through, suddenly a young man caught up with them and said breathlessly: "My son, the lord is back, let you go there."

Xiren covered his mouth with a chuckle and said, "I'm really afraid of what's coming, son, you're an unknown prophet."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and did not explain the misunderstanding: "You go back first, I'll come back by myself later." He doesn't worry that he won't find his way back later, after all, there are maids and servants everywhere in this mansion. Just pull one and you can lead the way. During the period, you can also inquire about some of the situation in the mansion. You don't have to worry that the other party is as familiar with Jia Baoyu as Xiren, so that you will have doubts or something.

"That... Okay." Seeing Song Qingshu's leaving figure, Xiren was puzzled: On weekdays, the son heard that he was going to see the master, just like a mouse meeting a cat, why did he change his temper today. This time the young master came back, I always felt a little weird, but what was weird, I couldn’t tell for a while...

Song Qingshu followed the young man to a study room. The young man quickly resigned. He had to go inside by himself. He was nervous and excited again. Nervously, he was afraid of being spotted, but he was excited immediately. It's time to meet one of the most famous treacherous officials in history.

"Come in quickly when you come, don't dawdle outside." A majestic voice suddenly came from inside.

Song Qingshu's heart stunned. Although he didn't deliberately hide his appearance, he is not something that ordinary people can find from such a distance. Is this Jia Sidao still a martial arts expert?

Thinking of this possibility, he no longer dared to be careless, hurriedly Shenhua was introverted, did not dare to show a trace of innocence, he was not afraid of the other party, with Song Qingshu's current martial arts, no matter how high Jia Sidao martial arts is, it can't help him, but He is here to investigate the secrets behind Xia Ke Island, and revealing his identity too early is equivalent to failing the mission.

Cautiously walked in, Song Qingshu followed Jia Baoyu’s tone and asked Ann, took the opportunity to look at this treacherous minister in history, and saw that he had a serious face. The most striking thing was the two moustaches on his mouth. People who have this beard will definitely make people think of the scorpion head, but Jia Sidao seems to have extraordinary tolerance.

"It seems that being in a high position for a long time and possessing peerless martial arts, really can make a person's popularity sublimate." Although Jia Sidao hides it well, how much cultivation is Song Qingshu now, coupled with the doubt in his heart, he was immediately discovered by special observation. With martial arts, it is a pity that Song Qingshu is also worried about being seen by the other party and is afraid to investigate it carefully, so he can only roughly feel that Jia Sidao's martial arts is very high, but it is not clear to what extent.

Jia Sidao randomly asked him about some household trivial matters, Song Qingshu dealt with it cautiously, before long Jia Sidao changed his words: "I heard you were assassinated on the island?"


Song Qingshu's expression lifted: "Yes."

"Have you seen the appearance of the assassin?" Jia Sidao asked in a deep voice.

"No, the other party is covering his face." Song Qingshu is also very surprised, why someone will kill Jia Baoyu, or on the island of knights! Judging from the current information, Jia Sidao has a very close relationship with Xia Ke Island, and Jia Baoyu is on the island just like at home.

"Unexpectedly." Jia Sidao snorted coldly, with a hint of murderous in his voice. After a while of silence, he suddenly asked, "How did you take a life from that person?"

Just as Song Qingshu was about to speak, Jia Sidao said coldly: "Don't say what you used to fool Zhang San and the others. Since that person dared to assassinate you, he must have full certainty to make the move. I don't think you have that ability. It just closes."

Sure enough, he is the son who knows his father best. Jia Baoyu is good at playing with women, but his kung fu can't really make it to the table. However, Song Qingshu was prepared for this question and replied calmly: "It was the woman in the room who rescued me."

"Is it one of the two women you brought back this time?" Jia Sidao snorted heavily.

Song Qingshu smiled wryly, but in his heart was worried whether the two women had escaped as planned.

"The woman has a mysterious identity, and she is pregnant with martial arts but pretends to be a weak woman and sneaks into the island of knights. It is obviously a bad intention." Jia Sidao's eyes flickered, and her tone was full of sorrow.

"She saved my life after all." Song Qingshu sneered.

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking about. It's not because the parents are pretty," Jia Sidao glanced at him and snorted. "If I tell you, she will run away with another woman soon and make you a golden house. Cangjiao's idea fell through, will you still speak for her?"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu pretended to have a very surprised and angry expression, but he was ecstatic in his heart.

"Forget it, I will follow up on this matter, you don't have to worry about it, go down first." Jia Si paused.

Song Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief, who knew that Jia Sidao was yelled at once when he walked to the door: "Wait!"

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