Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1165: revenge

The two in the room were naturally Zhou Zhiruo and Qi Fang. They were taken to a private house to settle down. Zhou Zhiruo took advantage of the guards and fled with Qi Fang. The people on Xia Ke Island didn't expect that Jiao Di Di's two women were martial arts masters. When they reacted, there were no traces of the two women.

After the safe escape, Zhou Zhiruo led Qi Fang to the agreed Red Sleeve Courtyard and waited for Song Qingshu to meet, but the two beautiful women were too conspicuous to visit the brothel, so the two mixed in disguised as men.

Where did Qi Fang come to this kind of place? The pink from a small brothel made her feel inferior, not to mention the largest brothel in Beijing? Although the experience of being a young grandmother over the years has been different from the past, she has always lived in simplicity and abides by women's ways, and it is even more impossible to come to such a place.

Zhou Zhiruo is the same, but after all, she is a son and daughter of the rivers and lakes. In addition, she has been in contact with the White Lotus Church during this period. Therefore, she is much more calm than Qi Fang. She is the only one who comes in and out of the Red Sleeve Courtyard.

Naturally, the two women would not call the girl in the yard to accompany each other again. The old bustard was quite complaining, but she shut her up with a large coin and immediately arranged a secluded private room.

The two women have been waiting here for a few hours, and Song Qingshu hasn't shown signs of it, and Qi Fang can't sit still.

"Sister Qi seems to be very upset?" Zhou Zhiruo also noticed that Qi Fang was a little more restless than usual.

Qi Fang bit her lip, and then faintly said, "I am worried about water spinach." Zhou Zhiruo spent the days with her, and naturally knew that water spinach was her daughter.

"It's been so long, I'm afraid the people of Wanjia would have considered me dead long ago. If Convolvulus can't see me, I'm afraid my heart will be extremely sad." Thinking of her lovely daughter, Qi Fang's heart trembled.

Zhou Zhiruo smiled and said, "Sister, if you care, you will be confused. How big is the water spinach now? How can I know this?"

Qi Fang is still frowning: "I am mainly worried that Wanguina's beast will be disadvantageous to her."

Zhou Zhiruo said in surprise: "As the saying goes, tiger poison doesn't eat seeds, it shouldn't... not." She also knows what happened to Qi Fang, so after speaking, her tone is not so sure.

"He can kill his wife, and there is nothing else he can't do," Qi Fang said and became more flustered. "No, even if Wan Gui doesn't do anything to her, I must save the water spinach. I can't let her stay. This kind of jackal grew up in a family that looked around."

"Then let's rescue the little water spinach now." At this time, a familiar voice came from the window, and the two women turned their heads in surprise.

Song Qingshu lightly jumped in from the window and looked at the two women with a smile on his face.

"Song..." Qi Fang said in surprise, but she soon realized that her decent wife was here, and she forced her excitement down.

"Your martial arts has really recovered!" Zhou Zhiruo didn't have so much scruples, and went up and hugged him. If he was still suspicious before, Zhou Zhiruo only believed it completely now when he saw him quietly entering the room.

"Well, I've recovered." Song Qingshu touched her soft long and replied gently.

The two complained to each other. Soon Zhou Zhiruo realized that there was a woman next to him, pushed him away with a blushing face, and changed the subject: "The poison of Jinbo Xunhua is so powerful, how did you recover?"

"I comprehended the "Tai Xuan Jing" on Xia Ke Island and forced the poison out." Song Qingshu replied subconsciously.

"The "Tai Xuan Jing" is really magical, even the flower of the devil can deal with it," Zhou Zhiruo was amazed, and suddenly realized something, Liu frowned, and said angrily, "Then you used the poison to let me... let Sister Qi accompany you. Is it pretending?"

Song Qingshu secretly cried out something bad, and hurriedly said: "At that time, there was still a bit of poison left, and it needs to be consolidated for the last time to avoid resurgence."

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the two female generals, Song Qingshu hurriedly changed the subject: "I just heard Sister Qi mentioned water spinach, let's go to Wanfu now, just to take care of the previous account that they harmed me."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhiruo's eyes suddenly became cold. Wan Hao and Wan Gui almost killed their husband this time without a place to bury him. How could this hatred not be reported?

And that surnamed Li!

Zhou Zhiruo's eyes drifted to the north, and she secretly added in her heart.

The three people quickly reached an agreement and quietly left the Red Sleeve Academy by the moonlight. Because Qi Fang's martial arts was so bad, Song Qingshu was holding him along the way, which made Zhou Zhiruo feel a little depressed.

However, Qi Fang’s identity was destined to pose no threat to her. Zhou Zhiruo was relieved soon, and with a little toe, she chased after her. At the Shaolin Temple Lion Slaying Conference, she defeated all the heroes and won the title of “No. 1 in the World”. He also devoted himself to practicing the Jiuyin Scriptures, and combined with the double cultivation of Song Qingshu. Nowadays, martial arts can be said to be better than before. Of course, there is no need to feel a little strenuous behind Song Qingshu. Apart from Song Qingshu holding a person, it is also There is a factor that he did not use his full strength.

Being held in Song Qingshu's arms, even if the two had already had skin relatives, Qi Fang still had a heartbeat. He glanced at Zhou Zhiruo without showing any signs of dissatisfaction, and then felt a little relieved, except for occasionally reaching out. Other than giving directions, she blushed and stuck to it the rest of the time

On the opponent's chest.

It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive at Xiangfu. Although it was the mansion of the first person in the dynasty, the guards were far less strict than Jiafu. With Qi Fang's guidance along the way, it was easy to avoid some key guard areas and secret whistles, silently. The ground sneaked into the inner house of Xiangfu.

In this world, whether it is a palace or a minister’s residence, it is kept outside and inside. The inner house is where the female family members are located. Coupled with the system of multiple concubines in this world, it is naturally impossible for men to keep those strong guards from the female family members in order not to be given green hats. Dangling around.

"Let's find the water spinach first." Putting Qi Fang on the ground, Song Qing said, he understood that if he seeks revenge first, it will inevitably be a little bit of movement, and it will not be so convenient for Qi Fang to find his daughter.

"Thank you." Qi Fang glanced at him gratefully, and then led the way. "Here, the water spinach is usually taken care of by her nanny, but I don't know if there is any change now."

It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive at the nurse's room. Thankfully, the water spinach was safe and sound.

After tapping the nanny's sleeping point, Qi Fang ran in and hugged the sleeping daughter in the crib tightly, tears streaming down unconsciously.

Seeing the little girl with pink makeup and jade in her arms, Song Qingshu had to admit that her genes were strong. Although Wan Gui was a little broken, she was born handsome and handsome. Qi Fang was also a beautiful woman with a beautiful face, and their daughter could see from an early age. It's a beauty embryo.

"Sister, can you let me hug the water spinach too." Zhou Zhiruo, who was also maternal, couldn't help asking.

"Of course." Now Qi Fang is in a good mood, handing her daughter over, and at the same time instructing her how to hold her with less effort and make the child more comfortable.

Seeing the joy of excitement in Zhou Zhiruo's eyes, Song Qingshu couldn't help but a ray of tenderness rose in his heart.

Zhou Zhiruo teased the child there, and Song Qingshu pulled Qi Fang to her side: "I am going to trouble your husband, do you want to go together?" 8

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