Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1168: Green Hairy King Ba

Song Qingshu on the roof can’t hear or laugh, Lan Fenghuang is right, let her be charming and charming, but there are so many venomous snakes and venoms hidden in her clothes. It’s strange that men are scared on the spot, and it’s said that Miao and women are all devoted. She is also very good at downloading Gu. If she is greedy for an overnight pleasure, it will lead to the lover Gu of Miao Girl. From then on, she can only say goodbye to other confidantes, and it's not worth thinking about it.

Wan Gui only heard angrily: "Don't think I really dare not touch you!"

Lan Fenghuang smiled: "Come on, don't just play tricks, forgot to tell you, apart from some poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, venomous scorpions, and so on, I also have golden silkworm poison and green silkworm poison, too. Half a person in the rivers and lakes, I should have heard of it."

Don’t say it’s Wan Gui, even Song Qingshu can’t stop listening to it. I’m obedient, Golden Silkworm Gu Poison and Green Silkworm Gu Poison are poisonous things no less than Jinbo Xunhua in the Golden Book.

During the Dragon Boat Festival in Miaojiang, the worms were collected and placed in a crock to kill each other. One year later, a golden thing that looked like a silkworm was left after opening with gold leaves for a few months. It would turn into a pile of golden manure, It is the golden silkworm gu poison, which can be called the most poison in the world. The poisoned person is like thousands of worms biting all over the body, suffering from pain, unable to survive, and unable to die.

The Green Silkworm Poison Gu, along with Peacock Gallbladder and Crane Dinghong, was included as one of the nine banned drugs in the world by the Poisonous Hand Medicine King. The egg powder of Green Silkworm Poison Gu is Miao venom, colorless and odorless. Toxic powder does not pass through flesh and blood, and is not very toxic. There are methods to solve it. It must be passed through flesh and blood before it is fatal. When the human body is covered with poisonous powder, there is a faint green color. Adding peacock gall and red crane top can make it show no color. It's just that after mixed use, it is very poisonous and there is no cure.

However, the golden silkworm poison is a powdery thing after all. If the opponent’s internal strength is much higher than the poisoner, it is easy to shock the poison powder back, so that the poisoner suffers from it. The green silkworm poison needs to be compared with the peacock gallbladder and crane. Top-red cooperation can maximize its power, and although there is no cure, as long as someone is willing to sacrifice his life to **** out the poisoned blood, it can still save the life of the poisoned person.

So on the whole, Jinbo Xunhua is more invincible, not only killing people invisible, but also hard to save as a god.

Wan Kyu had a savage face, and obviously he couldn't start with the thorny rose in front of him, but after all he had a lot of tricks, and soon he had an idea: "You are all poisonous, I do not dare to touch you directly, but now you are trapped in fishing nets Live, I'll let someone throw you into the pool in the yard to soak for a few hours. Those venomous snakes and venomous insects won’t escape after encountering water? Not to mention the golden silkworm or green silkworm poison on your body. It's been soaked in water long ago."

Lan Fenghuang's face changed slightly, and she knew in her heart that she was really soaked in the water, and she was really 90% dependent on her body. Now she can only hold on and say, "Huh, it's a pity that you don't have so much time to wait. You have been poisoned by my variegated poisonous scorpion, as long as the red thread reaches your chest, you will immediately be out of breath.

Wan Gui pulled off his clothes and saw that the red thread had reached his armpit, his face suddenly gloomy: "You give me the antidote, I will let you go, how about?"

Lan Fenghuang chuckled and said, "Do you think I am a three-year-old girl? This is your site. I really gave you the antidote. How would you let me go?"

Seeing the red line getting closer and closer to his chest, Wan Gui knew that it was too late to call the people in the mansion at this time, and the whole person suddenly fell into a frenzied state: "Okay, since I'm dead, I'll have fun before I die. The woman of the Golden Snake King is also good to be a romantic ghost."

On the roof, Qi Fang was trembling with anger, and immediately looked back at Song Qingshu next to him. Seeing that his face was as sinking as water, he couldn't help but whispered apologetically: "I'm sorry..."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "It is him who is shameless, what does it have to do with you."

Lan Fenghuang sipped: "First, she is not the woman of the Golden Snake King; second, you want to play with me, I'm afraid I don't have that ability."

Wan Gui mentioned the sword and approached her step by step. Hearing the words, he laughed: "I know that the leader of the blue is self-confident with poison, but I will use the sword to cut your clothes and strip you naked, son It depends on where you can hide those snakes and venoms, unless..."

As he spoke, he glanced between Lan Phoenix's legs, his eyes extremely dirty.

Seeing him so arrogant, Lan Fenghuang was furious. Although she still has a way to protect herself even if her clothes are stripped off, it is inevitable that her innocence will be damaged. How can you be taken advantage of by such a despicable villain.

"My skin is covered with golden silkworm gu poison powder. If you are not afraid of death, try touching me." Lan Fenghuang said coldly. She didn't want to be seen by this person, so she threatened her in advance.

"So what?" There was a hint of madness in Wan Gui's eyes, and he pointed to the red line slowly moving toward his chest. "Anyway, I am sure to die. What about more golden silkworm poison? As long as I can taste it before dying Taste the taste of the blue leader. In the future, after he comes to the underworld, I will run into a surnamed Song. I will let him know that not only he died in my hands, but his woman was also played by me. How about letting his martial arts be famous in the world? In front of me Wan Kyu, he is a complete loser, hahaha~"

Seeing Wan Gui getting closer and closer, Lan Fenghuang finally changed color. If a person does not care about life and death, there is really no way to coerce him.


With a crisp sound of tearing the cloth, Lan Fenghuang's half of his sleeves have fallen to the ground, revealing his pink and white arms.

"Ah~" Lan Fenghuang exclaimed, and hurriedly turned sideways, blocking his vision.

"Tsk tusk tusk, this skin is as if it has been soaked in milk, and the surname Song is really beautiful." Wan Gui slid his Adam's apple, swallowed his saliva, and held his sword to Lan Phoenix's chest again.

Lan Fenghuang was angry and anxious, hesitating whether to take out the antidote of the variegated poisonous scorpion to temporarily stabilize him, so that he would wake up from his crazy state, so that he could negotiate terms with him.

Anyway, the antidote will take seven days to completely detoxify, and I am not afraid that he will not have the capital to negotiate.

At this moment, a joking voice suddenly sounded in the room: "I heard you want me to be?"

Hearing this voice, Lan Fenghuang looked back in surprise, but Wan Gui had a ghostly expression on his face: "Song Qingshu? How is it possible, Jin Bo Xunhua has no cure, how can you be alive!"

Song Qingshu said lightly: "With your poor insight, it is difficult to explain clearly to you."

After speaking, he ignored him and walked directly in front of Lan Fenghuang. With a wave of his hand, a sharp sword aura pierced the fishing net, and Lan Fenghuang uttered a cry before falling out of it.

Because she was hung in the air, she lost her center of gravity and couldn't respond in time. The whole person fell directly to the ground. Song Qingshu subconsciously wanted to reach out to help, but for some reason, she withdrew her hand in the middle, causing Lan Fenghuang to fall to the ground. , Cried out in pain.

"You don't know how to help others." Lan Fenghuang rubbed his butt, and got up with a grudge on his face.

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