Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1173: Qunlong without head

Perhaps it was because Jin Boxun's flowers were too overbearing. Di Yun's appearance is still the same as before, and there is no sign of damage. ≠

"Brother~" Seeing the familiar face, Qi Fang suddenly choked up, and immediately wanted to pounce on it, but was stopped by Lan Fenghuang and Zhou Zhiruo by his side.

"Brother, I hurt you." Qi Fang slumped to the ground and started to cry.

"Take care of her, and I will come as soon as I go." After Song Qingshu ordered everything, the whole person shot towards Lin'an like a plume of smoke.

"Sorry, please..." Zhou Zhiruo was also moved by the deep friendship between their senior brothers and sisters, so she stroked her head to persuade her, and Lan Fenghuang also squatted down to comfort her.

After a while, Song Qingshu came back with a heavy coffin on his shoulder.

"You can't let Brother Di be in such a violent corpse wilderness, let him enter the soil for safety first." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, Qi Fang's eyes were already crying red, and he nodded and walked away.

Seeing Song Qingshu reaching out to hug Di Yun buried in the soil, Zhou Zhiruo was so frightened that Huarong was pale: "Be careful!"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Don't worry, I am not afraid of Jin Bo Xunhua now, not to mention how I should send Brother Di for the last time." At the beginning, Di Yun stayed in Maxipu's hometown well, if he didn't do it by himself. When he brought it out, he might not end up like this. Song Qingshu apologized when he thought of this.

Seeing Song Qingshu carrying Di Yun out of the mud pit regardless of filth and poison, Qi Fang choked and said, "Thank you."

Song Qingshu sighed, took care of Di Yun's body, put on new clothes for him, and finally placed him gently in the coffin. He was planning to find a place where he could be buried in the earth for safety, but Qi Fang said: "I want to help the coffin of Senior Brother to be buried in his hometown. Senior Brother...he must also want to return to Maxipu the most."

Song Qing's book wanted to dissuade, and when she heard the words that followed her, her nose became sore, so she dispelled the idea of ​​persuading her: "It's okay, the fallen leaves go back to the roots, you should go back, but you have to take the children by yourself..."

"Don't worry, I am also a member of the rivers and lakes, not to mention that sister Zhiruo also taught me the martial arts of the Emei school." Qi Fang pursed her lips.

At this time, the Lan Fenghuang next to me said: "This time a few sisters from the Chinese teaching school came to Lin'an with me. I originally wanted to send them back to the general altar of Yunnan to do some things. I was on the way with Maxipu and asked them to accompany the girl. Together, there is also a caregiver on the road."

Qi Fang was about to decline, but Song Qingshu took the lead for her: "It's so good, so it's decided."

Qi Fang had no choice but to say, "Thank you... and thank you, Master Lan..." The events of tonight's life were really devastating to her spirit. Now that she relaxed, the whole person suddenly felt dark in front of her and fainted. Fortunately, Song Qingshu, who was next to her, had quick eyes and quick hands and held her back.

Faced with Zhou Zhiruo and Lan Fenghuang's concerned eyes, Song Qingshu probed her pulse and replied: "It's okay, it's just being overwhelmed and overwhelmed. Just sleep for a while."

The two women breathed a sigh of relief, and Lan Fenghuang said, "My place of stay is not far from the city. Go there and settle this down first."

Looking at the coffin, Song Qingshu nodded: "Alright, this thing is too conspicuous, it is not convenient to bring in and out from Lin'an City."

Next, Song Qingshu carried the coffin, Zhou Zhiruo held the water spinach, Lan Fenghuang supported Qi Fang, and the group quietly left the woods. As for the nursing home that was caught to lead the way, Song Qingshu had already found out that he was also an accomplice to Di Yun. One, let him stay in the pit where Di Yun was before forever.

"Master Lan, why did you get caught by the Wan Guina boy?" Song Qingshu finally had time to inquire about something.

"Oh, don't call me the leader of Lan, if that person knows, I will have good fruit." Lan Fenghuang smiled coquettishly, "you will just call me Fenghuanger from now on."

Song Qingshu knew that the person she was talking about was Dongfang Muxue. As Dongfang Muxue's favorite girl, Lan Fenghuang didn't have to share her relationship with her: "Well, Fenghuang, how did you get caught by Wan Guina? What about?"

Hearing his change of name, Lan Fenghuang immediately smiled, but when he heard his doubts, his tone was also full of depression: "It's not for your enemy."

Noting the chill hidden in Zhou Zhiruo's smile next to him, Song Qingshu chuckled and said, "Phoenix, you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense."

Lan Fenghuang also glanced at Zhou Zhiruo, pursed his lips and smiled: "It's my master~ She heard the news of your accident and killed several eunuchs in anger..."

At this point, Song Qingshu frowned slightly, Dongfang Muxue was very concerned about this aspect, but who made her the leader of the demon cult before, has developed a temperament that kills people without blinking.

I could only hear Lan Fenghuang continue to say: "She originally wanted to go south in person, but now the court and the San Francisco are in full swing. If she walks away, the court will make Wu Sangui bigger. Every effort has been put to waste. The master said that you... said that you are so lucky and you are not so easy to die. If you come back safely and find that she has lost the basic disk, I don't know how to blame her."

Song Qingshu nodded: "She did a good job. If she really abandons the overall situation, I will cry now."

Lan Fenghuang smiled and said: "The master also said that you will definitely understand her. By the way, Feiyan also cried and clamored to come to you, but she is now the master's right-hand man. I can’t do without her, because I’m relatively idle and good at using poison, so the master sent me to look down to find out your whereabouts and see if I can find a way to detoxify Jinbo Xunhua."

Thinking of Qu Feiyan's peculiar little luoli, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling warm.

"People thought that since Jinbo Xunhua was used by Wangui, if there is an antidote, I should start with him, so I took advantage of the night to mix into the Xiangfu, who would have expected that stinky boy to be so cunning. There is actually a mechanism set up in the bedroom. I didn’t notice it for a while...I fell into a trap, and the son knew what happened later.” Speaking of this, Lan Fenghuang was an evil fire. She was in the rivers and lakes. Hearing the changeable existence, I didn't expect to be planted in the hands of a dude. If Song Qingshu hadn't appeared today, she might still be chaste and insecure, and she would really have no face to live by then.

Seeing her sulking her lips, Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "By the way, you just came from Yanjing. You should be very clear about the recent situation. What happened to Jinsheying after my accident?"

This is what he is most worried about. Li Kexiu, an old fox, will never let go of the golden snake camp's great opportunity. There are eight. Jiu will take the opportunity to march north to seek the territory of Shandong. I don’t know if Qingqing and Ajiu can Hold on. 8

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