Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1175: The old man and the bright girl

The couple chatted openly and openly along the way, only to feel that the faint gap between the two had completely disappeared, and Zhou Zhiruo's always cold face also showed a real smile. Please search to see the most complete! 'S novel

Because he had been out for too long, after sending Zhou Zhiruo back to Hongxiuyuan, Song Qingshu hurried to Jia's house.

Looking at his leaving back, Zhou Zhiruo suddenly thought of the overbearing woman in the Forbidden City, she couldn't help having a headache, she was really a strong enemy. Dongfang Muxue has Lan Fenghuang Qu Feiyan to help, and Ah Jiu has Xia Qingqing to help. In the future, she really won't have any advantage in fighting.

Thinking of Ah Jiu Xia Qingqing's friendship, Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help feeling jealous, wondering how could she find such a close sister? Speaking of which, Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing were also rivals in the same situation back then, but they did not expect to be as good as one person now.

Zhou Zhiruo began to think about who among the many beauties around her husband might become her close comrade-in-arms. I don’t know why, Zhao Min’s name suddenly popped out, and her expression became extremely weird in an instant. She hurriedly took a sip: "Bah. Bah, why did you think of her?" Now she lost interest in a moment and thought about something, and returned to the room with a cold face.

Song Qingshu changed Jia Baoyu's face and rushed back to Jia's house. He found that the maidservant Xiren was still asleep, and could not help but sighed in secret. Then he lay down on the bed in peace, thinking about how to do it. I returned to the Golden Snake Camp for rescue without being discovered by the people in Jia's house. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of any way after thinking about it. In addition, I was too tired from working all night and fell asleep unconsciously.

As the sun rises, Song Qingshu on the bed opens his eyes with emotion, and sees Xiren standing beside the bed with a smile.

"The son is awake?" As Xiren said, he planned to help Song Qingshu get dressed.

"No need, I'll do it myself." Song Qingshu knew that she was always careful and worried that she would notice that her physical characteristics were different from Jia Baoyu, so how could she dare to let her dress herself.

Hearing his words, Xiren showed a hint of confusion, but soon returned to normal: "The hot water is ready, I will bring it right away."

When Song Qingshu was washing her face, she deliberately blocked Xieren’s vision, worried about the mask on his face, but wiped it with a towel on his face. Unexpectedly, Xieren suddenly opened his mouth and said: "How do I feel that the son seems to have changed himself this time. Similar."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and he asked in a deep voice, "Why do you feel that way?" Originally, he could save a lot of trouble by using Soul Transfer ** against Xiren, but there are many masters in Jia's mansion, especially Jia Sidao. , He was worried that someone would see the strangeness of the attack, so he hesitated to do so.

"The son is not so cold before, every time he gets up... he has to hold the maid's cheek and bite a few mouthfuls of rouge to be comfortable." Xiren said with a blushing face.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but sweat, and the rumors were true. This Jia Baoyu really grew up in the powder pile.

After a few casual words, Song Qingshu was about to go out. I know so many acquaintances in Jia's mansion. I am afraid that the flaws will be seen soon after staying. Who knows that the attacker turned pale when he heard him say that he was going out. "It's absolutely impossible. The master sent a message specifically, saying that you are not allowed to go out during this period. If you go out, it will be strange for us maids not to be beaten to death."

Song Qingshu suddenly had a headache, and then he remembered that Jia Sidao had said something similar to him last night, mainly about who the assassin's mastermind was before, and he hadn't checked it out yet. He was worried about what danger he might encounter when he went out.

But at the thought of staying in the garden to deal with a lot of women who are acquainted with Jia Baoyu, Song Qing's head is bigger, but he can't force it out. For one thing, there is too much movement, and secondly, it hurts a group of innocent maids. Can't bear it.

When I didn't know what to do, suddenly a man's voice came from the entrance of the garden: "Baoyu, Baoyu, my brother will take you out and have a go!"

The man's voice was very loud and his tone was very rude. The maids in the room were all taken aback. Even the attacker couldn't help but curl his lips and muttered in a low voice: "The Overlord is here."

"Stupid Overlord?" The assault voice might not be audible even if she was beside her, but Song Qingshu was so cultivated now that even the sound of mosquitoes landing could not escape his ears.

Song Qingshu is not familiar with Dream of Red Mansions, but he vaguely remembers such a distinctive character, Xue Pan, Xue Baochai's brother. Because of the loss of his father when he was young, and the widow mother indulged in doting, he had to fight **** and go horseback all day long. Although I have gone to school, I know a few words. But what he is most famous for is that Liu Xianglian, the "Leng Langjun" who is greedy for others, is handsome, and has evil thoughts of him. As a result, Liu Xianglian's name is feminine, but it is a real man.

While thinking about it, the person had already walked in, and as soon as he came in, he took Song Qingshu and walked out: "Go, there is a game outside, you are left alone."

Song Qingshu looked over and saw him with handsome eyebrows and starry eyes, but he was handsome in appearance. This was also expected. After all, as Xue Baochai's brother, how bad his appearance would be. But for some reason, there was a hint of wretched and hooligan air all over him, and he was really blinded by this good skin.

The attacker on the side was anxious, and went up to hold Song Qingshu: "Master Xue, the master has issued a strict order not to allow him to go out, don't you make us embarrassed?"

Xue Pan's eyes turned around on Xingren, and she couldn't help but shrink back when she saw that she smiled and said, "Hey, what's the matter with me, don't worry, I have already told my aunt. Her old man has agreed."

Xue Pan Xue Baochai's mother and Jia Baoyu's mother are sisters, both from the Linchuan king's family, and his brother is the commander of the current palace, Wang Ziteng, so Xue Pan called Jia Baoyu's mother and aunt.

Song Qingshu was secretly overjoyed, Zhengshou couldn't find a chance to go out. Now the dull overlord came to the door, no matter if he said it was true or false, he immediately acquainted himself with him and went out outside the house, leaving behind the attacker. There was a person staring.

In fact, it was Song Qingshu who blamed the other party. Xue Pan did ask Mrs. Wang for instructions, and Mrs. Wang did agree, because all the people at the gathering were the sons of top officials. She also wanted Jia Baoyu to be acquainted with the group of people. There are benefits.

After coming out of Jia's mansion, Song Qingshu was thinking about finding a chance to get rid of Xue Pan. Who knew that a group of people had been waiting outside. Seeing them coming out, the two leading people greeted him: "Brother Jia, Brother Xue."

Song Qingshu looked up and saw that one of them was extraordinary heroic, and the other was male and female. He was so handsome and unpretentious. Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue. If he hadn't seen him as a man at a glance, he might have thought that the man in front of him was a female. Disguised as a man.

He didn't know each other and was worried about revealing his flaws, so he just followed the words of a few people. Fortunately, Song Qingshu had already learned a lot of skill in dealing with each other, and the group of people walked and talked, and soon he figured out the identities of the two.

The extraordinary heroic man was named Feng Ziying, the son of Shenwu General Feng Tang, who was the commander of Pengri and Tianwu Sixiang at the time of Feng Tang, and was the real power figure in the front of the palace.

The male and female prime minister's name is Liu Xianglian, the one who beat Xue Pan to death in the original work of A Dream of Red Mansions. His father is the supervisory Yushi Liu Chengda. The Southern Song Dynasty Supervisor System is divided into three parts: Taiyuan, Palace, and Procuratorate. Liu Chengda is the chief of the procuratorate.

Although Liu Xianglian was born feminine and came from a family of civil servants, he liked to dance swords and swords since he was a child, so he has always been close to the children of military generals in the capital.

From Song Qingshu's eyes, I have to admit that Liu Xianglian is not bad at martial arts, at least there is no problem in walking the rivers and lakes.

"Jia Sidao's power is really huge." Song Qingshu thoughtfully, of course he would not be naive to think that these young people are just like-minded people walking together, and it must be the elders of their respective families who are in the same camp to allow them. Come and go.

Jia Baoyu's father is the Secret Envoy, Xue Pan's father Xue Ji is involved in political affairs, Feng Ziying's father is a general, and Liu Xianglian's father is a supervisory official. There are people in the military, political, and supervisory systems...

"I booked a banquet in the outer building, and we went there to drink and chat." Feng Ziying laughed loudly, and dragged a few people to the outer building.

At this time, somewhere in Lin'an city, a bright and moving girl looked around the bustling city and couldn't help but sigh: "Lin'an city is more prosperous than the most prosperous city in the Kingdom of Jin."

A burly old man with a tall nose and a deep nose jumped his eyelids and couldn't help but said, "Auntie, grandma, Song people hate the golden people so much. If you open your mouth and shut your mouth, it will be Jin Guo, and be careful to cause trouble to your upper body."

The Mingyan girl curled her lips: "What is there to be afraid of? Song people are weak and incompetent sheep. Give them ten courage and dare not move me."

The tall old man chuckled and said, "Yue Fei is also from the Song Dynasty. Didn't it make you cry and cry back then?"

The Mingyan girl was speechless for a while, and snorted after a long time: "In the past, Xiang Yu had a Fan Zeng and didn't need to squat himself for the last time. Now Song people have Yue Fei without self-destructing the Great Wall. This proves the incompetence of the Song people. Sooner or later, this great country will be ours. Daikin’s."

The tall old man twitched his cheeks, and said dejectedly: "You girl is heartless, and the boy Song Qingshu is unsure of his life or death. Why do you feel that you are not in a hurry?"

The Mingyan girl smiled and said, "Because I believe him, he is so smart and so capable, he will surely be able to turn good luck."

The tall old man looked worried: "I am not as optimistic as you. Even I am not sure whether the poison of Jinbo Xunhua can be resolved."

The Ming Yan girl showed an unexpected look: "Can't even solve the dignified western poison?"

The tall old man proudly said: "There is no poison in this world that an old man can't solve, but I only hear the name of this Jinbo Xunhua, and I need to see it with my own eyes to make a correct judgment... In this way, I will check the news first. The outer building on the edge of the West Lake is waiting for me." After speaking, the white shadow flashed, and suddenly disappeared.

The bright and beautiful girl secretly smacked her tongue: "Western poison is really unfathomable." Soon there was a worrisome expression on her face: "The surname is Song, don't you really have an accident, my mother and I can live this life. Counting on you."


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